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joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC

I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 January 21 03:00:33 UTC


I moved to a developing country to escape the hostile, isolating culture of the US. Ask me how!


User ID: 2118

If you pull the lever, the trolley rolls over a nurse named Karen who is accused of stealing five bicycles. If you do nothing, five pregnant black men die. Go.

  • -11

It is my belief that after the AI takeover, there will be increasingly less human-to-human interaction. This is partially because interacting with AI will be much preferable in every way, but it is also because safetyism will become ever more powerful. Any time two humans interact, there is the potential for someone to be harmed, at least emotionally. With no economic woes and nothing to do, moral busybodies will spend their time interfering with how other people spend their time, until the point where interacting with another human is so morally fraught and alienating that there is no point. Think about it, who would you rather spend time with: an AI who will do whatever you want and be whatever you want, anytime, or a grumpy human on her own schedule who wants to complain about someone who said "hi" to her without her consent? The choice seems obvious to me.

Choosing a church based on the music is way more sensible than choosing based on their opinions on gayness. You should go to a church that makes you feel good. If you're choosing a church based on their politics, then politics is your god.

As someone who has been raped, twice, and sexually harassed by men and women many times, I personally would rather live in a world where I get raped or harassed sometimes than a world where, like in America, I am not able to have a social life because everyone just sees me a dangerous creep.

As someone who agrees with you, you haven't really explained what is so terrifying about this future. If the AI really is a human face with a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, there isn't much to complain about. But if that atmosphere is actually unwelcoming to white males, then there is a problem.

Has anyone gotten ChatGPT to produce anti-white hatespeech? Can we demonstrate that it has a bias against men?

So when I was bullied in high school, was I being exterminated? If I can identify the right victim group that I'm a part of, will I be allowed to use this kind of rhetoric?

Sex is illegal in American culture. There's probably someone in Skookum's life that will shame him for trying, whoever he tries to talk to, however he tries to talk to her. You can go anywhere in America and still find the same pattern. Maybe these rules only apply to a certain class of men, but they apply across all English-speaking subcultures.

Fortunately, there are other places for us to live.

So where am I allowed to make a joke?

I thank god every day for leading me out of that hellhole country.

Someone on Twitter asked an interesting question, which was essentially, why is this topic so fraught? And the best answer I can give, is that it's the first topic (maybe) to be "born" in the forge of Postmodernism and Critical models of power at a popular level. Sure, they existed in academia before this, but I do think there was this divide between these ways of thinking and a much more transactional, retail, boots on the ground level productive politics. Frankly, it's possible that the other candidate for the "First topic" is COVID, and I do think you see a lot of the same patterns in that debate as well.

Please help me understand this paragraph, because I'm having trouble. By "this topic" I assume you mean either trans issues generally or something more specific. If this topic was "born", what is it's "birthday"? 2020? 2014? 1969? Is the birthday when the public first becomes generally aware of the issue? How long has the "forge of Postmodernism and Critical models of power at a popular level" been operating? 2020, 2016, 2014...? What other topics might qualify as being a "first topic"? Russiagate? Gamergate? Brexit? Ukraine War?

I only ask these questions because it sounds like you have an interesting model, but I can't put the puzzle pieces together in my head.

If women don't want a doormat, why does western society work so hard at bullying us into being doormats?

I generally fantasize about things I want, yes.

I thought Paul Pelosi's attacker was a gay lover/drug dealer.

Shit, knowing what I know now, if I got teleported back to America with $0, I would skip meals and scrimp on every luxury until I saved up enough for a plane ticket to southern Mexico. I'd honestly risk death to escape America if that's what it came to.

I'm glad :)

I really hope you're right, that sounds grand!

Some people seem to think that you need to have a "personality" in order to have a right to live.

Americans act like sex is illegal under Federal law.

I've definitely gone all the way without ever hearing "no". (Sometimes it's "yes yes yes" all the time haha.)

This is kinda an esoteric question, but what do I need to do to be a real human being?

When I say "real human being", you can substitute "good person" or "good Christian" or "first class citizen" or "allowed to exist". I ask this because I'm drunk, with a phone full of girls, and I could get anything I wanted, and yet somehow I feel like people back in America would still treat me the same. So, if a woman needs to use her body to validate my right to exist, what does she need to do? Maybe she needs to say "I love you", or we need to not use a condom, or I need to get her pregnant, or marry her, or something. IDK, anal maybe? Does she have to be white? What would be good enough? Because, when I had sex in the USA, it still wasn't good enough for you people to treat me like a real human being. I was still a problem. My sexuality was still a shock. I thought if I had sex with enough women, if I was validated enough as an actual physical human being, you all would stop being nasty to me. But somehow, even after over 100 sex partners, I still expect to be treated like shit in America. So what gives? What would be good enough? Will I ever be able to return home? Are you all ever going to stop being monsters, not just to me, but to men like me?

I notice that in Western (or just American?) culture, you can dismiss a man's entire identity just by proving that his a sex drive. My belief is that AGP is just a example of this: trans women have a sexuality, and are seen as men, therefore their needs and desires are invalid. Is that not the implication of the rhetoric around AGP?

I also notice that I can never tell where someone is coming from on this site. So for the record, I'm broadly pro-trans and I see most anti-trans rhetoric as just being repackaged sex-negativity, which I hate. However, I certainly agree that with regards to child transitioners and some other controversies, we have gone to far. No one should be forced to use specific language (pronouns), for example.

This is just the macro version of something all Americans have to deal with on a daily basis.

Do you think that this didn't actually happen? It's all over twitter right now. And what is the psyop exactly? What are TPTB trying to convince us is true, that is not true?

Okay, I have a more serious question.

How can I help men like me, lonely men in western countries?

I'm really moved and disturbed by stories like this poster... NGL, I got drunk because of that post. it's really frustrating to me that I know a foolproof solution to this problem but because of all the culture issues in the rich/English-speaking countries, I can't just communicate that solution to everyone who needs to hear it. I don't know what to do.

The right to sex is not really about sex. It's about protecting normal people from moral busybodies that will ruin our lives by publicly proving that we have a sex drive. Once "so and so said something sexual once" or "so and so had sex (in an unapproved way)" is not a basis for public humiliation or losing your job, our lives will be so much better.

It's interesting to me that asserting a right to sex can a reaction from you. Are you afraid of people getting their needs met? Or is power over other people's sex lives something you need for some reason?