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User ID: 106



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User ID: 106

I don't understand why the third party apps are shutting down instead charging a subscription fee to cover the API costs.

The US provides Iron Dome funding on demand so it may as well be unlimited from Israel's perspective.

It's not hypocrisy to be in favor of supplying Israel but not Ukraine. I think our alliance with Israel is dumb and one-sided but we are actually allies in contrast to Ukraine where we don't really owe them anything.

It would take a long time to prepare for an invasion of Taiwan so unless they already have everything ready to go (and the CIA has completely dropped the ball and missed it) then I don't see how they would be able to do that before Israel squishes Hamas like a grape. Even if they managed to take Taiwan it's not like the US has to surrender because they captured the flag, they can just continue to blockade China from a distance indefinitely. It wouldn't be the first time somebody took the "Americans are too weak to accept casualties fighting in a distant war" gamble and historically that hasn't worked out well.

The US would suffer a massive recession if Chinese goods were suddenly cut off but oil wouldn't be a major problem. The US is already energy self-sufficient and China couldn't stop them from importing as much as they want from Mexico and the Middle East.

Yes, politically correct brigade pretends they are the same thing, but we don't have to accept their framing.

You don't have to accept their framing in the same way that a sovereign citizen doesn't have to accept the framing of a cop writing him a traffic ticket. If you don't want to go to prison (in many countries) or be fired from your job (in the US) then you do have to accept the common definition.

Who is that in the video?

I don't think they're that influential on American foreign policy. How many evangelicals did Biden or Obama have in their administration? How many people working in the state department are evangelicals? I would expect a country dominated by evangelicals to look a lot different than the US does now.

What Trump did is worse but it's not immediately obvious to me why we should draw the line at exactly what Trump did and not an inch less. If the point is that stealing is wrong then we usually don't let thieves walk free if they offer to return what they stole months later after being caught.

The faction that backs Israel is the one that has complete control of the government, military and big business. The Palestinian side has thrown a few protests and made some TikToks but it's not like they can ship over crates of missiles or billions in foreign aid like we do for Israel.

Happiness is a good thing it's just that other things may be important at any given time. It's not bad for a 35 year old man to be unemployed and living in his mom's basement because it makes him happy, it's bad because he's not fulfilling his responsibility to help support the household and he's missing the opportunity for the longer term and more fulfilling happiness he would get from building a life.

If a the sexual revolution made women shirk their responsibilities (to start a family) and it also made them less happy then that's double bad.

And sure--anti-white racism is real, and can be every bit as virulent and destructive on an individual level as any other kind of racism. So let's not be racist.

If other people are racist against me how does it help me to unilaterally stop being racist against them? We already tried the race blind thing and every group except white people kept relentlessly advocating for their racial interests. South Africa tried the same thing with identical results. No truce is possible because the other side will shoot you in the face the instant you lay down your gun.

I think a big reason that urbanism is getting so much attention since 2020 is that it brings suburban swing voters within striking distance of rioters. The threat of violence is a useful stick when there's a close election or politically charged trial coming up. For example, Rep. Maxine Waters called on protestors to get more "confrontational" if Chauvin was acquitted at his trial. So violence is a useful tool but the problem is that a lot of voters live in the suburbs which aren't as easily accessible to BLM or Antifa. Even worse: they often have separate police forces and DA's that would be less sympathetic to burnings and beatings. If you get rid of the cars you force people to move closer to the city center where you're able to more credibly threaten them.

I don't know, Wikipedia at least says that the US pressured Germany to accept gastarbeiters from Turkey:

The first guest workers were recruited from European nations. However, Turkey pressured West Germany to admit its citizens as guest workers. Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, opposed such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany didn't need any more laborers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. West Germany and Turkey reached an agreement in 1961.

The source is in German so I can't follow it up, though I do remember seeing this asserted in other places over the years.

Technically that was in 1961 and not the 1950s and the Turks aren't "third world" but if true it would support the core claim that the US intentionally tried to push diversity on its puppet states via the mass importation of non-western people.

The eugenics side won didn't they? It was the law of the land in the 20s and 30s. The progressives changed their mind on it after WW2 because it was associated with the Nazis, but it wasn't stopped by opposition from outside the progressive camp.

