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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:25 UTC


User ID: 106



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User ID: 106

They're rolling out server side ads now so it's going to get much harder to block. Brave still works for me but the android client I was using broke.

Oops, no watched the video again and realized it was a two handled pot, I'll have to try with that type. Seems like it wouldn't be too hard with both hands, but maybe I'm not picturing it right.

I was curious so I took a pot of out into my back yard gently flung the water towards a tree. She could easily have doused the guy from that range. I wasn't even trying and threw it further than that.

I assume law enforcement had his name within 5 minutes of the shooting, that gets you their social media and then somebody from the FBI calls their friend at CNN or the NYT or whatever and we get an "according to an anonymous source familiar with the matter..." article.

I think if it was any variety of right wing or Christian we would have heard by now.

Your eyeballs are some of the most insidious sources of misinformation out there. Best stick to official sources.

Why is black people voting tribally a bad thing for them? It's won them enormous concessions: preferential hiring and college acceptance, welfare, priority over white people in healthcare, reserved spots on the Supreme Court and in the Whitehouse and the list goes on.

I wish more places supported Yubikeys. I wouldn't mind the hassle for important stuff like bank accounts, brokerage etc, but none of the big ones support it or they have terrible implementations. For example Vanguard lets you set up a Yubikey but also lets you click a button saying that you lost it and they will send you a text as a backup, which defeats the whole purpose of having one. You'd think banks would be on top of this because fraud hurts their bottom line but I guess they just move slowly.

One thing I've seen people recommend for places that require a phone number for 2FA is to use your Google Voice number, and protect your Google account with a Yubikey.

They can and do. That's a ubiquitous feature of a multiracial democracy. If you choose not to play you don't shame the other side into changing, you just lose by default.

RFK is a wild card. He's polling near 10% which is larger than Trump's margin in most swing states. Are people really going to vote for him on election day though? And if not, which way do they break?

Anyway even without that I think Biden's chances are bad but a lot could happen between now and November. He could do better in the second debate, Trump might have another scandal or end up in prison, or turnout could be low and ballot harvesting pushes him over the top.

Student loans for an English degree, welcoming refugees and then getting assaulted by them and the Tinder profiles of girl bosses in their late 30s who want kids "someday" are all popular topics for mockery on the right.

Newpipe is great but recently I switched to tubular which is a fork with sponsor block built in. RiMusic is nice of you want more of a music player experience with playlists, radio stations, albums etc

RiMusic is really good if you're on Android.

When those protestors broke in during the questioning and started shouting everyone down it looked an awful lot like they were corruptly obstructing or impeding an official proceeding.

Surrealist painters in absolute shambles right now

Over a dozen democratic governors have convinced Joe Biden to take a medical test (undoubtedly a cognitive test) to see if he can continue as a candidate.

Maybe they did but the article doesn't seem to say that.

President Joe Biden on Wednesday evening told more than 20 Democratic governors in a private meeting that he underwent a medical checkup after last week’s debate and is fine, according to three people with knowledge of the discussion.


Biden’s remark, according to a person familiar with the president’s schedule, was in reference to a short checkup by a White House physician in the days following the debate due to lingering symptoms from his cold. The exam, that person added, was brief and did not include any major tests.

It sounds like he had a medical test anyway and then told the governors about it after the fact. I don't see anything indicating that the governors told him to do it.

I mean why would Biden agree to debate early if a foreseeable consequence was that he would be couped.

Why would Biden go along with that?

A ton of people I know have been laid off lately, and not just in tech. I have younger relatives graduating from college and it's taking them a long time to find anything. I don't remember anything like this since 2008-2009. Does this match up with what other people are seeing?

Took me a second

Imo they get played up in fiction because it's more exciting if the good guys might lose, so people get the impression that it was an evenly matched fight even though it wasn't.

I didn't get the impression that ideology mattered all that much to the Nazis. Their goal was to make Germany strong and big. If that meant allying with the Poles and calling them Aryans then fine, if it meant invading Poland and killing a fifth of the country that was also fine. The goal of expanding Eastward and settling the steppes with Germans predates the Nazis though.

I'm not familiar with him, what do you mean by counter-culture?

I'm so happy I finally convinced my wife to let me cancel Netflix. There are so many shows targeted at women and most of them portray all men as malicious, incompetent, sexist pigs. It was just something that was never on my radar before, but the effects of millions of women binge watching that garbage for hours a day cannot be good. Now we have a Plex server with 7th Heaven and Friends on it, much more pleasant to be around.

Well one big difference is that Trump is doing 1-2 rallies per week where he talks off the cuff. It gets less scrutiny because it's such an informal tone. Biden has been more reclusive and mostly sticks to reading prepared speeches. The fact that he struggles even with those modest challenges does not look great. Also Biden's gaffes tend more towards complete incoherence than just telling a rambling story.

I think Trump has declined noticeably since 2016 but less so than Biden.

One thing that struck me from reading that was:

when Biden makes a gaffe—mixing up a name or a date

Does he seriously believe that Biden's gaffes are restricted to occasionally making a minor factual error? Does he think that anyone reading this believe that? It's like he has to crimestop his own mind from thinking that Biden might have a flaw. He's afraid to acknowledge it, even as part of a rebuttal, because it could persuade those crucial five Pennsylvania residents who will swing the election.