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joined 2023 March 08 22:43:22 UTC


User ID: 2247



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 08 22:43:22 UTC


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User ID: 2247

I'm losing my hair. Given my family history I've expected it, but it's still had a larger effect on my confidence than I thought it would. What are my options? It's hard to know how much to trust all of the supposed treatments.

People who only use Minoxidil usually see a temporary improvement in hair thickness, but because it doesn't address the root cause of thinning they keep losing hair. Think of it as a multiplier for the number of living follicles left on your head.

I've been taking it daily for three years now, and I haven't noticed a slowdown (on the bright side, I didn't experience any side effects). I'll look into dutasteride, thanks.