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User ID: 640



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User ID: 640

In the past the right was gung-ho for fighting Communism, but the Communists secretly won and are now pulling the strings.

To be clear, are you saying this is how the right sees it, or are you actually asserting this? Because if you are saying the latter, I'll ask you to substantiate this argument.

The answer is, β€œIt would be cool, and there are maybe some moderate cognitive benefits. We think. Mostly it would be cool.”

The cognitive benefits of knowing 2 languages is probably in the bottom 5% of reasons given to learn a language.

Can you define "permanent revolution" for me? Because I think you and the people in question have very different understandings of what those are.

Secondly, they're not creating a generation of rebels. They only become rebels insofar as the current system is undesirable. Progressives do not raise children with the terminal goal of fighting without respect to what is being fought for. Their terminal values are things that, if implemented, they would 100% not tolerate deviation from.

Finnish isn't a religion that predates the Western civilization.

The idea marxists have - that by being extremely critical and active against injustices you feel exist in the world you can usher in a better world. That criticism while having no clear idea or plan on what to do is still the right thing to do. etc.

This is completely at odds with Marxist usage of that term. It does not, despite it's name, work as a transhistorical concept. The entire idea is that socialists and communists need to ensure they don't get corrupted and complacent by working with democratic institutions and allying themselves with less radical political parties. It refers to a practice that was in place in the 19th and first half of the 20th century and doesn't work once you get into the 1960s and even less so with the collapse of international socialism/communism as a serious force.

You're free to define terms how you want. But the people who you claim use it that way would disagree.

That's the beauty of it. Adolescent rebellion along with the right memes is enough.

Literally every society ever has dealt with adolescent rebellion.

Hasn't it worked out ? Didn't Marcuse get a heart attack confronting radical left students? Aren't the radical leftists who so infuriated Marcuse now entrenched in academia and being replaced by far more progressives ? Etc..

This only supports my point and contradicts yours. The people in question have a clear understanding about what their utopia is. Go ask any progressive, Marxist, etc. and they will tell you that their system is moral, meaning that they do not tolerate deviation from it.

Do not conflate long-term rebellion with the idea that they are rebels first and ideological second.

They have a mess of vague, contradictory beliefs and values.

No more than anyone else.

Who stopped?

Let's get more specific - when you say rebellion, are we talking about the general "fuck you" attitude teenagers have to what adults tell them, or are we specifically talking about progressive youth activism?

In a stunning upset, Jeb! won both the Democratic and Republican nominations simultaneously.

Okay. So where's the proof that non-Western cultures aren't largely having to roll over to the demands of their youth as they temporally displace the citizenry?

Hmm, fair enough.

but I genuinely don't think I'm hurting anyone by saying to my wife, "ya know, I bet the belligerent vagrant was on meth or something".

This seems like a personal virtue that is, in practice, supererogatory - you have no power, so your snap judgment does nothing. But it would be better if you didn't since it would emulate the thinking we praise in those who have power.

Sure. The question is still how prevalent Chu's view is among trans activists.

Hitler dominates the cultural education people are provided. He is the ultimate devil, the most evil being to have existed to many. Asking why people care about one figure instead of another presumes that they care at all in the first place.

Thanks for sharing. But I'm nearly as tired of Holocaust-themed morality plays as I am of the Civil Rights Era-flavored ones. Has anyone under age 70 not been bludgeoned through their entire lives with "Prejudice is bad!" and "The banality of evil!" and "Never again!" etc?

You mistake the process of cultural moral education as an attempt at saying something novel. If I tell a young boy to not throw trash on the street every day, it is no flaw for my lesson to be repititive.

Hitler, for the foreesable future, remains an important figure in the West's cultural history - he is the ultimate evil who must be known so that he and his followers can be rejected. Likewise with the Civil Rights Movement - it represents an important step in moral progress, so it is taught to people.

These films should be recognized for what they are - an attempt at recreating our ancestors' feelings about these things in ourselves or our descendants.

Anyway, I don't necessarily disagree, but the more often the lesson is repeated, the more glaring are the cases of evil we don't teach about.

If you don't teach it, you either don't consider it immoral or it's simply not relevant to you.

And even then, I only really countenance steelmanning in ossified forums like this one, and never in real life; because at that point you're just handing your enemies better arguments.

Why would that matter?

Let's say you give them a convincing argument for X and they use it. If it's so good that people are convinced, then doesn't that imply it was actually valid?

That's true. Books and films on these topics makes instruments of Leftist moral education.

No, status quo education. Hating Hitler as the ultimate evil, supporting the CRM, all of these are now the status quo. Even conservatives (not the radical ones) are not lukewarm on Hitler.

I am assuming that argument A2 is better in all regards than A1. So for people to believe A2 is still to believe a more valid argument. But I agree that both can ultimately be wrong.

If instead I hand them stronger argument Y2, and then argue X1 against it, they might not concede.

Why wouldn't you argue X2 against Y2?

No, not my point.

Suppose you refute Y1, then steelman and give them Y2. What stops you from also mentioning "Oh, by the way, Y2 is also false for the following reasons"?

Well, we don't have argument Y3 yet, so...

It was, in fact, founded as an ethnostate, exactly the same way that Sweden was. The men who founded the country said so at the time, and the history of the demography of the country supports that reading.

Where was this?

No, I mean where is the proof that the people founding America intended it as an ethnostate?

Okay. But that is one person, is this a more widely held opinion?