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User ID: 624



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User ID: 624

To further your analogy, why are they trying so hard to sell me lightning shark insurance?

He's also an impressively unsympathetic character in all this. If he had kept his mouth shut, some fraction of bystanders would have taken a charitable viewpoint because of the glowing coverage of his past. His continual interviews have made that a lot harder, and I cannot take a position other than one of "he's a greedy dumbass that got in way over his head" and "he's a complete and utter conniving scumbag".

I know very little about Ellison outside of the wood nymph silliness, and so don't have the same burning desire for her to see the inside of a prison cell for decades.

How should unjust laws be dealt with if not for test cases?

I find "I broke this law so punish me, but I will fight it otherwise legally as best I can" to be an honorable stance, at least compared to much of today's behavior. Now I often see unlawful protesters surprised when laws are upheld against them, and largely acting like that's unfair and shouldn't have happened. They want the opposite of a test case, which I guess is anarcho-capitalism.

I thought so too, but Bing really, really sucks. I've left it as the default on my son's computer since it integrates nicely with Microsoft's parental controls. My son is not a sophisticated 9-year old, his queries are very, very simple. And yet it still returns utter trash results, littered with malware at the worst, and machine-generated content farm crap at the best. I repeat the queries on google and it's surprising how different they are.

Do you think everyone is wrong about it? It's popular because it's a legitimately good game in a very approachable genre, and happens to be the best game version of one of the most popular IPs ever.

I don't care about Harry Potter at all (I've read half the books to my kids...) but I'm enjoying the game.

He made a followup post: https://pmarca.substack.com/p/followup-on-pausing-alcohol

As an alcoholic (not physically addicted, but sure am mentally), I've been experimenting with not drinking. I feel just like Marc does. I sleep and exercise and just generally live MUCH better when not drinking. But fucking hell, I'm less happy. I love the depressed/self-destructive/edge-off/dopey feeling of being drunk.

I feel like people who really get his comments have had some alcoholism in there life. I personally can’t buy a bottle of alcohol without finishing the whole thing in 24 hours. I end up talking myself into having a glass of whiskey to relax at the end of the night and it’s all gone the next day.

This is the same for me, but I'm a beer drinker. Part of why I only drink beer is that it's much, much harder (neigh impossible) to get physically addicted.

The way I avoid drinking is to just not buy any beer. If I buy a six pack, it's gone in 24 hours, and then I wish I had bought more. When I don't have beer I end up looking in the fridge anyway to see if maybe I missed a can somewhere the last time I looked. It's not great.

Something that really helped me was getting a garmin watch. It really lays bare how much of a difference even one drink makes. It doesn't have a "tell me whether I had a drink or not" mode, but it certainly could get one added based on how clearly it knows my sleep and recovery are worse on days I drink. My HRV and restlessness in sleep are drastically worse.

Of course I say this all while I'm hung over and feel too shitty to exercise because I drank too much yesterday...

There's no constitutional amendment declaring your right to drive a car. Had cars existed at the time there might be, but there's not, so it's not much of a comparison.

Are you thinking of Duke Nukem 1 and 2 and misremembering the pig cops from duke nukem 3D?

Here's one of the most amazing videos I've seen, where a female cop shoots the wrong person after allowing an awful situation to brew, and a male cop shows up and regulates in 5 seconds: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RguOVwO2PjA

I've met plenty of extremely intelligent women in the tech industry. They exist, but I think their efforts are spent on things other than the sort of mental masturbation that mottizens like to participate in.

One thing that I have noticed, and should really give you pause, is the frequency with which these high-g women with similar spouses have autistic children. It's not necessarily an awesome idea to breed two shape rotators in an attempt at creating an uber-rotator.

I didn't really mean "extra smart, quirky" autistic. Pretty much everyone here checks enough boxes that if we fought to get it, we could get that ordained title. I'm talking about serious problems functioning in society autistic. Better get a bunch of friends while your parents can negotiate your life for you autistic. This is a lot different than "I read a lot of words on the internet and feel awkward in public" autistic.

I don't have much to add besides to say that 2rafa's description of Seattle is startlingly accurate, and poignant. I've lived here for more than 20 years, and it's astonishing how far it's fallen. It was NOT like this 8 years ago. This is the obvious and deliberate results of pants-on-head-crazy liberal policies.