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User ID: 465



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User ID: 465

During a live Q and A, she asked about the 2018 WJC he was on. He misheard it as a question about the 2022 Senators and gave a banal answer about looking forward to having fun with the boys. Anither journalost at TSN then used that exchange to make Batherson look tone deaf in a print article.

Makes me wonder about giving money to Silver Seven, even if it's just Beata.

CHL hazing is notoriously wild. Former Philidelphia Flyer Dan Carcillo's class action lawsuit against the CHL alleges rookies in his CHL team, Sarnia, routinely being urinated on or beaten while naked.


One Sens fan to another: how do you reconcile the treatment of Drake Batherson? Poor guy has been hounded by the prog side of the fanbase ever since he misheard Claire Hannah's question in 2022. Now that he's not involved in the charges, they've doubled down with "well he didn't do anything to help" or " I was fine to be uncomfortable then and saying I should have waited for details before vocalizing that is sexist "

Frankly, it feels supremely unfair. We have no idea whether he was involved or not. and not even a sorry for him getting dragged on socials for over a year. Especially when Formenton was exiled and Batherson wasn't.

It is not saying that Sam and his parents did not care about other people's wants, although of course that could well be true.

It does suggest that "I don't care to think about you enough to have an idea of what you want, so I'm going to eschew that responsibility altogether." A key part of gift giving is the thoughtfulness that went in to getting the right gift. Not doing that sends a message.

Not Kulak but 50-50. The CBC has been slipping in public conciousness ever since they lost the NHL rights to Roger's in 2015 and Peter Mansbridge retired. The only people who watch CBC news are old Lauerntian boomers. The only relevant CBC show in the last decade was Schitts Creek which ends this year. I'm not sure the majority of Canadians would notice or care.

From the rest of the post it seems like that's just a typo.

You can take the redditor out of reddit, but you can't the reddit out of the redditor.

According to the Catholic Church, Eaater and Good Friday are #1 and #2. We worship Christ because of his passion, execution, and resurrection. He died and came back so that those who believe shall live.

Any Christian that celebrates Christmas over Easter has missed the point.

The 1948 UN partition plan was exactly that. The Arabs invaded anyway.

Over the long run, economic growth is tends more to its flexible price/potential GDP groeth. Potential GDP is typically your Cobb-Douglas type Productivity/Capital/Labour mix. Canada's productivity growth has been anemic compared to the US and Germany. Funds for capital is pretty mobile between countries, allowing it go to its most productive uses. So labour growth drives GDP growth in Canada. According to Statcan's most recent demographic estimates, almost all of Canada's population growth is due to net migration. Natural increase is almost negligible. Cutring off migration without finding ways to increase productivity and increase capital would cause a pretty big shock to potential GDP, leading to stagflation.

Their take is certainly a doomer take, but it isn't indefensible.

The M1 redefinition makes estimating models annoying too, although M3 is a good enough measure nowadays given how liquid even savings accounts and GICs are.

What's wild about the Matt Cooke incident is that Cooke was never suspensed.

A problem here is that the religious conservatives who are allowed to speak in mainstream outlets under their real name have to make concessions to feminism in order to not get cancelled. So they have to argue that the real problem with feminism is that men will take advantage of women.

To be fair, that's been the Catholic Church's stated position for opposing birth control since the 1960s. See below the relevant section of Pope Paul VI's Humane Vitae:

.17. Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.

I agree with them too. I used to work in university dorms. It was always the guys on the look out and pushing the issue. Stranger assaults were always guys too. Birth control further enables the worst behavior in men.

A healthy addition to their family's endowment.

As cheeky as this is, doesn't reasonably constitute an act of war?