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joined 2022 September 06 09:51:58 UTC
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In that article Scruton was arguing against an educational model focused on only teaching “relevant” things, as defined by the worldview of the teacher. So he was adopting their framework when saying that there is benefit to teach “irrelevant” things. I highly doubt he actually believes that those things are irrelevant in the broader sense.

I suspect they subscribe to Conquest's Second law that "Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing" so they feel they need the over the top conservativism to avoid just becoming another liberal dating site.

Well this gets more to the question being bad rather than the answer 44% of Black gun owners gave being bad. Still the finding that half again as many Black gun owners feel that they used their gun defensively is an interesting point, regardless of whether you or I would agree with what they did counts as a "use".

I would caution strongly against using a polygraph if you have any regards for the person being interrogated at all. It is by no means a pleasant experience, physically or psychologically. This is by design, since the point is basically to make you uncomfortable and play mind games with you until you admit the thing that the person ordering the polygraph wants you to admit to (or whatever other secret it happens to flush out) or the interrogator runs out of tricks.