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joined 2023 April 16 16:15:22 UTC


User ID: 2342



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User ID: 2342

On the first few reads I'm inclined to agree with your assessment. I will delve deeper later. This however is not good, speaking as someone who is about to join the corporate world.

What would you say about the strategy of simply trying to be lucky for the rest of your life? And why have you (seemingly) given up on getting lucky?

Please elaborate on why you've stopped improving your productivity?

I've decided long ago that I don't really have the temperament for entrepreneurship, so my only hope is constantly improving myself and chasing these promotions/job switches.

I will never dismiss comments like these because I don't have all the answers. But how could we possibly know if this was the case?

Do you think it's possible to unlearn the ability to understand language? I remember reading a while ago that man left the modern world and went to live in the woods by himself or something like that and I think he stated that his sense of self essentially disappeared. I wonder if you spend enough time not speaking, reading or writing the English language just disappears from your mind.

Does anyone else lack schadenfreude?

Schadenfreude - pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune

I guess the first time noticing this about myself is me being unable to get through "fail compilation" videos on YouTube leading me to find win compilations. Seeing other people get hurt or embarrassed rarely brings me joy.

Even when I think they "deserve" it.

Lets say a thief steals some merchandise from a store and on the way out they knock an innocent bystander over and they sprain their ankle. Imagine now 2 weeks later that thief gets caught by police while committing another theft because while they were attempting the robbery they sprained their ankle allowing the police to scoop them up. A nice little just so story about karmic revenge or whatever.

I can imagine all the comments underneath that short news story, the obvious jokes and and laughing emojis driven by the thief's comeuppance. While I am glad the thief lost in the end, it does not put a smile on my face or entice me to write a comment expressing my glee at someone's downfall.