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This might be a topic better suited for the culture war roundup thread, but here goes:

The red tribe largely considers AR-15's a status symbol. In part this is because building/customizing AR-15's is a popular hobby for high IQ red tribers with a bit of disposable income, and no doubt this plays a role in the way both side talk about assault weapon bans.

So, what's the blue tribe equivalent of that phenomena? I'd say it's travel, except travel doesn't seem to be any kind of culture war flashpoint. I'd also say pet ownership, except that high IQ hobbies associated with pet ownership(dog training, for example) are probably associated with the red tribe more than the blue tribe. The closest thing I can think of is what I'd call fruity literature- novels or short stories with lots of superfluous gay stuff shoved in or outright centered around homosexual themes.

It seems to me that the victory can be an indictment of the mainstream media(which undersold the possibility of Trump winning) while not being an indictment of election models which gave Trump a 3/10 chance and the Trump victory is the sort of thing that we should expect to happen every once in a while.

Hydroxyacetylene from reddit, made the jump.

Clinton was a terrible candidate in large part because of a series of unforced and largely unpredicted errors like claiming she was Latin voters’ abuela and barking like a dog on national TV.

I'm not sure the men getting laid the most are the highest value, exactly.

In traditional polygyny you saw wealthy, prominent men with high status jobs having lots of wives. In this society you see men with good social skills and a willingness to "play the game" having multiple partners regardless of wealth or social status. This in turn both depresses the birth rate and shifts births towards worse situations- as a growing portion of women realize that they will never marry an acceptable man, some number of them refuse to come to terms with not having kids and just breed with whoever happens to be available, with no expectation of paternal investment beyond maybe child support payments.

The only way out of this trap is to reduce female autonomy and make birth control suck more. These will, needless to say, not be getting implemented any time soon. And even if they are, it will probably move society towards traditional polygyny rather than monogamy.

Catholic churches have more diverse congregations to the point of legitimately needing to set language policies, something it doesn't have a lengthy institutional memory of doing because historically it was all done in Latin.

A shortage of Spanish and- in some dioceses- Vietnamese and Tagalog speaking priests is a major problem for the Catholic church in the USA.

It's a forum for doxxing mentally ill overly online types. Their basic aim is humor value in these people's often seriously screwed up lives.

Given the overlap in groups, it should come as no surprise that their targets are disproportionately trans(and specifically trans activists), which is where the headline news controversy comes from. I'm not going to say it's uncontroversial when they just go after random schizos, but it doesn't make the news.

I am very pro this.

The biggest upfront losers to AI are going to be freelance porn artists, because that’s easily replaceable as art and also because porn consumers probably have fewer hang ups about the implications of new technology than other consumers. And this is, indeed, the historical pattern- porn was one of the major factors behind the rise of home video and the internet. My gut feeling is that less freelance porn artists will also get impacted, just more slowly.

Now, while the porn industry might be bluetribe, it’s… not exactly a sympathetic victim. I wouldn’t expect the mainstream blue tribers to care very much about AI until it’s a done deal.

Interestingly, I expect a bipartisan consensus against self driving trucks, opposed by the grey tribe. The blue tribe will be opposed to the necessary cutting of regulations, and the red tribe will be opposed to the necessary cutting of trucking jobs.

It will be interesting to see if the grey tribe gets anything done if they have money behind them for once.

I would expect most non-religious freelance artists(religious art commissions work differently) to take a haircut, but aren’t most professional artists in basically 8-5 employment doing web design or advertising? I’d expect those people to stay employed doing largely what they were doing, just much faster.

Now in the long term it’s probably not good news for graphic design students or aspiring animators, but I’m under the impression their chances of actually making it were pretty low anyways.

What you’re describing is the process of how democracies degrade into authoritarian regimes which may or may not maintain the institutions of the old form of government. The Greeks, who witnessed the process over and over again, used the term στάσις for this- in a nutshell, the polity divides into competing factions which begin to identify the other as a threat to the polity itself, and both consider a τύραννος to be preferable to allowing the other to hold power.

In other words, a culture war. This process began in the 90’s, but didn’t begin accelerating until around the 2012 election.

I would estimate that more police(which everyone except the far left and libertarian right agrees on) is probably contributed to by higher homicide rates- that is, the consensus is that the correct response to crime is to hire more police, so when crime becomes a particularly salient issue, cities hire more cops.

I would estimate police brutality is also a side effect of more crime.

Now as for why ‘more police’ doesn’t make a major impact, I would guess that it’s because the incentive structure for big city prosecutors is to offer criminals a slap on the wrist and near immediate release in exchange for a guilty plea, and the incentive for criminals is to plead guilty and be on their merry way with far less- or even no- punishment than would be expected. TLDR moloch operates in prosecutors offices to reduce the certainty of punishment.

The issue with encouraging teen pregnancy is that two teens can’t raise a baby together- can’t earn enough to support a family, and generally need at least one real adult in the couple for a variety of reasons.

You can get around this by either raising the age of first pregnancy or normalizing at least a subset of teenagers going with adult men. Our society is very squeamish about the latter solution, and I do not think it’s viable without bringing back arranged marriages, which in turn means, basically, getting rid of women’s lib, which has far reaching society wide consequences.

Trans woman?

So under international law the most plausible (although non-central)example of genocide in western countries is differential CPS targeting of the devoutly religious.

That’s not what trans activists want, though. They want acknowledging any distinction at all between trans women and cis women to be taboo.

The Christian Right has a lot of communities that are incredibly positive. They’re just IRL. And far right wingers mostly going to irl for their bonding and community needs explains a lot of the difference, honestly.

Are lefty spaces actually that positive? I was under the impression that SJW and adjacent spaces were cesspits of internecine nastiness which tended to cause depression issues in members.

*bodies of mangled young men and women

The trans suicide rate is probably even higher among those that get memed into it than the ones that would’ve discovered it on their own.

Mindless revulsion is itself an argument.

Would you eat a cockroach? Why not?

‘Because it’s gross’ is a perfectly valid answer.

The blue tribe wasn’t exactly a bastion of gender conformity before all this, either- it’s possible they’re just genuinely bad at reading clues.

Major confounder is that Hispanics and Arabs can very often pass for white, and frequently do.

I was under the impression that the most popular sci-fi was by-and-large written by straight white males who are, if not necessarily MAGA republicans, then at least very politically incorrect(eg, John Ringo, Orson Scott Card, David Weber). Is it any real surprise that with that backdrop there is an impetus for the wokes to try to promote already woke stuff as a replacement whether or not it makes any sense?

Orson Scott Card managed to deliver both in parts of his Ender’s Game series, but it’s assuredly not super hard sci-fi. And hard sci-fi in general doesn’t do prose and characters great because that’s not the focus.

I think there’s enough historical and foreign examples that we can safely say that it’s possible to have a functioning, high equilibrium society in which girls/women marry in their teens very frequently, and to say that most women/girls are capable of adjusting to and fulfilling a wife and mother role by their mid teens with little inherent difficulty.

I do think there is a completely negligible amount of evidence against the received wisdom that girls and young women are incapable of making wise choices about who to partner with.

I also think there is a very negligible amount of evidence against the received wisdom that men/boys are incapable of fulfilling a father/husband role until much later in life than girls are.

It seems completely reasonable to the point of being self evident to me that ‘girls are married off in their teens to older men’ basically means getting rid of women’s lib.