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you are loved <3

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joined 2022 November 03 01:48:35 UTC
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User ID: 1784


you are loved <3

4 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 November 03 01:48:35 UTC


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User ID: 1784

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hmm. yeah, the weird thing i think is from what you're saying it was working before. we didn't really change anything except to fix an issue with the the unread indicators (although that was in a separate function, so not sure why it'd affect it other than maybe parsing?

okay i'm able to reproduce this on Waterfox Classic 2022.04. will dig into it a little bit.

i'm having a hard time reproducing this bug but i also may just be misunderstanding what you mean here so just necroing here to try to see and if i can get a better description

in order to reproduce this bug, where should i create the comment given this example thread

A (+1 | -0)

B (+1 | -0)

C (+1 | -0)

D (+1 | -0)

and what steps should I take after I've made the comment?

not sure btw why this would be happening unless something is incredibly strange. are you blocking JS by any chance? we load the collapse_comment function from comments.js so if you're using any extension that's blocking that script, blocking it will make some things break.

otherwise if you have a devtools screenshot i can take a quick second and take a look

for movies that purport to be based on true stories, maybe lack of realism should be?

I mean, there is rdrama.net for low effort culture warring I suppose...

While I am not a fan of stereotypical Redditors, I also fail to see why being convinced that a man 2000 years ago rose from the dead despite a near-total lack of evidence that this happened other than the writings of a few people who probably never knew him in real life is supposed to make one better than a stereotypical Redditor.

because people were:

  1. a dick about it.
  2. incredibly cringey.

okay so one of the things that you saw on reddit a lot was this complete disdain for anything Christian. probably because they were teenagers or whatever, but the people getting upset over people saying "bless you" or "merry Christmas" or their mom wanting to pray at Christmas dinner or whatever were absolutely flooring. it seemed like a caricature. the amount of people saying how they owned the fundies or whatever, whether true or not1 was absolutely flooring. you also had the professional quote makers acting with a complete lack of self awareness. or the faces of atheism people. or the people who would argue about it endlessly in YouTube video responses (remember when those were a thing?) and culture war forums.

people essentially made their identity about not believing in God and getting really really mad at anyone that found comfort or peace within religion. it kinda dominated the internet. and when people would discuss how not everyone are like these knuckleheads, it'd erupt into a well... holy war with everyone else being wrong on the internet in their view.

i imagine a lot of them were teenagers who were rebelling against their parents for making them go to church on Sunday or whatever. and no doubt, people do have legitimate grievances, but internet flamewarring and circlejerking didn't really do anything.

1: i would be remiss to not point out the MsScribe story where a woman spent years faking harassment from Christian internet stalkers for internet clout.

grassroots astroturfing

those are diametrically opposed, just look at the words. being super for a corporation, no matter how pathetic, isn't astroturfing if it's grassroots.

The title of that article is laughably false. The underlying point it is based on, that under normal operation a nuclear plant releases less radioactive material into the environment than a coal plant, is technically true but grossly misleading.

I addressed this in the footnote.

the radioactivity concern is concentrated purely into the possibility of something going wrong.

It is a quite common myth that living near a nuclear power plant emits radiation during ongoing operations.

Looking at Reddit comments might not necessarily be instructive of the general reaction but it's been nothing but relief so far.

one thing that I've always found interesting is that the thing that tends to unite the internet is a very pro-nuclear power stance. reddit, twitter, themotte, hell even rdrama, are from what i can tell, decidedly pro-nuclear power. it's an interesting trend that i've seen that has had quite large staying power. it's hard to argue that reddit for example has the same general politics as it does 10 years ago, but even then the issue of nuclear power seems to be constant.

i'm sure there are some small groups that are anti-nuclear on the internet, but i think you'd be more hard pressed to find anti-nuclear communities online than to find a lot of different things. i find that observation to be pretty interesting.

i'd argue this is for good reason: nuclear power seems to be an amazing way to generate base load, tends to emit less radiation than coal powered plants1, and is dozens or hundreds of times cleaner than other energy sources.

1: the study i linked found that for the energy generated, more radiation is given out by fly ash, which contains trace amounts of uranium and thorium. while the amount of radiation that makes it into people from both of these sources isn't dangerous, it's worth pointing out when given the concerns of "gonna be irradiated."

