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joined 2022 September 05 07:15:11 UTC


User ID: 491



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 07:15:11 UTC


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User ID: 491

My battery went critical the moment I posted this, and instead of resuming from hibernation like usual windows decided it needed to reboot three times in a row to install an update. So the tabs are now lost and all I have are these two raw text blocks.

It's Scrooge (1970) for me as well! I had no idea the whole thing was on youtube, thank you so much and merry Christmas!

That's actually kinda keyed all things considered, might have to adopt that

So the status quo allows ADHD to be treated without introducing the wildcard of amphetamines. This makes sense. From what my Indian friends and acquaintances tell me, mental/psychiatric health awareness in general is minimal there so I'm not surprised there is no urgency to make changes to a system that provides at least some avenue for treatment.

I know multiple people that purchase all of their pharmaceuticals, from OTCs to scheduled drugs like modafinil, from online Indian pharmacies (mostly as a work-around for various insane US pharma and insurance pricing) so that also makes sense. Thanks.

overly fawning

I like how you broke this down because I don't think I've ever heard anybody explain it so straightforwardly. It makes sense.

At the same time, I am left facepalming at the eternal incongruence between male preference for directness and female preference for a million layers of build-up and plausible deniability. If it works out and a longer term relationship forms, the not-initially-called-a-date meeting will probably end up being retroactively referred to as a date.

The feature you're talking about is called "truescore" in the codebase this site was built off of; it appears to be disabled on profiles but does already exist in the code.

Not sure whether it would need to be retooled; by default it counts both upvotes AND downvotes as +1 truescore unless this has already been patched over.

Whether it should actually be enabled? I dunno, I could see arguments from either direction.

a near-universal thing I've heard from peers with a similar profile is that around age 25, they started to find weed disagreed with them. Specifically, it makes them/me really unpleasantly anxious.

Exactly the same for me. Smoked more often than is healthy for several years as a teenager/early-20, for a couple of those years basically daily, and always enjoyed it. Stopped completely for a year or two and now a single puff will trigger a panic attack. Did not realize this was a common pattern. Would love to know why this happens.

I'm just glad my horrible tab accumulation habit finally accomplished something other than occupying ungodly amounts of RAM for once.

I played viola for 7 years in grade school, up until I graduated high school. I was naturally good enough at it to land ~second chair +/- 1 up until it got fairly competitive in later high school, and if I'd actually applied myself at all I probably could've played in the competitive auditioned extracurricular orchestras. Alas I am chronically lazy.

I miss it sometimes, mostly for the type of people it surrounded me with.