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joined 2022 September 05 13:23:30 UTC


User ID: 566



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 13:23:30 UTC


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User ID: 566

Appreciate I’m a solitary datapoint but my vasectomy has been fine. Healed up nice and quickly and no discomfort or visible scar.

Condoms aren’t much fun, so very liberating not having to worry about them anymore.

A couple of factors off the top of my head:

  • the national mood tends to peak in the spring / summer so a good time for the incumbent to call an election
  • inflation data came out just before the announcement which allows the government to declare victory on bringing it under control

One of the biggest factors is clearly going to be the type of business you want to start. Setting up a McDonald’s franchise is going to require a significant amount of work and dedication but is likely to have a reasonably high chance of making you rich.

A traditional VC backed software startup might have higher potential upside but its sharpe ratio is pretty likely to be considerably lower.

The term you’re looking for is circular dependency. That should hopefully help you on your Google quest.

Have you considered renting a GPU instance or two from Amazon Web Sevices?

I suppose it depends on what you are looking for. London, as visualised by this rather excellent FT graphic is somewhere that is stereotypically inhabited by those in their twenties to early thirties. When it comes to having children, many professional couples chose to move to one of innumerable picturesque towns or villages that encircle the capital.

Sunak strikes me as a broadly competent PM who’s main problem is dealing with the assorted political baggage that comes from leading a party that has been in power for 13 years. I think there are some interesting parallels between his tenure and that of post-Thatcher PM John Major who went into a general election with a rather buoyant economy, but got totally smashed by Blair. I don’t personally see any Labour victory being anywhere that decisive, the most likely outcome is that Keir wins a single term on a modest majority.

I think you’re correct that SNP struggles could well tip the balance at the upcoming election. Without a realistic prospect of independence, which is the sole unifying policy in the SNP ranks, there’s a risk of damage from further infighting. The SNP do of course have the advantage (similar to the basket case NI parties) that they’re unequivocally the only choice if you want to vote in the self interest of your tribe.