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User ID: 262



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User ID: 262

I suspect the causality is reversed, if you were paying more you'd find your candidate pool to be better. The IT industry is way bigger and more competitive these days and talented individuals can find their way to six figure jobs pretty easily.

Where can I sign up to wait in line 12 months like a German and get drugs for 95% off?

$12,000/year is immense. Americans are being uniquely screwed here.

If you have a T2D diagnosis, you can get the drug for 95% off tomorrow after going through a prior authorization on most insurance (mine quotes me $30).

If you don't have T2D, the more accurate comparison is more like 340$ in germany for Wegovy (so ~400 after you adjust for purchasing power parity) and you can get a Zepbound prescription with coupon for $550, which is a much better drug: fewer side effects, higher average weight loss. That's an extra $2k a year (13 four week boxes*150) but it's hardly $12k.

Cool. Why don't they just cut off all supplies to Europe and sell exclusively to the US at 20x the price.

I'd guess politics, these companies do have to play the long game and I'm certain that the supply is much more limited in other countries.

Yes. Bernie Sanders is quite dumb and honeymooned in the USSR. His understanding of economics is at the /r/antiwork tier.

You'll get a better quality discussion if you present the stronger version of an argument. If that's such a dumb argument and missing context, why didn't you add that in your top level post? ಠ_ಠ

A: You can't just look at the marginal cost, you have to consider the fixed costs that go into making the first dose. Drug development has a lot of candidate drugs that don't pan out and so they need big hits to pay for failed drugs.

B: For the past two years there have been and continue to be pretty severe GLP-1 supply shortages in the US, availability for those prescriptions in centralized health care systems ration access to GLP-1 meds much more strictly on top of similar supply shortages. Good luck getting Ozempic in Canada/Germany without a T2D diagnosis, and most US insurance does cover Ozempic at reasonable rates if you have a T2D diagnosis and can jump through some hoops with a prior authorization. If you just want a weight loss drug, then you're looking at $900+ every four weeks here.

C: To a large extent, the 'system' is working. US citizens are getting earlier access to these drugs. Companies are churning out new and better versions, Mounjaro/Zepbound is a big step up from semaglutide and there are even more and better drugs in development. High prices mean should help supply issues get sorted out sooner and more weight drugs means that US insurers should be able to force drug companies to compete and lower prices over time.

Defendants in NY civil cases have to put more the judgement amount into escrow with the court or get a bond before they can appeal.

New Mexico is a very urban state.

You should read the Eastman memos but there was a plan to get from claims to fraud to reelecting Trump.

A bunch of intelligence officials including the Obama's SecDef and the Director of the NSA sign an open letter declaring the laptop story to be a Russian disinformation op.

Declaring? I see a lot of hedging that it might be from the Russians, not an explicit acknowledgement that it was.

The fact that two years later, conservatives are still complaining about the censorship of the story rather than discussing the contents of the laptop to me show that the censorship was far more damaging than helpful to Biden's cause and that there really isn't that much to the underlying laptop contents.

when a judge requires you sit for yet another ~24 hours of depositions and ignores doctor's notes of illness demanding you show up and you don't, that would run afoul of the phrasing of your question

Different case, one of the CT ones I believe. It's almost like there's a pattern here...

when a judge requires you turn over a document you claim not only do you not have but never existed in the first place and you fail to deliver said document, it's dishonest to simply assert "party has a history of failing to comply with discovery orders"

Citation needed. Again, I cited a court order which laid out a history of Jones refusing to comply in a timely manner (pages 2-3 of this order) and you have provided zero evidence to back up your wild claims e.g. "a party who has gone along with 99% of court demands".

Given your unwillingness to grapple with the evidence I've provided or provide any yourself, I think further discussion is unlikely to be productive.

Do you have a guess how many depositions Jones sat for and for how many hours? Do you have a guess how many depositions and how many hours Infowars employees sat for?

How does that matter at all? Just because you have sat for depositions in some cases does not free you of the obligation to sit for court ordered depositions in other cases. Do you disagree that Jones has a history of failing to comply with discovery orders in a timely manner (see the order in my previous post for overview of the history)? Did Jones/Infowar employees sit for all required depositions in the case I cited (Heslin v Jones)? If you disagree with anything I said in my last post, please provide some evidence to back up your claims, preferably in the form of a document submitted to a court (i.e. something that carries penalties for misrepresentation).

Both the judge in the Texas case and CT cases found that Jones was intentionally withholding discovery, including not sitting for depositions. They had previously sanctioned him and only after his continuing refusal to fully comply did the judges sanction him with a default judgement. Here's the order in the TX case laying all this out.

Turns out this Alex Jones guy might have also been lying about how unfair the judges were to him, who could have guessed?

How is this a case of the process being the punishment? Trump had multiple opportunities to voluntarily hand over the documents in question privately and only after failing to do so did the DOJ get a warrant.

bottom left: hedgehog. Really could be almost any rodent/rodent like animal but it's very similar to other hedgehog toys

bottom right: fox

top left: Moose, the horns are a giveaway imo

top right: not a real animal. Bear with fake ears, function over form for this toy.

Yeah, but it's always been a ridiculous lie. The United States outspends almost every country in the world. The failures of American schools (such that they exist, I would argue that the failures are more with the local demographic stock than with the schools themselves) cannot plausibly be explained by funding at schools that are spending more than Germany, Japan, or our neighbor to the north.

There's some serious slight of hand going on here where your link (by default) only shows US spending on tertiary education but the rest of your comment uses 'school' to mean primary+secondary education. If you instead look at primary and secondary education costs and use % of GDP, the US is just above the middle of the group.

I feel like your post is mixing apples and oranges, or at the very least painting with too broad a brush. You mention that the list of hugo + nebula winning novels are (in your opinion/recollection) apolitical but then you talk about novels that are just nominated for the hugo award. IMO, there are pollical books on that list (e.g. forever war, left hand of darkness, The Dispossessed) and I'm sure there are plenty of others if you actually looked at nominees instead of just novels that are popular enough to win both the Hugo and Nebula awards.

That said, there was a relatively apolitical scientific focused book on the nominees list Project_Hail_Mary, why not just read that?