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User ID: 1260



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User ID: 1260

Couple of scattered thoughts on this:

  1. I have no opposition to public schools in principle, graduated from one myself without too much apparent damage. What I do have strong opposition to is this notion that an educator understands what a kid needs better than that kid's own parents and that we should just surrender the education of our children to the state without question or opposition. There are shitty parents to be sure but there are also shitty teachers in probably about the same proportion.

  2. When topline education funding takes a hit, I predict there will be no firing of excessive administrative personnel like diversity experts or secretaries or superfluous academic committees. The budge hits will be directly to education funding proper, textbooks and materials and the like, so the entrenched education interests can point to a shortage of textbooks and say "See what your ESA is doing to our precious children!?"

The Beautiful People are in Charge Just Like Everywhere Else.

I don't have anything terribly insightful to say about any of this. It's just another entry in the ongoing process of what I've mentally termed internet gentrification or nerd cultural appropriation. I attempt not to get bent out of shape over these things, lest I tip over into the "ugh, normies..." nerd-hipster trope but this article resonated with me. I miss the pre-Dice CmdrTaco-era of Slashdot (fuck Beta!). I hate influencer culture and every YouTube video telling me to "like and subscribe". There used to be a commenter on SSC whose entire schtick was something like "Everything is a popularity contest and all is lost" and he's starting to make sense to me. Moloch will have his sacrifices.

For those interesting in discussing the actual law in question, it seems to be a reintroduction of VA HB580, which was first introduced in 2020 but went nowhere. It amends VA's existing legal definition of "abused or neglected child" to include someone "whose parent or other person responsible for his care creates or inflicts, threatens to create or inflict, or allows to be created or inflicted upon such child a physical or mental injury on the basis of the child's gender identity or sexual orientation".

More the point, Ariel is fictitious.

EDIT: Unsure why the downvotes. My point was that comparing someone's opinion on the casting of fictitious characters to their hiring practices is farcical.

Yeah, I thought about that as soon as I hit comment. Everything old is new again.

I'm increasingly finding my solace by avoiding the Internet, except for very curated spaces like this place.

Now that was a paragraph I was not expecting to read today. Or ever really. I know what my popcorn reading will be this weekend.

I picked up You Suck At Cooking by the YouTuber of the same handle at a used bookstore over the weekend. The semi-absurdist humor reminds me of mid-90s, early 2000s Dave Barry.

Arguably the reason zoning has gotten so ridiculous is because it's an extremely powerful and effective tool for land owners to speculate and prevent competition in the land market.

I'm absolutely certain there are bad actors abusing zoning regulations / bribing municipal officials, or whatever, but it seems a stretch to say that zoning is a tool for speculation and shutting out the competition. Can you lay out your case here?

The idea is that single-family housing zones prevent denser housing from competing with SFH

I suppose, if I squint, but you're going to to have to lay out the mechanics more before I'm fully convinced.

Back on The Motte, grendelkin (I think?) regularly posted about zoning fights in the Bay Area and it was usually "community leaders", not SFH owners protesting developers trying to remove historically-significant laundromats, or whatever, to build denser housing.

Are you suggesting the only reason the US/Europe is involved here is a racial hatred of Slavs? This seems...far-fetched at best.

I guess I wish I could say this to all the Minecraft coders about their ridiculous disputes: this is a game about fucking cubes and green mutant pigs.

How's the joke go again? The fights are so vicious because the stakes are so small, or something to that effect?

The Down Town by Tappan Wright King and Viido Polikarpus. It's a relatively straightforward "lost in the fairyworld" narrative and I suspect there will be a heavy-handed environmental message by the end. Still, it's enjoyable in that fairytale sort of way and worked great to pass the time while I was laid up sick the last few days.

I read Michael Zenko's Red Team and cannot recommend it at all unless you've never even heard of the concept of red teaming. I'm somewhat disappointed as I read it on the advice of a colleague who I thought had higher standards.

Unless, of course, the recommendation was a reflection of his assessment of me...

Ah, gotcha.

How do you reckon? I'm not following you here.

OP was quoting Psalms 14:1