Some countries like China and India went to quite extreme lengths to lower their population growth.

sure i'll give you China and India, but outside of that I still find the argument that this is happening on a mass scale outside of these 2 exceptions to be lacking and without merit

That's the beauty of it: if you successfully decrease the natives' fertility, you can then use it as an excuse to increase immigration. By the second generation the immigrants from the fertile countries you're importing will turn into the same sort of hedonist-nihilist low fertility bots westerners have already become.

as ironically nihilistic as this comment is, it seems again a extremely poor choice. why not just do both? you can get unchecked immigration with a rising population, although it's admittedly not very stable at high rates of both, and also lock people into bitter political rivalries

Except Elon Musk is now a "far-right extremist"

being far right or whatever political philosophy you say he is does not exempt him from his primary motivation: wealth accumulation. his concern is a poor theatre. he is one of the richest men in the world, he is going to advocate policies that are going to be in his interest, while putting on a poorly done kayfabe of concern for humanity or whatever.

While the existence of depopulation goals is so well documented that it’s not a conspiracy theory anymore

you've got to explain rather than just asserting its true.

on its face, this doesn't seem to make much sense to me: upper class would likely be quite averse to a shrinking population (this is why they are also broadly in favor of immigration). a shrinking population base can more easily demand higher wages on the basis that there are few able to perform their job. this is why you see such people like Elon Musk decrying the so-called "population crisis," with a smaller population basis, it can be harder to exert control in some scenarios (specifically for skilled labor).

you have two not necessarily competing "solutions" to this, Republicans will tend to call for banning of abortion and Democrats will tend to call for a very uh... liberal immigration.

i'd also argue that the type of low-skill worker is where depopulation would be least prevalent, why pay a living wage when you can pay illegal immigrants much less (and this wage gap has been documented1) for the same amount of work as a legal immigrant or a native-born.

1: See page 10 of the link. It seems to be relatively difficult to find strict numbers on like average wages, but it's likely I didn't look hard enough. Regardless, programs like E-Verify here in the United States tend to keep illegal immigrants out of most skilled labor, the hearsay seems reliable enough (I guess as much as it can be).

can the mods see who reported a post?

yes, it looks like this


does reading a post mean viewing the timeline , refreshing it, or clicking a tweet and reading it individually? it is possible to read posts in many ways.

from what I understand, the answer seems to be yes. also all the replies appear to be included.

so I've seen rumors around, and keep in mind these are just rumors, from HN and others that Twitter has been accidentally DDoSing themselves.

in the Twitter UI as of a few days ago (and earlier while looking for more information on a related thing I accidentally confirmed this), it'd start making hundreds of requests per minute to Twitter's servers. now looking through it, I found this

This is hilarious. It appears that Twitter is DDOSing itself.

The Twitter home feed's been down for most of this morning. Even though nothing loads, the Twitter website never stops trying and trying.

In the first video, notice the error message that I'm being rate limited. Then notice the jiggling scrollbar on the right.

The second video shows why it's jiggling. Twitter is firing off about 10 requests a second to itself to try and fetch content that never arrives because Elon's latest genius innovation is to block people from being able to read Twitter without logging in.



obviously my source is pretty biased, but the self-request spam seems to at least be happening to some extent.


It gets better

Rate limits increasing soon to 8000 for verified, 800 for unverified & 400 for new unverified


Now to 10k, 1k & 0.5k


all within the span of a few hours

both in this and reddit's case, it's an obvious cop out. the people using training data on reddit have access to the entire corpus from 2005-2022 via torrent, and it's probably way more clean than any future data

but most notably of all, the corpus of reddit contains a lot of spam, and when I say a lot I mean it. it was amazing how much is just completely unmoderated spam on there.

in twitter's case, I don't buy it either. I guess maybe pre-2022 but it's like the best data has probably been already scraped

Liberals aren't leftists. Generally liberals and conservatives are both very in favor of markets.

but it's still significantly more than 0%

because it's pretty obvious unless your idea of "free speech" is literally just posting slurs. 4chan has more rules and will ban you for a lot less than Twitter ever would

Nothing, short of a Musk-at-Twitter style purchase and purge, can do that.

I really do find it hilarious that people think Twitter is that much different with Musk at the helm as far as Trust & Safety goes. It's basically more of the same, but Musk found a great way to appeal to right-wingers by talking about "free speech" and stuff. Twitter was already the most free speech media, nothing in T&S really changed much except for Trump being unbanned.