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joined 2022 October 09 13:38:47 UTC


User ID: 1534



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 October 09 13:38:47 UTC


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User ID: 1534

Shouldn't it be some floor? If I in another case rejected a girl who was drunk af, does it make me a volcel?

Am I still incel if I rejected a girl's advances who's above average looks but has schizophrenia, mild cerebral palsy, low intellegence (expected from first two) and unlikable personality?

They mentioned affirmative action empire, so I thought it worth to give a link:


Per rules - speak plainly

You haven't answered, you were asked about 4 options and what you say is none of this

I'm afraid Hlynka still doesn't understand regression to mean

There was French Revolutionary Calendar... Why do they reinvent the wheel?