I don't know much about what they were doing there other than the articles you posted and similar ones that I remember from the time. The only specific position they mention from the CDC was a woman who trained Chinese workers to search for pandemic outbreaks. That does sound useful but since you're saying that the Chinese blatantly lied about it and didn't even try to contain it then detecting the pandemic wasn't the issue and having more Chinese government workers trained to do that wouldn't have helped. I don't know what leverage the CDC would have had to make the Chinese government be honest about anything.

Even in that article some of the people involved were skeptical that it would have made a difference:

“In the end, based on circumstances in China, it probably wouldn’t have made a big difference,” Scott McNabb, who was a CDC epidemiologist for 20 years and is now a research professor at Emory University. “The problem was how the Chinese handled it. What should have changed was the Chinese should have acknowledged it earlier and didn’t.”

China wasn't letting the CDC investigate:

“Dr. Redfield and I made the offer on January 6th - 36 days ago, 60,000 cases and 1,300 deaths ago,” Azar said. “We made the offer to send the CDC experts in to assist their Chinese colleagues to get to the bottom of key scientific questions like, how transmissible is this disease? What is the severity? What is the incubation period and can there be asymptomatic transmission?”

I certainly don't think the CDC was capable of containing a pandemic in China given that they failed to do so in the US and that every other government that tried to contain it also ultimately failed, with the exception of a few island nations like New Zealand. Probably the only things that would have helped would be banning wet markets and banning gain of function research, but it seems like we've moved on now and nobody is going to do either of those things.

I used to think cancellation was an internet thing, something you didn't have to worry about unless you were the unlucky, one in a million person who went viral. Then I saw a woman I know (who is herself very woke by my standards) get cut off from her entire social circle because of one comment. She apologized profusely but still her old friends won't hang out with her or talk to her.

They don't.

I'd say it's because it envisions a being so superhuman that you'd never want to do anything else but worship it and be loved by it. That's just a much more interesting concept to me than cruise ship heaven. It's less self centered. It's not something I can immediately imagine so it feels more right for an afterlife.

I'm not saying the show should have depicted that afterlife in particular. It could have gone with something else, but it still shouldn't have been a carbon copy of earth. Or if they did decide to do the "heaven is like a cruise ship" concept then they should address the short comings head on. They depicted a universe where humans have immortal souls that are inherently unhappy being immortal. That's pretty depressing when you think about it but they never addressed that and just acted like the suicide booth is a perfect happy ending.

However disgusted we may be when our justice system lets a guilty man walk, we must remember that it was set up in this way on purpose: "it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer"

That was probably a fantastic rule for a country of 3 million devoutly religious English farmers. Whether it's a good rule at all times and all places is up for debate. El Salvador was recently pulled back from the brink of anarchy by discarding that rule and throwing the trouble makers in jail permanently and millions of people can now go about their lives without being terrorized by criminal gangs.

I think it's mostly a way to score points against the US and praise the European social democracies (+Canada) that leftists in the US tend to idealize.

Beevor's book was pretty heavily slanted towards the Republican side imo.

The mostly European upper crust are not the ones crossing the southern border. I think the long term effect will be an enormous underclass, high crime and general decay surrounding a few upper middle class enclaves. Basically what they have in South America today.

You can look at pictures from detention centers or border patrol and it's obvious that they aren't the Guillermo del Torro phenotype. They don't look anything like people from Italy or Spain.

My hunch is that the political calculus is simply that "supporting" Israel bears little to no political costs, whereas opposing/ignoring Israel might have a remote risk of negative publicity or loss of campaign funding.

That's just kicking the question back though isn't it? Sure, politicians support Israel because opposing them has negative consequences but why is that the case?

I think this vote in particular is pretty meaningless, any nominal ally would get a vote of support after a major terrorist attack. But it's more puzzling why stuff like AOC opposing iron dome funding (until she caved and voted present) is so far outside the overton window. We can't agree on almost anything else but when it comes time to give money to Israel it passes with a supermajority.

The Touhys' lawyer claims that Oher has threatened them with lawsuits before now that never went anywhere. I tend to believe the family, I think the idea that they were hoping to scam money out of a broke teenager is unlikely. The chances of even a really talented player going pro and getting rich are extremely slim.

/10. BLM / structural racism

Dissident right