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That's one way of looking at that. The other, completely naive way is to consider that previously Ukrainians were pushed back, then Ukrainians stopped and were able to defend their positions and now they are pushing Russians back albeit slowly.

That clearly shows that the rate of strengthening heir armies, for Ukrainians is slightly faster than for Russians.

With every day Ukrainians gains small but real superiority over Russians. Granted, this comes with very wide confidence intervals. Maybe both sides are bluffing, we don't know.

Also we have to consider that with time the support for Ukrainian army both nationally and internationally may wane. And Russians may gain more supporters and ramp up their war time production. That does not allow me to make predictions with strong confidence.

It may also be that the strength of Russian resistance increases with the distance from Kyiv. Ukrainians will be able to recover only up to certain limit.

In summary, it seems that sanctions on Russia is working as intended – to minimise their war production capabilities.

I cannot predict what will happen but Prigozhin is trying to convince people to join his side by appealing to their grievances.

No one could convince Russians to protest the war. They are all united in their struggle for Russian supremacy. When the military incursion towards Kyiv started, Russians on social media cheered. But they also expressed that 300 casualties was a very high price. Little they knew that soon it would be 3000, then 30 thousand and 300 thousand is not so far away and still losing.

Prigozhin manipulated those sentiments by saying that he is not against Putin but against the corrupted generals who are to blame for this loss. Russians like to talk how bad is their corruption, how the government doesn't care about them at all etc. They might or might not see Prigozhin as their saviour but he has certainly changed the situation irreversibly and the narrative that the current leadership is not competent is not going to go away until something big happens.

Obviously when Ukraine joins the EU, it will be required doing business with Russia in accordance with the EU customs rules.

But that is completely different from the statement that the EU demanded Ukraine stop doing business with Russia.

We need to be precise what we mean to have a meaningful discussion.

I didn't read it as incitement at all. I think that a lot of people are in self-censoring mode and are constantly afraid that their writings could be perceived as racist and apply their standards to others too.

To me it sounded that he hates AI doomers and then imagines how they could become violent. He is probably wrong is his descriptions but just because they are very graphic, it does not mean that he encourages them.

It is similar to how some writers describe immigrants in Europe from Islamic countries by calling them scum and describe all their current and imagined crimes. Obviously, a lot of people consider this to be incitement against immigrants and call for censuring them. Slurs against immigrants are unjustified as it could indeed cause people to spread hate against immigrants but it is not condoning or incitement of crimes committed by those immigrants.

Here the discriminated group is AI doomers who are deeply unhappy with Fredie's article. Maybe I shouldn't call them AI doomers as it sounds offensive. I am not really familiar with the accepted terminology.

I think you are overreacting.

Yes, he might be in his mania episode which may cause problems to him. But the article itself is not that great, he just probably imagines it to be.

First of all, it is very shallow and lacks details about any critical infrastructure. Don't be distracted by the a fraction of a page of making nitro-glycerine. It is just to illustrate that decentralized forces can have access to information. But the example is trivial and not meaningful.

He just managed to write an awful and long article that could be summed: AI doomers are wrong and desperate.