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joined 2022 September 21 23:13:44 UTC


User ID: 1307



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User ID: 1307

I disagree. I think people would respond negatively to overly-repetitive topics to the degree warranted, regardless of the username posted in the corner above it.

Agreed. I'm not sure I have the writing skills to make a top-level post, but if I did, I'd be lucky to have even a single issue on which I was both articulate and interesting enough to make multiple posts on the topic. I guess that would make me a single issue poster (which there is no discernible rule against).

I'm also highly antipathetic toward governance/justice/moderation being levied based on identity. Judgment, in this and in every case, should be on the merits of the argument, not because of who posted it. Either the ball was in bounds or out of bounds; making that call shouldn't depend on whether Tom Brady or Todd Marinovich threw it. If it does, then we're playing a rigged sport here.

Sagrada Familia, hands down. Maybe my favorite manmade work, period.