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Even if copyright in Canada hadn't gone from life plus 50 years to life plus 70, properties that are still valuable tend to use trademark law to keep derivative works from being made. Anne of Green Gables has been in the public domain for a while in Canada. You can download the books off Project Gutenberg with no problems, but if you want to make your Anne of Green Gables Meets Winnie The Pooh crossover comic, Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc. is going to come after you.

That seems like it might be Disney's strategy as well. Winnie The Pooh is public domain, but not the Disney cartoon. Disney's version has the red shirt, so if you want to make a horror version of Winnie The Pooh, he can't wear a red shirt.

my stereotype was that UK was basically European Canada on this

I just realized that former Governor General Julie Payette's staff abuse scandal was going on about the same time as this. Technically she was appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister's Office. Realistically, the GG is appointed by the PMO. It even sounds like the same kind of culture clash between ceremonial staff and an outsider who doesn't understand the power dynamics.

he/they/ille pronouns (that's a French neopronoun)

How is "ille" pronounced? My first thought would be to pronounce it the same as "il"

David Weber

The two big series he's written are a gender-swapped Horatio Hornblower in space and a transgender android overthrowing fundamentalist religious fanatics. You'd think he'd be swimming in feminist awards.

I remember seeing something about Twitter's R&D budget being over a billion dollars per year. The most recent source I can find says $1.5 billion for the year ending June 30, 2022. Their R&D budget has also grown a lot. I guess an edit button for paid users costs a lot.

The way I think of it is every country needs someone to do ceremonial bullshit. In Commonwealth countries, that's the Queen (now King) or appointed representative. In the US, it often ends up being the president. But the president also has political ties so the opposing party will complain about Obama or Trump shaking the hand of a political enemy. The president of the US has a dual role where they're both the embodiment of the people as well as the political enemy of about half the country.

The royal family serves the role of embodiment of the people while also trying to be above politics.