@non_radical_centrist's banner p




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joined 2022 September 23 15:54:21 UTC


User ID: 1327



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 23 15:54:21 UTC


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User ID: 1327

I have no experience being a professional developer, I just do side projects, but Youtube's a great resource for learning. I find you already need some familiarity with the topic before official documentation is understandable, and a youtube tutorial shows you every step, including ones that are just implied in written tutorials, e.g installations.

Sure, but anyone who's getting a sentence of a year is unlikely to be deterred by a single physical punishment.

There are two types of crimes really. Crimes made impulsively, and crimes that are planned. We can use corporal punishment to deter planned crimes, especially planned crimes that are so minor that sentencing someone to even a day of prison would be overkill but hitting them once with a cane is appropriate, like shoplifting. For crimes made impulsively, like a person having their mother insulted then committing assault against the insulter, we use prison to keep them off the streets because we just can't have them as part of society.