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joined 2022 September 05 14:38:24 UTC


User ID: 595



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User ID: 595

Is it really a sign of leftist hugboxing when you say "That's pretty cool!" to a discord friends' mediocre blog post?

What, in your opinion, would have been the appropriate journalistic tone for CNN to take with their coverage?

DeSantis sent a bunch of asylum seekers to Martha's Vineyard, where they received befuddled but basically well -meaning help, and were essentially told "careful, it gets super cold up here and it's hard to find work."

CNN is trying to make human-interest lemonade.

Yes, but an "I'm with her" hat would mark you as a tryhard, so that's also not a winner.

I've seen Twitter posts where people (probably 4channers or sth) were just spamming slurs in response to Musk's Twitter purchase... Despite the fact that there haven't been any moderation changes, as far as I know. I doubt it's activists pressuring advertisers as much as advertisers taking the temperature of the room.

Out of curiosity, why are you calling him an "affirmative action double diversity hire?"

EDIT: To clarify why I'm asking that question: I'm not psychic, I don't know your motives or desires. But it just seems like a mocking sneer to me, as though of course a black gay guy wouldn't get a job on his own merits. It's a claim without evidence and brings down the rest of your post, at least in my view.

If anyone else is a little confused, this is a callback of this post from the Sunday thread: https://www.themotte.org/post/409/smallscale-question-sunday-for-march-12/75569?context=8#context

Anyways, I think most atheists, if pressed, will say that they're technically agnostic. Which is the position that doesn't actually require much backup, being the effective null hypothesis.

How do you figure that atheism is as absurd as wokeism? (I don't actually think that being woke is absurd, but that's a comment for a different thread)

I dunno, what do you want to make fun of them for? What about atheism do you find risible?

There was a fedora-wearing Reddit atheist stereotype back in the 2010's, but that's mostly fallen by the wayside as atheism became a default position.

The mention of Gideon the Ninth (which I loved) and Ninefox Gambit (which I thought was just alright) got me to stop lurking for a minute, but I have a question.

What part of anything that you're saying is right-wing?