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joined 2022 September 05 04:08:25 UTC


User ID: 432



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 04:08:25 UTC


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User ID: 432

I feel like this is the memetics equivalent of great-man historical theories, this idea that ideas just pop into the zeitgeist via random recombination, and if we could just prevent the bad ones we'd all be doing great. I think it's more likely that ideas like wokeness are inevitable outgrowths of previous conditions like any other historical force or event; you might kill every wokie, but if society and its infosphere are primed for wokeness, it'll just pop right back out.

The squared-circle is the most common example, but then I am sort of thinking about it already and if I turn mad I might worship it.

This is my impression of how the trinity doctrines came about.

Adding onto this, I will be interested in AI art on the day that it becomes like-something to be an AI, and those AIs create art to express what that's like to us. I'm looking forward to that very much, but I don't expect to see it in my lifetime.

Art isn't for communicating information, it's for communicating viewpoints, "what-it's-like-to-be"s. If I write a song true enough, I can make you feel for a minute what it was like to be me losing my wife. (I can't actually do that, but some people can.) The only purpose of art is to make us feel less alone, which is why AI art is a contradiction and is fake and gay.

me too thanks