@deadpantroglodytes's banner p




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joined 2022 September 05 13:29:17 UTC


User ID: 568



0 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 13:29:17 UTC


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User ID: 568

Yes, something along those lines:

I guess the idea is the exchange might object to Pornhub but not the third party?

When big money's at stake, plausible deniability is usually all that's needed to keep things moving.

It seems quite easy to interpose a cut-out for crypto-to-fiat conversion, so that your only real exposure is to tax authorities. The only challenge is ensure there are enough socially acceptable crypto use cases that you don't draw too much attention.

In short, it doesn't require you to think that competence or effort are fake. It requires you to believe that discrimination is real.

This is not credibile. If it were true, I would expect progressives to participate in efforts to measure skill, qualifications, and merit. In fact, despite the many difficulties of doing so (Good heart's law, etc ), the urgency should inspire tireless ingenious effort to that end. Instead, everywhere I look, the opposite is true: progressives direct their energy towards frustrating the project of improving meritocracy, often enough ridiculing the goal itself.

The historical treatment of black Americans is a stain on our country and the progress we've made combatting discrimination fills me with pride. The job is not complete, but is close.