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joined 2022 November 25 22:02:03 UTC


User ID: 1930



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 25 22:02:03 UTC


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User ID: 1930

Yep, this comment on Tesla's stock drop was surprisingly ignorant, respect level dropped significantly after reading that.

Still a decent post overall though.

I'm about to start work at a Musk company (in January) for many of the reasons mentioned.

I expect to work harder than I do at my current employer (which is the biggest reason I'm making the change, actually). From talking with the folks there, 80 hr work weeks are definitely not the norm (but there were times in the company's past when they were more normal). 50 hr weeks maybe...but from what I'm told by these employees, doing long hours here mostly comes down to (1) Your own passion for your work and the mission, (2) your ability (or lack thereof) to get all of the expected work done in the regular 40 hr work week, (3) your own ability to set boundaries for yourself re:WLB (are you good at saying no?), and (4) your desire to rise thru the ranks/promote.