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joined 2022 November 27 14:18:40 UTC
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User ID: 1933



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User ID: 1933

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I haven't really been much of a Mottizen since you guys were taken over by witches and other various crazies (no offense) but I founded kpopping.com and have been pushing this sorta korean content westwards for the better part of a decade.

This was a complete waste of an article. If you are cosplaying as an investigative journalist please try to interview people actually familiar with the topic.

  • -11


It's true. This is how I got into K-pop. You know, besides destroying the west and all that it was mainly SC2.

I think you are just describing very online teenage girls. Keep in mind some of the most-viewed discussions on kpop on the internet are actually more like places like 4chan and /r/kpopfap once you see the numbers.

I know many of the media owners of this kpop push, and they are not woke at all. They're 100% pragmatic American Psycho types or at least like to think of themselves as such.