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joined 2022 September 04 19:44:20 UTC
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User ID: 122

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@ZorbaTHut please steal the commit that makes ctrl-Enter to comment.

@ZorbaTHut ask Aevann how he did it, I couldn't figure it out from going through commit history and he is very proud of that feature.

Not shading, the tops of the towers look like we are looking at them from below, while the castle itself is arranged in isometric perspective. It shouldn't be too hard to draw complementary crenellations--if anyone actually wants to use the resulting image.

That last one - naming the Guillemet - got removed by the admins.

This is hilarious, Ilforte's flair approaches unironic reality fast.

(it's «Guillemet» is not an ADL-recognized hate symbol yet on reddit)

It gets funnier than that! They started autoremoving posts on /r/doggrooming/, and Chtorrr was too incompetent to realize that she can see the removed post because she's an admin!

https://rdrama.net/post/89433/reddit-is-cracking-down-on-dog (check out Snappy's snapshots)

What story below, I can't find it?

Anyway, as one of the active participants in the cat thing, usually there are misconceptions going in both directions. First of all, rdrama people weren't entirely innocent since we actually included our site name in the picture eventually, which was a no no even for most benevolent sites and a no no no hell naw for us.

Weird things happened afterwards though. First of all, instead of using the official offensive content removal tool that just erased rectangles Chtorrr and Redtaboo started erasing our site name and then the cat pixel by pixel with no time delay. Worse, Chtorrr was not just erasing it but replacing it with a neighboring chaos chess pattern, both pretending that it's a routine overtake by them and giving them the unfair advantage of placing a pixel every second instead of every five minutes.

Then the next day shit hit the fan all over reddit, and attempts to censor it only added fuel to the fire. Then it went beyond reddit, for example a World of Warcraft streamer Asmongold made a video accusing admins of cheating that got 150,000+ views. Naturally, being on the business end of a pointed crowd of one hundred and fifty thousand angry people was not fun for the admins in question, and again, that's just from one source (but one of the biggest ones). So there was much not entirely unjustified whining about stochastic terrorism from the admin-loving mods.

It also felt kinda surreal for me, I can't really wrap my head over angering 150,000 people. And we didn't actually do this on purpose at all, it's like how people describe Steve Jobs as having a reality warping field around him that would make people to shoot for the stars, apparently we have something like that that makes people act very stupid, we drew our cute cat and admins (and then admin-supporting mods) went full retard in all the worst possible ways and brought it all on themselves.

Anyways, pretty much everyone involved on our side got a very special ban wherein reddit tells you that your password is wrong no matter what. You can still get a reset password link and it seems to work but nope. I actually tried to talk with the support about it, the only thing that came out of it was that they linked me to a page that admitted that it's a thing reddit might do. They also unleashed the full power of ban evasion detection on us, so I still haven't managed to make a working reddit account (though I do have some ideas about it). I don't know if there were any innocents swept along us, I asked mods of /r/cats (we got a recruitment post there!) if they heard any such reports and they said no, but of course it would be hard for a random stonewalled victim to report anything via reddit itself.

Yeah, it's, like, for a day or two your new account seems to work (besides half of the subreddits that flat out shadowban posts from new accounts with low karma making it a bit of a Catch 22) then they shadowban it for real, then you get logged out and can't log in because wrong password.

We have a Blood on the Clocktower themotte/rdrama Discord group. It's a social deduction game similar to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mafia_(party_game), but with a much bigger emphasis on mechanics and logical deduction: there are no "simple peacefuls", everyone has some interesting ability, which also makes it more suitable for online play since you have a lot to discuss right from the start.

Though if you saw previous announcements there's a change: after 9 asynchronous text-based games we decided to try playing it live over voice chat and got seriously hooked on this format, so that's what we are doing now, and in particular are intending to do tomorrow, Saturday 10th September, at 19:00 UTC (http://time.unitarium.com/utc/1900), expecting to play 2 games lasting for about an hour and a half total.

https://rebrand.ly/StorytellerIntro - one page rules explanation.

http://bit.ly/TroubleBrewingScript - one page character reference for the Trouble Brewing script (the game has different sets of possible characters called scripts).

http://bit.ly/TBalmanac - detailed list of Trouble Brewing character abilities with corner cases and interactions, not necessary to read but helps to understand how it all works.

PM me for a discord invite and with any questions you have.

Glad I searched before making my own.

I didn't so we now have two FFTs stuck in the modqueue lol.

