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joined 2022 December 27 02:35:16 UTC


User ID: 2011



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User ID: 2011

As a heavy ChatGPT user, I don’t want it to ever say "I don’t know". I want it to produce the best answer it’s capable of, and then I’ll sanity check the answer anyway.

Risking your life for women and children is not the same as risking your life for idiots.

That said, I’d pick the blue.

On stackoverflow you get your answer in days, if at all. With GPT you get it in seconds. It’s better in that sense.

You might say: "Well, I don't care about anti-Putin Russians, unfortunate pro-Putin Russians who became victims of the regime, neutral Russians, Ukrainians, Uighurs, Tibetans, Taiwanese, ... all I care is that my children don't get castrated and turned into trannies". Fair enough. But then please don't take a high moral ground. You are just as evil as "elites".

I’d say letting your children get castrated so that someone somewhere might be saved from some kind of oppression (real or perceived), is a pretty cucked choice.

ChatGPT unlike a human is not inherently capable of discerning what it does or doesnt know. By filtering out low confidence answers, you’d be trading away something it’s really good at — suggesting ideas for solving hard problems without flinching, for something that it’s not going to do well anyway. Just double-check the answers.

Well was the meaning carried across in the OP post?

It seems to me that the word "barbarian" usually evokes a different meaning in modern culture, more in spirit of what @FirmWeird suggests. Books, movies, video games seem to have reformed the "barbarian" label into a somewhat high-status designation; a "noble savage" archetype of sorts.

There will always be work to be done, that’s in the nature of the universe. But how do we motivate people to work, organize their work, etc when jobs will be replaced far faster than they can be created?

The real question here is why aren’t enough new jobs created. The answer: current regulatory and political landscape prevent job creation in all cases except those where the ROI is the highest and there’s enough capital to power through all the associated problems.

Like have you tried actually hiring someone? The amount of headache and liability is massive, only justified in cases you are like 100% sure it’s worth it or when your org can afford to lose a fair amount of money if things go south. Add to that the taxes that can be up to 50% of payroll..

I can easily imagine hiring 2x, 3x the amount of employees, in different circumstances.

I agree, but explain to me how we get people to do that work?

If the actual problem is people being not capable to perform the work that’s expected of them, we should welcome ChatGPT with open arms.. A sane and literate man equipped with GPT-4 is "good enough" for so many tasks.

Gatekeeping access to a market is a questionable practice in and of itself. So, one day you want to buy something useful to you from a company producing that thing. But.. isn’t there somebody you forgot to ask?

Yeah, all the biological stuff is besides the point. Gametes, chromosomes, whatever… I can tell a man from a woman without sampling his DNA.

I am using GPT-4 in my work right now.. writing code and making some decisions. It’s genuinely impressive, capable of deep reasoning about very complex systems in a matter of seconds. Frankly, generating political thought is a wrong way to utilize this, otherwise enormously powerful, tool. Both because it’s censored on purpose, and because you wouldn’t want to delegate the task of building your worldview to a robot.

Just go, you don’t need our permission.

However, I would feel emasculated if I gave this person any more money than I already have. Is there a way I can have my cake and eat it too here?

The real emasculation going on here is the very act of taking this decision seriously. Out of the Chad and the Virgin, who do you think would do that?

You can't have infinite growth on a finite planet.

The assumption here is that we are approaching the growth limit, while in reality we’re nowhere close to depleting the resources especially considering the possible technological advances. The current population was thought to be unsustainable pre-green revolution.

The decline in the standards of living, the cost disease, etc. is essentially artificial and caused by the nature of the modern regulatory state.

For millenia people somehow managed to have multiple children, without having access to the modern technology — no washing machines, no diapers, no microwaves, no medicine, no agricultural machines that allow us to grow food on massive scale, no nothing — yet they somehow did that through wars, famines, plagues to this day; and somehow the modern western people fail to do that becase children are "expensive", despite that not a single thing related to raising children should be expensive given the capabilities of modernity.

I’m not a big fan of his super app idea, but on the other hand the Twitter changes are quite interesting to look at. I suspect a lot of businesses dogma these days is to some extent bullshit, which nevertheless keeps repeating itself because no-one is willing to put their money or career on the line to test it. Well Musk just did. You think that these changes will end Twitter. Now what if they don’t? Should we then concede that "brand value" is not a real thing, at least to the extent it is assumed to be, and that it’s all just the network effect all the way down?

As a casual Twitter user, I noticed the new logo today in the app, and found that I didn’t care in the slightest about how it looks like. Are all (most of?) the users like that? We’ll see.

Other examples include the 'Great Reset' (a WEF paper that primarily advocates an agreement on a global minimum corporation tax, hardly revolutionary dystopian policy here) and so on.

That does seem concerning to me.

Governments defecting against other w.r.t. taxes creates downwards pressure on tax rates, a race to the bottom, which is one of the things that prevents the governments from taxing as high as the market can bear, and therefore capturing all the produced value. Dismantling this mechanism by coordinating a global price fixing scheme on taxation; worse, creating an institution that facilitates these kinds of agreements — doesn’t look good to me. It will lead to higher taxes worldwide, if successful.

That said, I don’t know whether the WEF actually promotes this idea, or if it was a one-off paper of no consequence. Would be interesting to read your thoughts on it, 2rafa.

The whole unemployment problem is artificial and ultimately fake. Just look out the window and ask yourself: is this the world where all the useful work has been done already?

Most of the world, yes even in the "first world" countries, is in the state of decrepitude and disrepair; take the richest place in the world and you’ll still see numerous problems related to even most basic amenities of civilisation: messed up transportation systems and infrastructure, abysmal standards of medical care, undersupply of real estate even though we have the technology to build structures that reach the clouds, scarcity of electricity and energy in general; the list goes on and on and don’t even get me started on the rest of the globe.

And yet we are supposed to believe that there is nothing left to do for smart, capable and diligent people??

UBI, AI regulations, employment regulation.. these are all bad solutions to a manufactured problem, which will only serve to perpetuate it further.

All unemployment has politics as its root cause, with the rare exception of people who are so crippled mentally or physically that they are Literally incapable of doing any work.