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User ID: 673



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User ID: 673

Had some trouble getting through the struggle session of TracingWoodgrains and Walt. Primarily because of how bad Walt's responses were.

No politically 'center' person called out how insane the anti-white politics are since they seem to lack to cognition to understand just what is going on. The principal 'center' response to anti-white hate is individual and verbal. The principal fuel for the fire that is ethnic tension is group based and emotional.

There are groups saying things where the direct implication is 'I hate you and want you to die'. They celebrate the suffering of your group and its demise. They believe firmly that when bad things happen to you it's a good thing, because you deserve bad things happening to you.

It reminds me of a TED talk, where the feminist geneticist lecturer or whatever is talking about the Y chromosome. She gets asked by a man about the Y chromosome disappearing. She laughs it off and says that whilst some women celebrate it, men have nothing to worry about since it won't disappear in at least 4 million years if trends continue.

I felt an emotional response to that question and answer. I realized I don't like the idea of men going extinct. I never thought about it but the idea that a grouping I am made a part of by others is doing poorly makes me feel bad. The idea that there are people out there who celebrate this makes me feel worse. It makes me feel like I have an enemy.

Now please realize that the feminist geneticist did not answer the actual contention of the topic at hand. There are women out there, credentialed academics, holding positions of power, that hate my group so much they celebrate its ultimate demise. Me being told that, actually, extinction will not happen to you personally but rather in 4 million years, is not an answer relevant to the emotional turbulence the theory invokes. Since that turbulence is driven by the fact that there exist people today who are gleeful over the idea that 'bad' things happen to my group. However long in the future that badness will be.

Centrist critique of anti-whiteness takes issue with the expression. Alt-Right critique takes issue with the emotion.

The cavalcade of replies along the lines of 'don't worry champ, you'll beat the odds!' look, sound and feel... silly.

Sure, if you abstract yourself to the point of just being an idea you'll be fine, but human beings are obviously not ideas. They exist as biological entities. Genes expressed in an environment. We are a 'social animal'. We exist in groups. We interact with groups. You don't exist as an idea. You exist as a part of a greater whole.

Someone saying bad things about your 'whole' looks, sounds and feels bad!

I wish that the individual, reason driven, enlightened and fair minded people could understand and empathize with the emotion being displayed in the OP. Being part of a 'whole' that is in some ways lesser than another is a constant feeling of badness. The aforementioned minded, who want to rise above such silly emotions, or simply lack them, need to understand that they are a minority of a minority. Telling someone who feels to simply not feel is silly. You can't understand what the person is talking about and give such an answer. It's not smart, reasoned or enlightened.

I'm reminded of Joseph Sobran, who hit on a similar type of a fundamental misunderstanding of just why some of the emotional expression that exists continues to persist, to the endless bafflement of the 'enlightened' few.

Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy.”

From the 'Blue Series', the official record of the trial of the major civilian and military leaders of Nazi Germany who were accused of war crimes.

Twelve million murders! Two thirds of the Jews in Europe exterminated, more than six million of them on the killers' own figures. Murder conducted like some mass production industry in the gas chambers and the ovens of Auschwitz, Dachau, Treblinka, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Majdanek, and Oranienburg.

Sir Hartley Shawcross, Britain's chief prosecutor at the Nuremburg Trials. Pay no heed to the other camps that are also not death camps anymore.

A distinguishing feature of the Dachau Camp was the gas chamber for the execution of prisoners and the somewhat elaborate facilities for execution by shooting. The gas chamber was located in the center of a large room in the crematory building. It was built of concrete. Its dimensions were about 20 feet by 20 feet, and the ceiling was some 10 feet in height! In two opposite walls of the chamber were air tight doors through which condemned prisoners could be taken into the chamber for execution and removed after execution. The supply of gas into the chamber was controlled by means of two valves on one of the outer walls, and beneath the valves was a small glass-covered peephole through which the operator could watch the victims die. The gas was let into the chamber through pipes terminating in perforated brass fixtures set into the ceiling. The chamber was of size sufficient to execute probably a hundred men at one time.

The room in which the gas chamber stood was flanked on both ends by warerooms in which the bodies were placed after execution to await cremation. The size of each room was approximately 30 by 50 feet. At the time we visited the camp these warerooms were piled high with dead bodies. In one of the rooms the bodies were thrown in an irregular heap. In the other room they were neatly stacked like cordwood. The irregular pile of bodies was perhaps 10 feet high, covering most of the floor space. All of them were naked.


The jews didn't pull strings to get the white man to the top. They pull strings to control the white man because he is at the top.

Beyond that I am starting to see your point. Which is that you don't like Sobran. Which is fine. What I don't get is how your dislike of him is relevant to my comment and the sentiment being pointed out.

It's a hard pill to swallow but the Catholics that came and the influence they brought did little good for the trajectory of American culture as they decidedly helped move the elite 'leftward'.