Yay! Funnily enough I made a thread too, but I guess you beat me through the moderation queue.

Mine had more comments because people kept finding it via search =) Also, nepotism helps!

I'm going to post this in Discord probably, but also can post it here to maybe entice people more.

Some Advice to a Newfriend on Playing BotC

Unlike in Mafia/Werewolf, dead players don't have their roles revealed and can keep talking and even vote once (usually on the last day). This has profound implications for both enjoyment and strategy: instead of being a game over, getting killed, especially in the night, usually makes you more trustworthy and therefore more involved in discussions, and you can still share all the information you got before death etc.

Good roles range from actively benefitting from getting killed by the Demon (such as being told about two players one of which killed you) to being OK with getting killed or executed instead of more important players because you used up your once-per-game ability or got your on-the-first-night information, to trying to stay alive because your ability gets more useful the longer the game goes on. This means that good players are expected to lie their heads off, including in private, if they have a strong incentive to fool the evil into thinking that they are on the opposite end of that spectrum from their real role.

However since evil players can also do that, it makes sense to decide to trust a random person and tell them your role first thing, so that they can confirm that you hard-claimed it to them when you explain why you lied to everyone. Of course, evil players can do that too. Other things you can do are telling someone that you're one of two or three roles, telling a few people that you're an important role and seeing if that gets you killed in the night, or even privately agreeing to swap claimed roles with someone if you want to get killed and they don't or vice versa. Obviously, evil players can do all that too.

Bluffing is kinda stressful for evils, especially Minions (since the Demon knows 3 not-in-play good roles), but in light of the above don't worry too much, decide on a role, maybe on a backup role, and comfort yourself with the fact that if your claimed role clashes with someone's actual good role you probably can get you both executed, haha. Or just keep telling people that you're new and are unsure if you can share your role until you have heard enough to get some idea who is and is not in play (of course good players can do this too, to trap evil players into claiming their role) (also, you probably should bluff a non-meh role eventually to make that believable).

At least skim the http://bit.ly/TBalmanac, mostly to get a sense of how roles interact, don't worry about memorizing them, you can keep the one-page script open for that and once you actually start playing with your virtual life on the line, it will all click into place incredibly fast.

Meh, it's like reading a creationist forum where they pat themselves on their backs for owning people with "if we evolved from monkeys then why monkeys are still around" and naturally anyone objecting to that is getting banned and their objections removed.

When I want to enjoy watching stupid people being stupid I prefer the stuff rdrama links to, where they also get their just deserts, or at least we make fun of them there. Watching idiots idiot with no consequence is more annoying than fun.

Can't give us the Oxygen of Amplification!

Yeah, it's not stupid, it's more like a self-inflicted lobotomy or something.

They have a community where there's a specific rule saying that it's not a debate community so when you see someone saying false stuff you can be banned if their stuff is not wrong, you know? I got a couple of accounts banned for that.

Unsurprisingly having such a rule results in a community full of people who believe in false things and reinforce each others' beliefs.

Why would anyone design a community based on such a principle? It rounds back again to: they are fucking stupid lol. Is it basic retardation or some advanced form of idiocy that affects high IQ people is kinda irrelevant.

what is the likelihood that humans are the only animal that can trick themselves with a non-contingent reward?

Humans are also the only (or one of the very few) animals that can solve the Buridan's Ass problem. Lev Vygotsky in collaboration with Pavlov ran a series of experiments: a hungry dog was put in a room with food, separated from it by a section of metal floor giving it mild electric shocks. Dogs behaved according to Behaviorist theory: since at every moment the hunger stimulus is weaker than the stimulus from the electrified floor, so the dog cannot cross it, despite the fact that the unpleasantness of hunger over long time massively outweighs the unpleasantness of crossing the floor. IIRC dogs responded by either getting into a catatonic state or getting enraged, which sounds like second best possible responses to such kind of situations.

An adult human of course solves the problem with remarkable ease: you just decide that you want to cross and this internal stimulus adds its weight and lets you cross the electrified section. Vygotsky also claimed that we can see development of this ability in children or primitive peoples, where it first requires an external stimulus like divination (flipping a coin), but then gets internalized.

NCRs seem to fall into roughly the same category of external willpower amplifiers. So not surprising that it's not only uniquely human but also that highly successful people don't need it any more.

Yeah, it's unfortunate that the whole thing kinda got forgotten due to the Iron Curtain, so I haven't heard about any attempts to replicate and further investigate it these days.

