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joined 2022 October 15 17:30:54 UTC


User ID: 1662



1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 October 15 17:30:54 UTC


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User ID: 1662

No, it's not "most". Maybe 5 pounds of water weight if that.

I've been off the diet for 3 weeks. Trust me when I say that my glycogen stores are fully replenished. I've been eating like a pig. I'm still 8 pounds lighter and my waistline is smaller.

I do wonder--how much of the pushback has been from people making my same mistake?

Probably a lot. Most people view "calls for peace" as "enemy fifth columns".

Making observations about the downvotes is a surefire way to attract more. I'd guess it's because people view it as an expression of entitlement.

That's insightful. I think you're right about the entitlement. In my personal life I'm fairly high status. So how dare people not agree with me on the internet!! I've just gotten a taste of what the typical liberal poster has to deal with on this forum. (Or the typical conservative anywhere else).

I think in general this forum helps me clear up sloppy thinking, even if it's just intellectual masturbation. I feel like this episode was somewhat frustrating because people seemed to be responding with emotion and bile, or failing that, I didn't understand their arguments well enough to change my thinking. Normally when I get pushback, I have made some fundamental mistake. If I did this time, I don't see it.

Probably just the ease of getting the correct pH. Someone also mentioned that baking soda has extra salt.

If I find myself buying a lot of the fancy water, I'll find a way to start making it at home for free.

Thanks for the suggestion. I don't mind paying, but Duolingo seems to have a lot of dark patterns which makes me reluctant to give them my money.

I think the consensus is something like 1-5 reps for strength. 6-10 for hypertrophy. I'm not sure what more than 10 gets you and it might be considered fuckarounditis.

But the big numbers in non-profit employment are in service provision in fee-charging or government-contracted non-profits - the most visible examples are church and university-owned hospitals; private, parochial and charter schools; and private universities.

I guess we'll have to see the numbers. I agree that those institutions are productive, or at least no worse than private or government alternatives.

I do wonder how many people are in the activism and awareness space. I seem to come across a lot of them in my personal life. I try not to wince when they tell me what they do.

Much better with the rewrite. It seems like a somewhat complicated situation. Since you're talking about the 2 in 5 rule, this implies that property A was your primary residence in the past - for at least 24 months of the last 5 years.

So you could sell both properties, and essentially choose which one to pay cap gains on. As only one property actually has capital gains, this is no problem.

It sounds like you've already fixed on selling property B (your current home).

As to Property A, you could sell within the next 1.5 years and avoid cap gains. But you're losing a 2.75% mortgage and good renters. Personally, it sounds like you have a good setup with this property, and you should just keep it. Rent will increase over time more quickly than your costs. And with depreciation, I assume the current rent income is mostly or entirely tax free.

When your tenants move out, you can 1031 exchange and avoid paying capital gains taxes. If you're lazy you can 1031 exchange into a triple net lease. This might be better than renting out your parent's lake house. The risks of renting to unknown people are pretty high in many jurisdictions right now.

Just my 0.02.

As a blue tribe urbanite, I am not a gun owner, nor are any of my family or close friends.

My point is that, if you care about people dying, then why not focus on the things that kill orders of magnitude more people than mass shootings? To name a few: Heart disease, diabetes, urban violence?

Even if you reject them, there are reasonable, and to my mind persuasive, genuine public safety rationale behind restricting gun ownership,

I agree with this. And in fact, I support greater enforcement against people who carry unlicensed guns. Putting people who have illegal guns behind bars would greatly reduce gun violence, more than any legislative action. Here in Seattle, people who commit multiple felonies and are caught with illegal guns are often put back onto the streets with charges dismissed. As a result, 2023 will set the record for the most murders ever committed in the city.

As to banning guns entirely, the second amendment is my mind prevents that.

I can't remember unfortunately.

If you truly are obese, have Type II diabetes, and can't get access to Ozempic, have you considered a ketogenic diet?

I've been doing it for a couple months now, and the results have been incredible on both my waistline and on the scale. And I'm loving the food too. So delicious.

For me, the need is not that huge. I was only slightly overweight before and I'm doing it mostly out of vanity and for sports performance. For you, the benefits of a keto diet could be life-changing.

I know that pretty much everyone who is overweight wants to poo poo the keto diet, giving excuses not to do it, and reasons why it won't work for them. But it does work for almost everyone who tries it. I'd give it a shot!

How does this relate to the discussion at hand specifically? Not a criticism, just want to move the discussion forward for people who are reading along.

That's a good pushback. This is meta but I'm sad to see that your comment is sitting at -1 on the voting system. Agree or disagree (and I mostly disagree based on the quality of the Somalian diaspora in my city), it certainly contributes to the conversation and should have been upvoted.

I don't think you meant to reply to me, but African immigration is hugely increasing in the United States.

In the 1970s, there were 140,000 African immigrants gaining permanent status. In the 2010s this had increased to 1.04 million. This will continue to increase due to chain immigration.

By percent, African immigration composed about 3% in the 1970s and 10% in the 2010s. I do concede that Latin American immigration is a bigger problem for now, but just follow the trends. Demographics is destiny as always.

I purchased some specifically for Keto on Amazon.

I don't use Bing chat so I can't compare unfortunately.

I'm inclined to agree, but wouldn't China be a counterexample?

With a lack of productive investments, excess Chinese savings were dumped into unproductive real estate speculation. This is going badly for them.

Here in the U.S., we also have a lack of productive investments. Witness the explosion in meme stocks, crypto, property values, and the price of random shit like collectible cards during the pandemic. This was exacerbated by the extreme level of excess savings during the pandemic (now being helpfully unwound by inflation). But, as you point out, the Federal Reserve can fix this.

Ultimately, we'd never know until it was tried. Odds are, it's very unlikely to be worse than our current corrupt and Byzantine system.

You can have compassion and empathy for the lower classes without wanting them to actually run things.

What numbers would make you vote blue?

Let's do some math.

Let's say that we are voting on Twitter and that an evil god makes this poll binding. Let's say that that 1 million vote and that every result from 40-60% is equally likely.

So there are 200,000 possible voting outcomes. And in only 1 of these will your vote be the difference maker.

By voting blue, you have a 1/200,000 chance of saving 500,000 people, and a 1/2 chance of killing yourself. So you will save 2.5 lives on average but die 0.5 times yourself.

Is your life worth that of 5 random strangers? It's worth debating. I think most people would not kill themselves to save 5 people, but at the same time would not kill 5 people to save themselves either.

As your choice involves potentially killing yourself to save others, I'm not sure your choice to vote blue on Twitter parses from an intuitive sense. The only time in which voting blue would seem to make sense would be if you knew the vote was very near 50% and you had extreme leverage to save people.

Aren't French and Italian breakfasts essentially dessert as well? In France the standard is to serve a 2 ounce coffee which comes with not one, but two, gigantic sugar packets enough to supersaturate the coffee. Paired, of course, with a pastry.

The distinguishing characteristic of the American and English breakfasts would seem to be their gigantic size, not their sugar level.

Thanks, I'll check it out!

I wonder what the Germans do about GDPR. That law seems particularly difficult to comply with.

Yeah, that sounds about right. Kind of like the alcoholic's belief that their heavy drinking is somehow making them more interesting. Possible in some cases I suppose, but mostly it's just bad storytelling and cope from people who want to believe that there must be some reason that bad things happen.

Damn, I'm dying to know. Did the NYT write something nice about the Ayatollah or something? Trudeau's eulogy of Castro also seems to fit the mold. Maybe I should rephrase.

I doubt you're going to find mainstream hagiographies of any right-coded dictator.

Okay, I will post on the main thread tomorrow.