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User ID: 75



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User ID: 75

as long as arguments of the opposite side are somewhat weak

Oh blow me.

So it somehow should prove that there's no situations when there is perceived unfairness?

No, it's to demonstrate that misfortune doesn't need a culprit. This is something that Marxists have a lot of trouble on because outside of monopolies, which everyone opposes, their models for why the rich are at fault for the condition of the poor are incredibly weak.

The horribly unjust universe has much more distant effect on the death of your son than the fat general who stole the money on his equipment.

Is this some reference I should be getting? The death of any random poor person is almost always most proximately caused by some other random poor person and not the elites.

Can you try to steelman your opponents position first in your mind and THEN argue against it?

You've given me very little to work with. So far you haven't even formed arguments, just made vague statements and refused to engage in points. As a rule I don't try to form entire positions for people who haven't started formulating their own position especially regarding leftists because from what you've said I don't even know if you're arguing in favor of libertarian or authoritarian formulations of leftism and both of those take radically different tacts and require radically different arguments.

We've had a decade of widespread attacks on freedom of speech, including popular public repudiation of the concept's core validity.

And before that your faction was the defectors from my perspective, do not claim this high ground, you've not paid the cost when it was dear. You being the conservatives it's not important to me whether you, @FCfromSSC were one of those principled libertarians. It's enough that you'd oppose us now on the side of those who opposed us then.

If you are willing to accept one side censoring

I am not.

If you want to argue that we should cooperate to secure free speech for everyone, I note that I am part of "everyone", and eagerly await the lifting of the censorship against myself and my allies.

Ground has been reclaimed. We feast wantonly in the valley of twitter. How much of a mistake it would have been to give control to twitter over to the bureaucrats in order to spite the social justice crowd only for them to cement control forever through the deep state.

If you want to help the people censoring me to not be censored in turn, with no actual plan for ending their own censorship, I am going to oppose you, because this is a conflict and you appear to have picked a side.

If it must be so, but should my side lost the ratchet will turn and it will be your own doing.

Except, of course, they don't need to convince you it's reasonable, they just have to have convinced EEOC bureaucrats, judges, DEI departments, and so on, and they'll force it on everybody whether you agree or not.

This is all technicality. We still live in a democracy, these people serve at our collective pleasure. All sorts of things have been the law carried out as written, been unjust and overthrown. Step one is to defeat the idea in the public arena, the rest follows.

This combined with an easy excuse to find the outgroup dishonorable allows you quite a convenient relationship with when you are bound by honor.

Us talking. To be clear I don't think it's true that our democracy is a sham, but that's a very large subject and if it's the difference of our beliefs I don't currently have the time or interest to crack it open. For the most part it seems to me like the electorate gets what a large majority wants and is willing to loudly hinge their votes on. If the demand and anger was there to destroy the equal outcome status quo then it would fall.

These were not the tactics used in the mid 70s, this is an extremely new phenomenon.

Yes, a left handed person and right handed person cannot possible experience the other's qualia directly. But yes after trying both methods of writing they can without much consequence choose a preference. If we're bringing this back to gender than I've already conceded the ground that people can decide that they prefer to be flush with estrogen or testosterone as they see fit, I have no qualms with this so long as it brooks no costs or at least trivial costs on broader society. What I object to are the claims that this is anything but a recreation.

There is a version of liberal freedom of form that you espouse that seems something I could coexist with but it feels like two liberals in mao's China discussing whether a public option is communist just before the liberation army breaks down the door and puts a bullet in both our heads. We're barely even discussing the same subject as the trans advocates.

But there was some rich gay dude who would save 'em if you married the guy.

Hold up, you're significantly changing the situation by making it a homosexual relationship. I can have children by marrying a very ugly woman, I cannot have children by marrying an unpleasant man.

Active and widespread racial discrimination seems like a pretty popular theory.

If I reduced transness to desire to undertake hormone therapy with no justification needed or given with no further implications what percentage of the trans activist community(or trans community writ large) do you think would sign onto it? What percent do you think would call me a transphobe?

