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joined 2022 September 05 22:55:43 UTC


User ID: 743



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 22:55:43 UTC


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User ID: 743

Dude there are 8 billion people on a planet that can maybe support 2 billion long term. What are you even on about?

when populations decline incomes increase! More resources per person are available.

How is that working out in Bangladesh?

Bangladesh< Strike /Nigeria. Regardless Bangladesh would be a lot better of with about 1/10th the people.

I agree for the most part. But at our current level of tech, things are seriously fucked up. Have you tried fishing? Nothing like it used to be.

It is true of all societies. Fewer people = more resources per person. Once the oldies die off anyhow.

My uncle fell hook line and sinker for it. He is a nuclear scientist for GE. He is all about new reactor designs. But god damn he has become a full Q, space laser retard.

This is a brilliant analysis. But why does this make you right wing now? Is it literally just the trope about being left when young and right when old?