@lifelingering's banner p




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joined 2022 September 09 03:59:47 UTC


User ID: 1060



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 03:59:47 UTC


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User ID: 1060

I would just say watch out for this if they are very academically inclined. I was always the youngest in my grade (I was technically accelerated a year, but I only missed the age cutoff by a few days so I basically just went from being the oldest to the youngest in my grade) and I was always extremely glad for that fact. School was always easy and boring enough as it was even with advanced classes, it would have been so much worse for me to be learning everything a year later. While I’m sure there are advantages on average to being older, to me it would have been a big negative.

I think reddit is much more decentralized than you are implying; the super mods are vastly outnumbered by regular mods who care about these changes a lot and have the ability to pin whatever they want to the top of their subreddit. While a typical user spends a lot of time in big subs, they are also probably subbed to several small subs for their niche interests, and unlike the big subs they actually care about and interact with the mods in the smaller subs so they’re more likely to listen to what they say. If all the mods of smaller subs quit it would potentially change the reddit user experience a lot. I don’t think many of them will actually quit over this, in the end they will mostly cave and accept the worse experience, but it’s not surprising that they’re able to effectively get their message out and inspire a short-term boycott.