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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


User ID: 105



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


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User ID: 105

I have a non technical employee who I have taught some basic linux skills so that he can help me with some of my work. He likes it and is interested in learning more but I don’t really have the time to work with him.

I want to get my company to pay for some sort of certification course for him so that he can develop a little more. Does anyone know if there are any Linux certification programs where the credential is both useful (and where the course is also beneficial)?

I think the “asking civilians to leave a combat area” is doing a lot of work when the whole territory (minus Rafa for now) is being reported as being a combat zone.

Me to, it’s a ridiculous sum of money, especially when considered in the context of our previous spending

Thanks I’ll look into it. Its value to the company is that I may be able to give this employee some of my basic tasks, giving me more time to do harder things. As for his resume, we are a government contractor and management still cares about credentials/certs so it might benefit him.