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User ID: 1959



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User ID: 1959

Yes, this is a description of temporary withdrawal from the sensate material world in meditation, culminating in awakening. 'There is nothing further for this world' means that the goal of Buddhist practice has been reached, not that the practitioner intends to spend the rest of his life in some mental la-la land.

He wrote that immigration parable about Nazi aliens seeking asylum on Earth that led to a lot of handwringing in the comments and was apparently too much for Ken White.

I'd like to know if he's still around, too. He was pretty entertaining.

When confronted with a community that consists largely of men meeting up for sex while wearing animal costumes and is home to at least a few outspoken 'minor attracted persons' and animal enthusiasts, it seems reasonable to forego rigorous statistical analysis of exactly how likely one's children are to get raped and simply keep them away from furries instead.

It's a decision with virtually no costs and potentially large benefits, unlike the decision to avoid heart surgeons or Chinese people.

Look at her next to men. She only passes as a huge jacked guy in staged photos.


If making hobbyist spaces aggressively pro-gay is a reaction to past abuse, wouldn't the people most in favor of this be older gay men? In my experience, the people most invested in this stuff either aren't gay at all or if they are, their age and class background makes it very unlikely they ever got fired or beaten up for it.

A complex taxonomy of who is a woman in what situation satisfies no one and makes everyone's life more difficult. Society should either go full TWAW or stop playing pretend.

While there are many kinds of diversity that can be tolerated in a liberal environment, one that rejects the principle of liberalism itself is obviously logically incompatible with that environment.

What's the principle of liberalism? The only thing that comes to mind is the presumption of liberty, which broadly says that most of the time it is best to let people do what they want and that any coercion requires good reasons.

I don't think any group of any consequence in current Western politics rejects this presumption, they are just disagreeing what constitutes 'good reasons'.

TRAs thinking that sex and gender are not distinct would just confirm Helen Joice's claims.

TRAs rejecting sex segregation as bad faith bigotry while holding that sex is real and immutable is possible, I guess. But then I would expect more of them to say things like "Yes, I am undeniably, immutably male, and I am woman". That's very much a minority position among them, as far as I know.

According to Rolling Stone the bag belonged to a woman (but they don't say how obvious that was):


Las Vegas’ 8 News Now reported on Thursday that a felony warrant has been issued for Brinton regarding a second incident of stolen luggage, this time at Harry Reid International Airport. Brinton is wanted on charges of grand larceny for items with a value between $1,200 and $5,000.

According to the declaration of warrant, which was reviewed by Rolling Stone, the theft took place in July of this year. The case was initially closed as law enforcement failed to identify Brinton, who was captured on CCTV footage removing a woman’s luggage from baggage claim. Following news reports of the incident in Minneapolis, the detective assigned to the case recognized Brinton.

risk of being attacked by a mob of the usual advocates of "disability rights", "social justice", etc.

Getting an effective mob going doesn't seem easy, though. There are far more fat people than transgender people, but "fat acceptance" hasn't made many inroads while "trans rights" have expanded at a dizzying pace. A major reason for that seems to be aggressive lobbying by experienced, well-funded LGBT groups. It seems unlikely that similarly effective groups will emerge to support annoying teenagers with fake tics, DID larpers, etc.

The sutta you quote is a Mahayana one. When it talks about an "eternally abiding... essential body" that's most likely a reference to the Mahayana concept of Buddha Nature, which has nothing to do with individual disassociation.

Vipassana as commonly understood today is a practice associated with Theravada Buddhism, which doesn't believe in Bhudda nature.

I’m still not clear on how prevalent this view of sex is

Would TRAs be happy if we renamed women's sports female sports and proceeded to exclude transwomen from female sports?

In other bad news for Brinton, gay activists are starting to question his conversion therapy story:


Sure, all sorts of things have shaped sports as it exists today. But I think there's a really simple reason why women's sports exist and will continue to exist: women want to compete with each other on a relatively level playing field instead of getting literally and figuratively pummeled by men.

And sure, TRAs want policies that they think help trans people. But what one thinks helps trans people is tied to one's understanding of sex and gender. If one has a conventional understanding of sex as real, significant and immutable, then it is really easy to come to the conclusion that certain policies favoured by TRAs are disastrous for the public image of trans people because they make them look unreasonable and unfairly harm some "cis" people. Which suggests that the TRA view of sex/gender probably isn't the conventional view.

The presence of various outgroups and a mechanism to punish them provided them with a lightning rod for their free-floating anger and an incentive to band together. Now that they are among themselves, they have to turn on each other if they want a good fight.

KF has had an influx of TERF refugees some years ago. The tone of many trans threads has shifted from "Haha, look at this weirdo!" to wall-of-text rants about how this man in a bad wig is an insult to womanhood and a threat to bathrooms everywhere.

The trend has abated slightly after the site has been harder to reach for a while and Twitter has become more permissive, but calling KF "anti-trans" is somewhat justified.

trans activists have already spent years being as maximally mean as possible to Kiwi Farms

My favorite part of the KF saga is how poorly it is going for the deplatformers. They can't even get rid of one guy who doesn't have a lot of money and has been banned from virtually everything that matters. And that's despite fawning mainstream coverage and years of unprecedented behind-the-scenes efforts, all the way up to getting Tier 1 ISPs involved.

Almost could make one a bit more optimistic about the future of the Internet.

a full 35 or 40% of major Western authors from the beginning to the present day must have been gay

Probably exaggerated because for at least half a century now there has been an academic and critical cottage industry devoted to finding gay subtext in everything. And given literary criticism's lack of rigor, people tend to find exactly what they are looking for.

Isn't this just a case of individual decision makers having more to gain from impressing and staying on good terms with their peers than maximizing profits? Maybe that's not in the best interest of Amazon, but 'Amazon' doesn't make decisions.

the gay community doesn't care about such things or understand why anyone would

Gays aren't some isolated hunter-gatherer tribe. They understand the prevailing norms regarding public sexual behavior just fine. Without such an understanding, having sex in a Senate hearing room wouldn't even be appealing. It is only exciting because of its transgressive nature and the risks involved.

  • Trans and hentai are niche genres, so you have to specifically search for them to get the desired result. Searches for ordinary straight porn are scattered over dozens of less specific search terms.

  • Most porn is produced in Eastern Europe and the US, so white performers are the default. You'd only search for race if you want non-white.

  • User demographics are just a guess based on Google Analytics.