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User ID: 1863



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User ID: 1863

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Excellent story!

Was this inspired by the comment in last week's thread about what to do about low level antisocial behavior?

And stupid question, but what does "lock in" mean in this case? I'm only familiar with that term in regards to youth group stuff, which is very obviously not the use here.

That seems to fundamentally misunderstand how words work together? That's like someone linking to an organization for self-identified gay Republicans and someone else replying "There's nothing gay about being a Republican". Yeah, sure, but that doesn't mean there aren't gay Republicans.

People are perfectly capable of being both gay and Republicans and identifying with both those labels, just as they are perfectly capable of being both radical feminists and anti-trans and identifying with both those labels.

Right now, there's one park in Europe and two in the US, you could build one in Texas, one in Italy and one in Turkey and all of them would be full.

It may be worthwhile to look into all the problems Disney had opening Disneyland Paris and the problems they've continued to have there. That's likely a factor in not expanding more into Europe.

For Texas, geographically it makes a lot of sense, but given the problems they've been having in Florida lately I can understand their hesitancy.

To your point:

but this only makes me wish we could divorce the management of the parks from the IP somehow and let multiple competitors manage them.

Would solve this, but would be anathema to Disney itself. The modern vision for Disney parks is very clearly not Walt's, but the company is still highly attached to it.

FWIW, watched the movie not two weeks ago and while I remembered Chris Pine's wife was black it did not register the barbarian was latina.

Interesting, in the Midwest I'd have a gigantic false positive rate if I assumed every guy (even if I just limited it to short + scrawny guys) who dressed like that was a trans male.

I could definitely see how this would stand out more some place like San Francisco where there are both less cis males dressing that way and way more trans males than in the Midwest.

Edit: Realized I misunderstood and you meant trans male therefore high chance of these appearance choices and not these appearance choices therefore high chance of trans male.

Wrote below on some factors in the early 90s, but for my experience in the early 2000s your story sounds more plausible. We didn't linger especially on HIV/AIDS, other than still treating it as a death sentence, but we did also go over the worst case scenarios for every single STD as well as worst case scenarios for birth.

For the birth part, I do wonder if they really thought that part through? It certainly made the girls in my class not want to get teen pregnant, but it wasn't like the worst case scenarios they highlighted applied only to teens and I'm sure it turned at least a few off having children altogether, which I very much doubt was the goal of most abstinence-only groups.

Edit: I'm sure there's a longer post that could be made on how much of the propaganda spread to bring down teen pregnancy rates was too broad and actually served to make pregnancy and childrearing appear unappealing in a general sense.

Please elaborate. It seems to be limited to only the expansion of using the most severe allowable punishment (so would also be the case if the punishment for both murder and child rape were life without parole, but would not apply if the punishment for child rape were death but the punishment for murder was torture then death) for things less than murder.

One of the reasons why ancient legal codes where execution was a common punishment allowed for various different methods of execution, allowed for punishments beyond execution (such as also killing one's family, seizing lands and titles) etc.

Edit: To carry on the Qin example, if the penalty for being late was death but the penalty for treason was death and seizure of all your family's assets, there would still be incentive to not commit treason.

Aaaah, gotcha.

I'm guessing it is more common in places/times where the legal closing hours are/were earlier- I see the article mentions 11pm, which would be quite early by the standards of places I've lived (usually in the 2am to 4am range).

A distinction I often see made online, though I'll admit this might be like The Simpsons Jealousy vs Envy distinction (that is to say, not actually a distinction consistent with current or historical use), is that a fetish is required for arousal/climax while a kink is not.

So someone who gets off on feet would have a foot kink, someone who needs feet to get off would have a foot fetish.

Not really, no.

In terms of most convincing, the first time I had sleep paralysis it was preceded by an erotic dream. I was having the dream and then "woke up" to the feeling of something sitting on my chest and having the image of a black demonic creature with red burning eyes (similar to this painting, which I believe I had already seen at that time). I mumbled my way through the Lord's Prayer until I woke up fully.

After waking up, I fully understood how someone could genuinely believe they had been visited by succubi / incubi. For me, it was sorted by continuing to have instances of sleep paralysis (usually not preceded by erotic dreams and with a whole menagerie of creatures of different forms tormenting me) that did not conform to that pattern until I improved my sleeping habits, at which point the sleep paralysis became much rarer.

Depends on how clear the memory is.

Some are like clips, with some being closer to full color and others being more faded. Some memories are more like still images, once again sometimes the colors are retained sometimes not.

