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How much muscle is ideal for a man? At what point does lifting weights become detrimental? What is the ideal proportion of body weight to be able to bench/squat/deadlift/overhead press for a man with healthy bodyfat?

I am seeing a positive trend, open source software is thriving. Java was a programming language owned by a company. Today it is unthinkable that a Java or Matlab like language with terrible license agreements would gain mainstream adoption. With the rise of geopolitical tensions more governments and large corporations are motivated to move toward open source. Unless your country is on superb terms with the US and you don't mind the NSA getting all your data American software is a risk. Developing a completely independent tech stack is hard. More governments and companies will move to linux as it is easier than developing a windows alternative.

The services which can be locked down sit ontop on lower layers of abstraction that are free. Censoring the internet or banning people from running code won't work because Facebook and windows may be blocked but TCP and linux are alternatives.

They were fighting for a homogenous high trust society that was self-sufficient and built to last. They fought against communists and liberals who wanted a centralized global order with bland global materialism. They defended Europe from Stalin and their loss is turning western Europe into North Africa/middle east. Germany would not be in severe demographic decline with large scale third world immigration if they had won. They wouldn't have suffered the cultural decay that comes with Stalinism and bland American consumerism.

It did not abolish itself, it is occupied and the occupiers will ensure that Germany is kept in line with their ideology. The Germans knew full well what would happen if the Americans and Soviets would take over the world and there is a reason why they fought tooth and nail to stop it. The foresight of German thinkers in the 20s and 30s was astonishing and they understood the direction the anglosphere was taking.

It doesn't make sense to spend hundreds of billions a year to defend a 30 billion dollar factory. While building a fab is exorbitantly expensive, building a navy to defend it is slower and more expensive.

The China threat doesn't really make much sense. China hasn't had any real colonial amibitions throughout its history, and is on the other side of the pacific. China isn't really a threat. A growing China is a large market for American products and the elite don't want to lose that market.

The working class hates China because of wage dumping. The military industrial complex is using the China hate for a military build up that aims to protect the wage dumping that caused the recruits to hate China. Rust belters are joining the marines to take revenge on the Asians for dumping wages by defending a wage dumping chip factory on Taiwan.

A more nationalist policy of bringing industry home doesn't jive well with America as a financial empire. The US can't have real estate speculation as a cornerstone of its economy while being a manufacturing center. If rents for apartments are at extortion levels, there is no way fridges can be manufactured in a major American city. American workers cost a fortune as they require expensive housing, expensive medical care and a car for commuting. Manufacturing toasters is incompatible with an economy built on finance, real estate and insurance.

Egypt has no reason whatsoever in aiding Israels ethnic cleansing of Palestine by helping Israel move millions of Palestinians into Egypt.

Imagine if whites took back power in South Africa, pushed the people in Lesotho into an area 1% the size of current Lesotho. Then they put up a fence around it and economically blockaded Lesotho. Imagine, 30 000 people in Lesotho were killed in a military campaign with relentless airstrikes against Lesotho. Imagine that an event was being held in which a South African soldier was going to visit an American university and talk about how South Africa must ethnically cleanse itself of black people as there was no black state before the Boer.

Would anyone be the slightest bit surprised if the event got cancelled?

The difference here is that the Israeli mass expulsion of Palestinians is close to the EU. From Sinai to the EU is the same distance as Miami to Daytona Beach.

Israelis are allowed to get away with things nobody else can get away with and are surprised that they can't get away with more.

Is Israel responsible young vs old

Is Israel going to far Young vs old

The big rift is young vs old, with boomer republicans being much more pro Israel than young conservatives. The conservative zionist partnership is strained by AIPAC/ADL being highly anti right on social media. Israel has in no way delivered for the right. Israel with the lobby has pushed migrants into Europe, promoted censorship and cost hundreds of billions. With Israel ethnically cleansing christian Palestinians and mistreating Christians in Jerusalem, it is hard to see what the right gets out of the support. Putting MAGA and ADL in the same tent is as hard as getting the leftist coalition together. Right-wingers are supposed to like Israel, while Israel's lobby wants right-wingers banned off twitter.

The big split is most likely between those who get their information from oligarch owned media and those who get their information from more distributed sources.

A big problem for Israel is the diaspora demographics. Europe's jewish population is in a state of collapse, with especially Eastern European jews moving to Israel. Russia only has 10% as many jews as they had 50 years ago.