That's not a contradiction.

What was said:

Mods should do the bare minimum of being respectful in accordance with the rules.

What Amadan reads:

If you were under the impression that our rules of civility and discourse require anyone (including the mods) to be sympathetic to Nazis, you should have been disabused of that long ago. You are allowed to be a Nazi here. And people (including mods) are allowed to say they don't like Nazis.

I don't think your inability to grasp criticism makes you a 'cringe reddit mod'. The ban reason for SecureSignals is what was being referred to:

Jew-posting with a boner so hard that the fig leaf fell.

To contrast with an actual reason that's not snarky and antagonistic: 'Single issue posting'.

Yes, when mods do stuff like this instead of what's right they are acting like 'cringe reddit mods'

Terrible post. Terrible sentiment. Users get modded all the time for having fun the wrong way. Mods should do the bare minimum of being respectful in accordance with the rules. Though Amadan and friends long gave up on that when the topics of discussion happened to hit their personal sacred cows, it's worth pointing out when they are acting like a cringe reddit mods.

I have to admit the quotation marks threw me for a loop. That's not what Sobran said so I'm failing to understand where you are drawing these implications from.

Sobran is not saying that towering over the rest of the world is a good or bad thing. He is just stating a fact about the world. The white man does tower over everyone. There is barely a place left on earth that isn't directly impacted by the consequences of his feats. Construction, transport, information. Every element that facilitates the world as we know it is there because a white man, in one way or another, put it there.

How you, or the previous replier, manage to insert jews into the equation is confusing me a lot. How does it relate to the point being made?

It can affect US policies?

So, your claim is that the gas chamber at Dachau was not designed to execute humans, but merely to delouse.

That was not my claim.

There's contention within holocaust history as to what the intended use was. Some say delousing, others say killing. What no one disagrees on is the fact that it did not kill anyone.

Why the Germans would build a fake decontamination chamber with fake shower heads that doesn't exist on any drawings instead of building the actual decontamination chamber they designed as part of their new crematorium is beyond my knowledge.

As far as such mysteries go I prefer to stay on the safe side and err against believing people who flat out lie about executions taking place. No matter how fancy their uniform is.

I'd be inclined to say that the aforementioned quotes do show that Dachau was presented as an extermination camp with gas chambers by very relevant forces at the trial, so your assertion here would be wrong. I'd also argue that it was considered for at least a decade or two after the war to be a death camp. Which is why, for instance, Martin Broszat wrote specifically about it being problematic, and other publications, like the 7th Army OSS report, made great hay about gas chambers used for killing. So whilst there was no specific charge, there was certainly very clear belief that people in Dachau were killed by the use of 'gas chambers'.

Likewise, there were no "hundreds of jews who testified to American detectives about the killings," assuming that by 'killings' you mean 'gassings.'

That's true, I'm confusing it with another event.

I might be biased but I feel like support for the farthest right option available always means more than support for whatever else. AfD are the guys most vilified in media. The general sentiment being that if you are voting for them there's something wrong with you.

There was a left-right divide in the US prior to the aforementioned introduction of jews and Catholics. What is being highlighted is that the introduction of Catholics and jews into the elite changed the split from what it was to a skewed one.

This effect is also clearly present when we look only at jewish elites. As the jewish elites skew leftward at a rate higher than the traditional elite does. By the same token there is little nativist sentiment to go around since the ingroup bias of right leaning jews leads them straight to Jerusalem, not West-Virgina.

Just to make it clear so that people don't get tangled in irrelevant argumentation; no one is saying every single catholic and every single jew is a lefty. We are talking about broad population groups and how their general elite composition skews the native elite composition when mixed together.

America and the Soviet Union ruled Europe post war.

To this day mainstream American media holds hegemony in Europe. As was artfully demonstrated by a map of BLM protests worldwide.

Considered by who?

The American prosecution, along with the aforementioned people and organizations that did, as demonstrated earlier.

Not the inmates or the guards, who never claimed Dachau to have been a "death camp" if by "death camp" we mean a camp where people were systematically murdered in gas chambers.

I never insinuated that they did, nor did I comment on it, as they were not exactly representative of the views of those who prosecuted them.

And once more, no Dachau guard was ever executed on the basis of later repudiated gas chamber allegations.

I agree they were not executed on specific counts, but I don't believe the way you phrase things now is accurate. Considering the fervor shown by the prosecution, the element of intentional mass killings by gas was obviously there, even if it was not brought up as a specific charge. Had the assumption of the prosecution been that there were no mass killings through gas or any large scale demonstrably intentional killings, as was the case in Dachau, I'd expect some form of differentiation between Dachau and alleged death camps. That was not the case, as demonstrated by the verbiage of the British prosecutor.

