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Become adorable and ungovernable

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joined 2022 September 05 20:13:08 UTC


User ID: 698


Become adorable and ungovernable

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 20:13:08 UTC


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User ID: 698

I feel the statement about us being already post-scarcity with regard to media will age like fine milk once generative AI shows us what post-scarcity really looks like. And unlike with more traditional post-scarcity, we won't need an AGI for this, instead just a scaling-up of things that already exist. It's already the case that the average person can generate far more in terms of text and images than just two years ago, from the privacy of their own computer (using GPT-Neo and Stable Diffusion, both of which work wonderfully on most modern gaming GPUs... with upgraded fidelity/speed if you have a 3090), and I expect this trend to continue into other realms like music and video.

This is beginning to sound like the makings of a good South Park episode.

The Dark Arts post (and others like it) covers this topic pretty well.

It's kinda hard to overstate just how much Reddit culture has changed in the past 10+ years. Prior to the summer of 2015, there were basically no subreddit bans, and /r/ShitRedditSays (the woke/feminist sneer sub) was just known as a few goons sniffing glue in the corner. Hell, in 2012 many defaults temporarily blacklisted all posts to Gawker after Gawker doxed the head moderator of most of the more unseemly NSFW subreddits (including creepshots and the then-recently-banned jailbait)... I highly doubt defaults would take that particular stance nowadays.

Also hey nice to see you here, hopefilly my values can be satisfied in the future.