This stuff meshes very well with a lot of stuff when you begin to look at things from that angle. Consider for example this cute video of children subjected to the marshmallow test: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QX_oy9614HQ&t=16 . Forget about the controversy about whether it actually correlates with important life outcomes all that well, the interesting thing is that we can see how the children want to avoid eating the marshmallow, how they employ various external (to the mind) willpower aids like covering their mouth with their hands etc, and how we know that as adults we wouldn't need to.

Net Neutrality is a fun one. I'm not sure everyone have actually forgotten about it, like, if you mention it on reddit (where it was the subject of a bunch of all-time top posts) people just ignore you instead of asking what it was.

This remnant really consists of true believers who don't follow the trends and often actually adopted Covid distancing measures before they became the social norm

I strongly doubt that. Nancy Pelosi went hugging people in a Chinatown on Feb. 24, Trump called Covid "a hoax" (not really, but) on Feb. 29 or so and that was when "the social norm" started its rapid 180 turn. Check out this reddit thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/worstof/comments/i1x87n/in_which_ramitheasshole_scolds_and_mocks_a_mother/

But I think there are lessons for the “anti-woke” too. That is, relative age effects are a proof-of-concept for significant arbitrary privilege being a real thing. A fair amount of anti-woke arguments claim that gender and racial disparities may disappear entirely when controlling for confounding variables (e.g. the gender wage gap or the racial policing gap).

My objections have been always on the meta-level: I don't doubt that there are some structural isms, but can we have an honest discussion about how much of inequality of outcomes is due to them and how better to approach that? We can't, and that's bad because I'm pretty sure that in several important aspects the pendulum has swung too far a long time ago and this hurts the supposed beneficiaries of anti-ism discriminatory policies as well, in unexpected ways even. For example, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fannie_Mae#1990s left a lot of black and poor people homeless and with a destroyed credit rating, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_loans_in_the_United_States#Race_and_gender put the majority of educated blacks in the US into a sort of indefinite indentured servitude, and having a 60:40 college+ educated female to male ratio makes dating not very fun for those women. This is what you get if you shut down open discussion because you think that the only problem is evil ciswhitemales and nothing could possibly go wrong if you shut them off and follow the road paved with good intentions.

Eh, Null is doomposting as usual.

The most disturbing thing about all this to me is how easy it is to prop a blatant falsehood via "citogenesis". Multiple reputable sources have claimed that KF drove three people to suicide, therefore it's on Wikipedia as established truth. As far as I know, this is false.

As far as I know the only way to prove that it's false to someone is to ask them who those people were, at which point they discover themselves in a very sus tangle of people repeating rumors they heard from multiple people but with no actual sources, and either get enlightened or appeal to authority of a National Security Analyst for NBC and former Assistant Director of the FBI: twitter.com/FrankFigliuzzi1/status/1566438538765279232 and, yeah, the response can only be that things are really that bad, sorry.

Anybody smart enough to build bleeding-edge AI systems is smart enough to understand why if you try to predict the likelihood of a criminal repeating a crime, it will always say that black people are more likely to repeat (it's because black people are more likely to repeat).

An alternative explanation is that doublethink required to simultaneously believe in the party line and in the reality required to do your job doesn't actually work very well and tends to devolve into believing in the party line only. Imagine that you're a bright young guy working on a Google's image classifier. To generate the thought that the classifier might confuse black people for apes so you must specifically check that it doesn't, you must believe that black people tend to have certain ape-like facial features. That's a very dangerous thing to believe, your woke peers would be very unamused if you just blurt it out or inexpertly wink-wink nudge-nudge your way to suggesting that you need to check for that etc. If you have a lot of wrongfact beliefs you have to watch your every word to avoid committing a social suicide. Accidentally releasing a classifier that does in fact mistake black people for apes on the other hand is relatively safe: it's not your personal fault and who could have thought and it's probably bias in the training data anyway. So in a highly ideologized environment people just naturally fail at their jobs instead of trying to maintain a bag of forbidden beliefs.

I think that what you're looking at is https://slatestarcodex.com/2013/03/04/a-thrivesurvive-theory-of-the-political-spectrum/ but the "thrive" side are not chill hippies, but the people who compete with their fellow man rather than with sabertooth tigers etc. So "survivalists" like small rigid hierarchies because they are good for surviving a zombie apocalypse, while "thrivists" like huge social hierarchies where they can backstab their way to the top with utter disregard for external reality.

From that point of view "First it's Protestantism (Conformist) vs Catholicism (Conscientious)" gets it exactly backwards.