American jews are older than the average American and non orthodox american jews have low birth rates.

In the 2020 survey, Jewish adults ages 40 to 59 report having had an average of 1.9 children, the same as in the 2013 survey and slightly below the comparable figure for the general U.S. public, which is 2.3 children per adult in the same age cohort

Source The jewish number is propped up by orthodox jews. Non Israeli jews are trending toward either Haredi jews or secularized liberals with few children and lower levels of ethnocentrism.

In other words the US has a population that is rapidly rising while the number of jews is in decline. There are enough jews to staff high positions but this means that there simply aren't enough jews to keep a presence in broad sectors of society.

The race isn't democrat vs republican, it is voting vs not voting. 66% voted in 2020 meaning that 33% of the population is enough to get 50%. Not voting was as popular as Trump or Biden. Rallies and campaigning isn't so much about getting republicans to vote for Biden or democrats to vote for Trump, it is about getting people to show up. The goal is to create energy and momentum that will make people show up, volunteer to drive granny to the polling both or pester their friend to tag along and vote. Often people don't really care about what is hyped, they care about the hype. People will watch the Olympics because it is the Olympics because it is the big thing everyone is talking about. People want to be there and be a part of something historic and see something greater than them.

The risk for Biden isn't that his voters will vote Trump or even that large numbers refuse to vote because of Palestine. The risk is that the enthusiasm dies. People who would have hyped him when talking to their friends will just talk about how politicians suck. People will be less motivated to put up signs, knock on doors, post stuff on social media etc.

Biden's campaign already lacks energy and enthusiams as "Trump sucks" isn't a great slogan. If his voters can't be bothered to watch and like pro Biden tiktoks the tiktoks will gain less traction and energy is reduced. Less hype leads to fewer people creating hype which in turn leads to less hype.

Funny how Epstein could mysteriously kill himself but the media are so sure that there is conspiracy behind Navalny's death. Navalny was in line with American goals for Russia, breaking it down into ethnic components with Russia losing its empire. The US wants to hack away at the fringes of Russia. Ukrainian nationalists aren't exactly hyped about Russian slavic nationalism as it largely includes them.

It is nobility for the non nobles. Effectively, middle class people wanted to give themselves a noble title as elect without having the responsibilities of being a noble. They didn't actually want to fight in a war or take responsibility for society, they wanted to be special individuals with no real obligation to the people and rest of society. There isn't really chivalry, there is just being special by being born special.

Lots of people aren't on the stack. People with fetal alcohol symptom, the ugly, the short, people in wheel chairs etc..

I highly recommend the essay Biological Leninism. Basically, the left is a coalition of people who naturally resent society and are in the bottom of it. The left finds people who will never be able to seize power and promote them to middle managers. The left's coalition is obese black women in a boardroom with Iqs of 100 when everyone else in the room has an Iq above 120. They would never be there in any other society and will therefore be loyal to the current system since they are entirely dependent on it. At the same time they won't actually take over the power structure.

Autists are either too autistic and therefore too incompetent or they are highly skilled autists and will not conform to social pressures and may even take over the power structure.

The issue is that would be like trying to maintain the support of Likud voters and Hamas.

Funny how the western media loved a supposed nationalist. If Navalny's critique of Putin was that he wasn't nationalistic enough he would have gotten zero-support for Navalny. At best it would be like Ukrainian nationalism where they get to wave WWII paraphernalia while the government rams through neoliberal and culturally leftwing policies.

Navlny never seemed to have any ideology and seemed like a perfect example of a CIA stooge. Usually when there is an opposition, there is a much clearer agenda. The actual opposition groups have more policy that they want to implement. Navalny had no real ideology, he was just generally anti regime while being the darling of the western media. Color revolution leaders seldom seem to have an actual agenda before they take power. They will at best be "pro freedom" or some other empty epithet in order to get broad support.

The pirate parties were split between two online communities, the far right and the tumblr crowd. The piratebay was financed by Carl Lundström, who was the main financier of the national democrats, the Swedish equivalent to the British national party. Much of the support for the pirate party came from gamer gate and 4chan types. The founding group had a mix of anti-establishment libertarians and nationalists combined with far left types. The pirate parties were doomed since there was fundamental disagreement on every issue except not wanting to pay for movies.

