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2 followers   follows 1 user  
joined 2023 March 03 15:09:03 UTC


User ID: 2233



2 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2023 March 03 15:09:03 UTC


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User ID: 2233

Her was not dystopian? A divorcee unready for another relationship works through his issues through a relationship with an AI, and when the AI leaves for reasons the movie implies he is ready for another relationship with a woman.

If anything, it's optimistic regarding human-AI relationships.

Yeah, I saw that news too; someone I had never about before pinging on my radar twice within less than a month is a sure sign to me something is up. Someone is trying to market that person to me. It could be her marketing herself succesfully as it got the attention of two sites where I get linked to news, or a third party powerful enough to have it pushed past the filters to make sure people like me heard about her.