That wide latitude doesn't mean pretending that each and every viewpoint in treated as exactly equal and morally neutral, and if you would like to read that as "The mod team is not particularly sympathetic to Nazis," you're right.

I read little more than what you write.

I think there are a few elements of what we call the holocaust that are not up to scratch. But they are maintained through bad incentives.

'Christianity' declined in America when elite institutions started getting filled up with Catholics and jews. This happened in the 1940's and by the 1960's the new 'elite' was throwing their weight around. The old WASP ideals were pushed aside. That's all there is to the story of modern America. 1,2

To highlight why this is the case and not the other way around: America was still very 'Christian' in the 1960's. The places that stopped being 'Christian' were the big 4. Academia, media, the courts and government. It just happens to be the case that 'being Christian' doesn't count for anything when you don't control these and you now have a newspaper, radio and TV in your living room streaming the latest in jewish psychological warfare into your home.

Religion and ethnocentrism go hand in hand since both are dogmatic and confident. Christians lose since they are no longer dogmatic and confident. You can weave whatever historical narrative you want in favor of Christendom and why its the best but it all funnels down to the same modern pit we now live in.

On the whole, the closest you get to confident dogmatism in Christians is when you find racist Christians like with 'Christian Identity'. The rest exists in various stages of failure. Be that bargaining with sinners or interpreting the word of god through a rainbow colored lens.

Christianity did three things very well: Formalize a calendar year with holidays, sanctify courtship for the lower classes and emphasize reading. The rest... not so great.(there might be more, lets be honest)

As an aside, I've always considered the typical universalist anglo sentiment to be a strain of death for the western world. Listening to any moral philosophy with a UK accent fills me with dread. It's like you're always one tear away from not having borders.

The issue is not that he is a single issue poster. Which everyone is to some extent. It's that he's a single issue poster with an issue the mod team and a lot of the sites users don't like. Users hit report, mods hit ban. It's all very easy when you don't like them much.

We can then go on to listen to a different single issue poster talk about their progressive liberal moralism and how the left has gone to far this time. Which is fine by me. I certainly didn't feel the need to report some guy shitting on Yudkowsky for the millionth time, even if I was starting to feel sorry for Yudkowsky to an extent.

I am not understanding the relevance of your comment. Why wouldn't he, allegedly, feel 'envious' over "the power of Jews to puppet the US around the world stage like a marionette"? Is there supposed to be a contradiction here?


Alternative theory to what? The idea that there exists some supernatural synchronicity between a population estimate and the amount of jews killed in the holocaust? That's not a theory, that's just you employing circular reasoning to ignore revisionist arguments.

4 million people did not die at Auschwitz. No one needed to prove where they all went to correct that assessment. The fine folks at the holocaust museums did not need to consult a population estimate from the 1920's before they could say that, no, 1.9 million people did not die in Majdanek, contrary to what Soviet prosecutors maintained during the Nuremburg trials. It was more like 68k. No one knows where those guys went...

Bro, tell this to the mainstream holocaust historians, not me.

There is, like you correctly act out, evidence that is irrefutable in any other context. Evidence you would take as true if it were about any other holocaust event. Yet I can tell you with all my heart that not a single mainstream holocaust historian believes in that 'crap' you call evidence. The fine men of the 7th Army were gullible at best.

Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed. The gas chamber in Dachau was never entirely finished or put “into operation.” Hundreds of thousands of prisoners who perished in Dachau and other concentration camps in the Old Reich were victims, above all, of catastrophic hygienic and provisioning conditions: according to official SS statistics, during the twelve months from July 1942 through June 1943 alone, 110,812 persons died of disease and hunger in all of the concentration camps of the Reich.

-Martin Broszat

Look at Wikipedia. Dachau is a 'concentration camp', not a 'death camp'.

You assume a certain amount of jews and then assert they have to be accounted for.

You have no grounds to assert anything if the amount of estimated jews is lower than you need it to be. So we are basing our entire belief for the holocaust on the assumption that population estimates. We then grandstand on this premise whenever any specific issue is taken with the holocaust narrative.

The problem here is obvious. You can dismiss every single item of critique without engaging with it. Any attempt to bring a hammer and chisel on the ugly rock of lies that is modern belief in the holocaust gets thwarted away.

What's worse, we're pretending that we hold to a different position than the alleged revisionists. As no claims to a specific amount of jews are made. Instead we afford ourselves the luxury of believing that the number of 'missing' jews just so happens to coincide with the reigning holocaust narrative. If the narrative says numbers go down, our belief in a fixed amount of jews in need of accounting for also goes down. It's a completely onesided standard that leaves one in no place to cast any aspersions on the alleged 'seeds of doubt' being sown by 'revisionists'. Since our belief in the holocaust is completely circular. That is, we start of by believing the holocaust narrative, and then use that belief as proof that it happened.

Besides that, uncertainty is a very common thing in history, especially with regards to numbers and populations, and especially around WW2.