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joined 2023 January 11 05:54:09 UTC


User ID: 2062



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 January 11 05:54:09 UTC



User ID: 2062

You are showing signs of a victim complex.

The monkeypox outbreak was a result of, to put it delicately, large-scale in-person activities being conducted during lockdown by the gay community. Monkeypox was significantly harder to spread than COVID, which means a monkeypox outbreak during a COVID outbreak very strongly indicates severe violation of the COVID lockdowns and other measures.

The COVID lockdowns existed in and only in 2020. Monkeypox in the U.S. went from May to October 2022. The world was back to normal when Monkeypox happened; there were no COVID lockdowns or even distancing expectations to violate.

I recall no enforcement measures of any kind being applied to these [Monkeypox spreading] activities or the people organizing or participating in them. Did I miss something?

Yes, you missed that they self-locked down without being told by authorities and contained the outbreak by themselves. Sex parties all got cancelled and the vast majority of gays stopped hooking up.

I understand if, looking from the outside, you didn't see any of that. And I understand that you may resent that red-tribe was told how to behave and blue-tribe wasn't. But it's important that you not ignore the very rational reasons for the difference: blue-tribe self-locked down during both COVID and Monkeypox and red-tribe didn't. Red-tribe had to be told. Separately, Monkeypox is simply vastly more mild. Even the seasonal flu is more dangerous and yet there are no flu lockdowns.

[lockdowns were] strictly applied at the same time by the same authorities to Red-coded groups like, say, churches.

No they weren't- you made this up. There was nothing strict about churches shutting their doors. It was voluntary compliance. Just like you made up the notion that protests had an "explicit" exception. They didn't. This, along with your mis-remembered covid/monkeypox timeline is why I assert that you are falling to a victim mentality- you are severely mis-remembering history to fit your pre-existing victimhood narrative.

COVID came first. So maybe they didn't have the correct thoughts in their heads then. The massive criticism they received during and after COVID seems like it would cause exactly this.

Of course the response to monkeypox was different from COVID. Monkeypox:

  • had no hope of overwhelming the health system
  • killed zero people in western countries
  • wasn't novel
  • wasn't airborne
  • had a pre-existing vaccine stockpiled that was proven to be effective

Obviously treating monkeypox as anything as bad as COVID would have been absurd.


Was the government supposed to tell gay men to stop having sex?

The government has learned the hard way over and over again that that doesn't work. Both in abstinence-only education of teenagers, and the HIV/AIDS reaction of adults back in the 80s, telling people how to behave in private doesn't work. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Gay men did largely stop hooking up after it became apparent what was happening; monkeypox takes a while to present symptoms after infection.

You seem to be a little aggravated that the government got COVID wrong but you are.. also a little mad that they got monkeypox right.. because it feels unequal?