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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:20 UTC


User ID: 625



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:20 UTC


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User ID: 625

Fair enough. But towns like Edison NJ, Redmond WA, Sunnyvale CA & Fremont CA sit on a whole another tier. (afaik)

nice place with good schools

The schools are good because the people are rich and the residents are hard working. If the schools are to stay good, it makes sense that newest generation of rich and hard working people are moving in.

good schools is 10x in prices

Nimbyism strikes again. Enough place for everyone, but SFHs screw everyone over. Especially true in places like OC and SD, where the populations could 5x without space being an issue.

I understand your concern, but look at it in context.

infested with Indian and Chinese tech workers

I said that

Indian or Chinese, bay-area tech workers

and I am one of them (though I wanna leave the bay area asap)

It is a phrasing we use among ourselves all the time. It is easy to be self-deprecating when you're making bank.

this seems to be a place where it's ok to call an immigrant group an infestation

Yes, I can call my own group of people whatever I want. I was being edgy, sure. But, you're making quite the leap, going from 1 mis-used word to accusations of chattel-slavery era racism.

Strongly believe Lee Quan Yew had general purpose intelligence that matched an average nobel/turing/fields medalist. His son (Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore PM from 2004-2024) was the undisputed top student at Cambridge Math. In another life, he would have been the favorite to win one of those prizes. Assuming an apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, Lee Quan Yew was likely to be in the same ballpark.

Those are some near impossible standards on IQ alone. Take Lee Kuan's GOATed public speaking and it's actually impossible.

The new guy has a standard college education, with a standard beaurocratic career. Reminds me of when cofounders retire and hand their company over to a caretaker MBA. I'm sure he is competent enough to execute. But, I doubt if he is competent+charismatic enough to innovate in the face of inevitable crises.

Gah, I knew I should not have used that phrase. I even paused for a good 10 seconds before choosing that word. All the others were no better (run over, taken over).

Yes, I am indeed implying that these filthy 1st gen Indian immigrants are coming to the bay area, taking tech job, stealing our american women and making good money. (sweats profusely).

I made a demonstrative wojak. You're welcome.

I'm guessing this is South Bay or thereabouts. The Dumbarton bridge marks the beginning of Asian (south and east) tech town. Indians and Chinese tech workers are eating up the area from Palo Alto to San Jose back up tp Fremont. But that is silicon valley proper, so it's hardly surprising.

The rest of California and the Bay Area is not infested with Indian and Chinese tech workers taking over.

Exactly zero.

The current AI work was inspired by nerds who loved imaging, linguistics, math and gpus.