The real reason is that the universe is not a well crafted game where balance is carefully baked in. A boat sinks and two lifeboats drift separate ways, each crashing on deserted islands. One is lush and the other barren, which party is responsible for the disparity? who should be punished for it? Wealth and it's creation do not create poverty and practically no one, especially the rich, benefits from the existence of poor people.

I'm tempted to go point by point but am on mobile today so I'll be brief. There needs to be a way to describe the truth value of HBD without the baggage of the vile hateful racists and you describing the vile worldview with a portmanteau containing the word is not helpful. We cannot be this afraid of the truth. It's beneath us.

If the NYTs does do this at least someone should point them to https://www.vault.themotte.org/ it wouldn't take a journalist that long to get a feel for what the community values outside of picking some nuts in a community oriented around allowing nuts to cook.

They never didn't have rights. These tactics have done nothing to advance them.

I'm not convinced the repeated requests for the bare link repo aren't just the same three or so people repeatedly bringing up the same request. I'm indifferent to it's return.

Apparently the mods don't believe that low effort, low quality posts can prompt high effort, high quality responses despite ample evidence to the contrary.

I think it's a reasonable case of being concerned about moral hazard. If you let low quality posts because they can lead to high quality posts then you may find yourself with a flood of low quality posts so unworthy wading through that you scare away the high quality posts. There is an experiment on this, CWR.

And in their eyes sensible people should look at the reason why the unfairness happens

And they're obviously and trivially wrong about the source of the unfairness.

I think the argument makes sense when you considered like a choice offered to society. If in the 00s we were given a choice to preserve TV quality in amber but they'd steadily become cheaper to where they're $50 today or let the price stay relatively stable but the quality improve to where they are today with far larger and clearer screens and more features then I think most, but not all, people would probably pick the second option. So when there are complaints about how we didn't get the first option as well it kind of feels a little ungrateful for all the improvements we did get.

Then this conversation is pointless.

That sounds like the facts on the ground, but maybe the argumentation was particularly bad. If this was seriously a turning point moment for @hlynka I'd be interested in seeing the actual comments.

Maybe I just want to do things I actually enjoy? Never liked clubs of any sort least of all the stripper variant. And practically anything I'd want to do I'll be able to do in marriage as I've won the heart of someone who trusts me. The actual hard things to do in marriage, because I'm planning on kids(If all goes to plan one will be in the oven by 2025) is gong to be finding time with my friends who are now all over the US to spend a few days having no responsibility fun.

But then again I don't think you'd have to really worry about being dragged to my bachelor party.

Mildly, somewhat, eh. There's a pretty substantial step when you cross from someone who is the sex you're orientated towards into an entirely different sex that I think breaks the comparison. It should be plenty to get the point across that it's a particularly repulsive woman. Even just on the child rearing element it matters that the kid(s) would be biologically both of ours and raising them together creates a bond.

I propose a compromise of a trans man who is fully reproductively intact. And I think I wouldn't actually be resentful of this transman if they also took the relationship seriously. Even this version is kind of lacking because I think our perspective savior is likely to be willing to change some things about themselves at the savee's request which kind of interferes with the repulsiveness of a transman to your average man because the transman would at least make an effort to be more feminine to the preference of the savee.

That said I do find the whole mail order bride thing intuitively distasteful in a way I can't articulate well. Something about the transactional nature. Perhaps Disney has just too thoroughly colonized my mind.

One thing people might not know if they don't know gyms is that equinox clientele is pretty much relatively high income urbanites and the elderly who have a trainer for every workout. I was an equinox member for several years as it was the closest gym to my house. From what I can tell there are a couple different employee classes at equinox. There's staff that run the desk / sign in / sign up and trainers that are semi affiliated with the gym and if you express interest in a personal trainer during signup or through the app they recommend one to you. when you sign up they'd give you a certain number of free sessions as a pipeline for trainers to pitch to you. These sessions, in downtown Chicago, were something like $100 for an hour, x times/week. When I first signed up I expressed interest in a once a month check in to look at progress and form and the trainer seemed pretty uninterested in that kind of overhead to actual paid work ratio(fair enough) but I have a feeling the relationship here is more complicated than one might imagine if the trainers were straightforwardly staff.

You're the one including the premise in your argument, it's on you to prove this, not me to prove the negative.

What does a "civil liberty" mean to you?