I grew up in the pirate movement and my after action review is that the issues lost momentum with streaming services. The media became a lot more pro establishment. Julian Assange went from a hero in the media to a villain. 20 years ago the patriot act was seen as immoral by a lot of journalists. Today people who aren't pro military industrial complex are seen as Putin shills.

The pirate party ended up as a dumping ground for progressives that couldn't make it in the green party.

In the non digital world there are a lot more checks and balances. Getting a warrant to search a home is one thing, mass surveillance on millions of users is another. What is happening online is more like the police obtaining a search warrant for every building in a city and sending a robot with drug sniffing capacity into every room in the city. The police may follow a specific suspect around, while the state in many countries forces ISPs to keep a record of all visited websites for millions of people. Governments want to snoop mass amounts of data on cloud servers but don't have the right to routinely search hotel rooms or offices spaces. Why should data on the cloud be less protected than a letter laying on a desk in a hotel? Why can't digital services be as private as a taxi service? If I rent an uber the police can't set up a roadblock and search all documents in every car. So why can they do that for email?

As for GDPR it did make a big difference. In my career as a developer I hear the acronym GDPR on a regular basis, and it has forced companies to be far more careful in how they store and handle data. GDPR put a lot of pressure on companies to think before they acted and made the non-tech portion of companies much more interested in data security. Thanks to GDPR I have had non tech boomers with a business background send long emails asking about how we encrypt data, TLS, when data is deleted and other issues that they never thought about 10 years ago.

Trump made the mistake of building a personality cult instead of a party. Orban or Erdogan built a party base with vast infrastructure supporting them. They could take power because their people are running local governments, staffing embassies and serving in the police. Trump couldn't even get members of his own party to support his vision in the senate. Trumpism can't achieve change in itself without replacing tens of thousands of managers. Franco wouldn't have been able to rule Spain if there wasn't loyalty from the officer corps and church which in turn could be used as a talent pool.

Had Trump wanted to MAGA, he would have spent the last 9 years building lots of local chapters of local supporters and future apparatchiks.

With that said I do believe Trump is a revolutionary candidate for the simple reason that he will ensure that the US government will be unable to function due to being bogged down with intra-elite infighting. This provides a window of opportunity for Texas to implement their own immigration policy.

Chinese ships sail through just fine. They have no problem because they haven't been killing large numbers of people in the middle east. Trillions have been wasted on warmongering in the middle east and the result is that Chinese ships are safer in the red sea.


AIPAC has been pushing hard for warmongering in the middle east.

Sanctions, Israeli bombing of Libya and Israeli support for jihadist groups did not help at all. Israel has clearly seen Syria as an enemy and has done its best for decades to undermine and destroy Syria.

Why do these rebels end up with air support and expensive weapons? Who trains these militias? How did thousands of mercenaries show up in Libya and why was Libya bombed to pieces from the sky? The countries in the middle east that haven't been bombed are more stable, more peaceful, don't have massive outflows of refugees and are far better to live in than the ones destroyed by interventionists who attend AIPAC conferences.

Jordan, Egypt, the UAE and Saudi is stable. Iran is unusually stable for a country that has fought a major war and has had a neighboring country invaded three times in the past decades.

Compare Libya under Gadaffi and after Israel-supporters wrecked it. Iran, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia are fairly stable states because there hasn't been intervention. Egypt is stable and peaceful. There is no reason why Palestine can't function as well as Egypt.

So this seems like an argument for European re-establishing the region as a colony.'

It is the opposite. Every time the neocons send troops to the middle east we get flooded with migrants. The best policy for the west is to get out of the middle east, support stable regimes and ending support for Israel.

I generally support smaller states. However, in south eastern Europe bigger alliances are needed to defend Europe's borders from invasions from the middle east.

A lot of Palestinians are christians and if anything the muslims see Jesus and the biblical stories as a part of their religion. Most importantly, it means 7 million Palestinians stay in Palestine and we don't get another massive neocon refugee crisis on Europe's doorstep. Europe and the middle east both benefit from stable middle eastern regimes. Israel wants destabilize the region.

Pakistan and Pashto groups have been in conflict for a long time. Palestinians are often the same ethnic group as a large portion of the surrounding countries. They clearly don't want many of the holiest sites in Islam occupied by jews.