@orca-covenant's banner p




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joined 2022 November 26 00:14:49 UTC


User ID: 1931



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 26 00:14:49 UTC


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User ID: 1931

We have plumbed the depths of the ocean to only discover funny fish and our stars are just gas and rocks.

IMO that "just" is doing a lot of work there -- what discovery couldn't be dismissed as "just [containing category]"?

This, of course, is exactly the same thing that leftist, or members of any other group, tell themselves -- when They break their stated principles for expediency, it's because They are treacherous faithless hypocrites; when We break our stated principles for expediency, it's because We really need to play dirty to win. As for principles like tolerance of differennt ideas, freedom of speech, or body autonomy, approximately nobody gives or ever gave a damn about them; a smattering of individuals here and there may care, but in practice they are ad hoc weapons against customs or laws one doesn't like.