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User ID: 106



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User ID: 106

Is it just that they have more parties? If 22% of young people support AFD then presumably 78% of them support more left wing parties.

Did they spend a lot of time executing peasants for no reason? From everything I've read the complaints focussed on taxes, tithes and feudal dues. Louis XVI was barely even using letters de chachet to lock people up when the revolution happened, much less summary executions afaik.

I'm not saying you should necessarily, but if the plan is "accept X Slavic refugees to help beat Russia" then it's more effective if they're Russians instead of Ukrainians.

At the beginning of the conflict western countries accepted Ukrainian refugees on very generous terms but did not accept men fleeing the draft from Russia. Morally this feels right but practically it's completely backwards. If you want Ukraine to win you should only accept their children and old people. You should bribe able bodied Russian men between 18 and 30 to seek asylum which would deprive Russia of both soldiers and workers.

I thought it depended on the place and time. The sugar producing colonies in the Caribbean were extremely profitable for example. And the Spanish got literal boatloads of silver out of their South and Central American colonies.But then you get into the scramble for Africa in the 19th century and a lot of those were prestige projects that never made any money for the mother country, with the Italians in Abyssinia being the the most egregious example.

The tests weren't made public to protect trade secrets of the testing company unfortunately so I'm not sure.

I agree it might seem silly but I don't think that it would be racist or that you should get a $2 million pay out like in this case.

But you don't know whether you can prove it or not until you end up in front of a judge. That's got to have some sort of chilling effect.

The other famous case recently was teachers in NYC schools. They proved that the test was fine to one judge and then lost on appeal and had to shell out $2 billion. So it's a pretty arbitrary standard that can go either way depending on the judge.

Unfortunately I think she's not likely to pick up on your message and if she does it might just annoy her. And it might make you resentful if you're doing all this work and she's not getting the message and keeps putting on weight. As tough as it will be I think the only thing that has a chance of working is if you find some way to make your feelings clear to her. Maybe suggest couples counseling? Many women put a lot of stock in therapists so bringing it up in a quasi medical setting might take the sting out.

That said it can never hurt to look good.

Me too. Those two categories combined make up about 15% of federal spending. I could live without the rest of it.

If we reduced all federal taxes to 0% we could fund the roads and military with debt and cancel everything else. That would reduce the budget deficit by about 2/3.

His two levers are to offer more aid or threaten to cut off aid. Both of those are a lot less severe than being invaded if Ukraine really wanted to end the war.

What could Boris Johnson have possibly threatened Ukraine with that's worse than what the Russians are already doing? Is he going to nuke Kiev if they surrender?

I'm not knowledgeable enough about Bush to say, but since every republican since has lost Hispanics by an even bigger margin then it at least hasn't been disproven that moving left on immigration would help Republicans. The way to do that would be to have another Republican candidate to the right of Bush who does even better. I think you're right that it wouldn't help much but that's conjecture.

If the absolute best case, once in a generation achievement for republicans is to lose Hispanics by 12 points (Bush), and the normal outcome is to lose them by 20+ points then it seems like the "Tea Party stalwarts and crypto WNs" were proven right that demographics doom republicans to be a permanent minority party.

That article confused me. It feels like it was written from an alternate reality.

The GOP establishment argued in its famous “postmortem” that Republicans could never win enough Hispanics to triumph nationally unless they moderated on immigration, while Tea Party stalwarts and crypto-WNs claimed Latinos would never be conservative, and would just flood the country like Orcs voting for more handouts at the expense of the beleaguered white middle class, who wouldn’t have the numbers to electorally defend themselves. 10 years later it seems all of these factions were comically wrong in their predictions.

No they weren't. Biden won the Hispanic vote by 20+ points as did Clinton.

He's being really smug about this even though he was factually wrong and anyone can easily check it in seconds.

Nobody really knows what those societies were like since they predate writing. Our best guesses come from the handful of remaining hunter gatherer tribes which are all, by definition, extremely unusual in not having settled down or been wiped out.

All of those positions predate global warming as a salient issue. The Population Bomb was written in 1968. Orwell complained about vegetarians taking over socialism in the 1940s. Sociologists have been slagging car centered suburbs since they were built after WW2.

in fact, these are prone to being vilified by far left activists for being insufficiently radical

Right, because the activists (the people who matter) have more important goals than cutting emissions.

Historically women did not act as gatekeepers. Marriages we're arranged by the parents either directly or by making sure that your daughter only ever came in contact (socially) with acceptable matches.

Make land acknowledgments legally binding. Microsoft says their campus is built on rightfully Suquamish land? Shame on you Microsoft! The county recorder has transferred the title to their tribal elders, please have all of your furniture out by end of day.

It's more than a little suspicious to me that every solution to climate change is something the left already wanted to do for other, unrelated reasons. What a coincidence that to fight climate change we have to become vegetarians, have fewer kids, demolish the suburbs, redistribute wealth to minorities and abolish capitalism.

There are at least 6 million refugees and the overwhelming majority are women and children. Even if the fertility rate goes up there are going to be far fewer women of child bearing age left. Some will come back but that portion will only drop with time as they put down roots abroad and the situation in Ukraine deteriorates. I think Ukraine is screwed in the long run. The EU no longer has the economic vitality to build them up like they did Poland.

Do the data entry and call center jobs pay well?

Roman aqueducts combine elegance and practicality in a way that I really like. St Peter's Basilica is on the other end of the spectrum but easily the most awe inspiring thing I've ever seen.

About that.

Mills’ office said the goal is to figure out the best way to harness the economic potential of New Mainers and it has set a target of attracting 75,000 new workers by 2029.

Fifty years ago you would have all of western Europe, now you're saying it's just down to Iceland and Denmark. Running away to increasingly remote places every few years isn't a winning strategy.

Agent Burk again indicated that he needed air and said, “Call an ambulance, I’m asking for an ambulance.” However, when Officer Fihe told Agent Burk that they already had a medic coming, Agent Burk then said that he did not need a medic.

When you say you're sick so you can stay home from school but mom calls your bluff

She's majoring in Kinesiology according to LinkedIn. No idea if that's rigorous or not.

Dissident right