For any memories that are just words, it's either a case of it literally being a memory of something heard or read or it's something that I used to have a more vivid memory of, but can now only recognize as a factual statement about my past.

As Flannery O'Connor said-

"If it's just a symbol, then to Hell with it"

there are just a few anemic strings of white lights hanging from the ceiling (colored lights seem to be permanently out of fashion for some reason)

I think this is part of a wider aesthetic shift towards being sleek/minimalistic that has been happening for a long time. I distinctly remember noticing as a kid in the early 2000s that there was a trend with upper-class people more likely to do white lights and lower-class being more likely to do colored lights. I tried to get my folks to put up colored lights instead of white lights, but the compromise ended up being all one color (I chose blue, which led to people asking if we had converted to Judaism).

My concern is activists who want people, including kids, to be self-critical of their identity characteristics in a social, cultural and political fashion.

Self-deconstruction is inherently very unhealthy. It's not something that should be encouraged in any way, shape or form.

Would you mind expanding on this with examples of what you mean, especially any examples outside of trans stuff?

I think you're getting at something interesting here but I'm not fully understanding it.

FWIW, my intuition would be that 1st generation legal immigrants are probably MORE assimilated than 1st generation immigrants in the early 1900s due to higher requirements for entry, but it does seem that young 2nd generation immigrants are much less pushed to assimilate / are less interested in assimilating.

I'll add the caveat that this impression is mostly from East Asian and African immigrant families I've interacted with in the US- the parents generally seem to want to emphasize their Americanness while their children seem to want to emphasize what makes them different, to the extent that quite a few of them resent their parents for trying to raise them as American rather than keeping up cultural traditions/keeping them fluent in their parents' native tongue.

Saint Basil's Cathedral, might be pleb tastes but I just love the textures and colors on the domes.

Seconding the advice of swapping to black tea, with the added suggestion that I've had great success replacing half my cups of coffee per day with cups of tea.

I feel more focused and less anxious/jittery with that combination (while also being able to painlessly step down my caffeine consumption).

Perhaps rephrased-

"We try to avoid making two-flavor combos where all the toppings can already be paired with just one of the two flavors"

And no, the kids aren’t going to do their required history reading, so that’s not going to help. They’ll also use ChatGPT to write their papers (this is already happening), so their writing skills will atrophy as well.

Understand the concern, but I'm unclear as to why this is a problem for reading and writing about World War I and not for reading and writing about, say, The Scarlet Letter.

Would the students not wish to skip the reading and use ChatGPT to write the papers regardless of the subject matter?

You've made me yearn for a terrible, terrible cover of We Three Kings by George Clooney, Ice Cube and Mark Wahlberg.

But hey, I'm not a person of drunkeness. Never been drunk in my life. I get a feeling of pressure inside my forehead after say 200 ml of hard liquor or equivalent, and never feltl like drinking anything more to find out.

Sounds like you do have a decent tolerance, though! 200 ml of hard liquor would have me well into drunk territory.

I'm afraid to think what kind of taboo content people that have created this include in their sessions.

I cannot speak to the history of it and I'm sure these are used in some campaigns that explore more extreme stuff, but the tables I've heard of where these are used are on the opposite end.

That is to say, they have these cards in case a player is uncomfortable with situations that are pretty bog-standard for fantasy settings (fantasy racism, religion being portrayed either positively or negatively, sexism, classism, etc)

I have one family member who has steadfastly refused to change from a flip phone to a smartphone, but everyone I know who owns one keeps it with them whenever out and about.

Setting aside the question of whether it is or is not a poem for a moment, reading this really drove home to me how much my appreciation of works of art is context-driven.

My opinion of whether or not this writing was worthwhile was entirely wrapped up in how how old it was- you summarized some of the main thoughts as

Today we have dishwashers! And buy products that come from all over the world! And can easily afford them so what was exotic or scarce in the past is now something to be had everyday

And there's a big difference to me between someone putting down those thoughts during/shortly after the boom in modern household appliances and globalization versus last week. My opinion of the piece dropped precipitously when I found the date it was published.

That's not to say that art only has value if it is truly novel, but if you're doing something that has been done a million times before, you have a higher bar to clear and if you're trying something brand new you'll be cut more slack.

If you do that effort post, I'll be interested to hear what you think of DS9. Basically all the Star Trek fans I know have low opinions of the more recent stuff, but DS9 seems fairly divisive for the exact optimism reasons you're talking about.