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joined 2022 October 22 23:49:55 UTC


User ID: 1714



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 22 23:49:55 UTC


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User ID: 1714


NMN is shilled harder.

Both of them have the adverse effects of 'slight tummy ache', although NMN is shown to actually restore vitality.

Eh, book is a medium.

It doesn't make you smarter or dumber if you consume your media as book form or audio form. There are some limitations to the medium, and some advantages.

Some books and authors are great, and are able to make great pieces of art. Others, not so much...

I hate Europe for what it is.

You may not experience this because you're an American and everyone thinks highly of you, but Europe has a certain strict hierarchy of countries. Simply put, you are better if you are from some countries, and worse from others.

I think people are reluctant to dive into this field because of how afraid we are of it.

We are afraid that if we look to deep, we realize just how stupid and predictable we can get.

It can be observed and quantified, but when done so it is evil and not put to good use (casinos, gambling).