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joined 2023 September 19 15:18:36 UTC


User ID: 2668



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 September 19 15:18:36 UTC


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User ID: 2668

One with stainless steel sides, base and lid to minimise plastic leeching. Also one with a temperature display as some teas will be much better when steeped at 70 degree.

I also just finished The War Nerd Iliad. I found it amazing, accessible to modern readers yet I think it also captures the tone of the original well. The fine line between gruesome and sad descriptions of death and 'glorious' muscular war.

I also loved that it's faithful to the original structure (omitting the Catalogue of Ships, thankfully).

Really stayed with me, and I found it better than War Music by Christopher Louge .

Rule 1: be attractive

Rule 2: don't be unattractive

I've always had a strange reverence for physical books, and the idea of cutting them in half seems macabre in some way.