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User ID: 465



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User ID: 465

Minimodding has to be the most annoying thing that can happen in a forum. Stop being a weenie.

Screwing with the Eucharist is messing with a central pillar of the religion. That is very clearly an invasion of the sacred by the state, in the way an assasination of the head of the state is not.

Given that Catholics made the Dodgers disinvite the Sisterhood of Eternal Indulgence for Pride Night, it seems the right is finding its feet.

One Sens fan to another: how do you reconcile the treatment of Drake Batherson? Poor guy has been hounded by the prog side of the fanbase ever since he misheard Claire Hannah's question in 2022. Now that he's not involved in the charges, they've doubled down with "well he didn't do anything to help" or " I was fine to be uncomfortable then and saying I should have waited for details before vocalizing that is sexist "

Frankly, it feels supremely unfair. We have no idea whether he was involved or not. and not even a sorry for him getting dragged on socials for over a year. Especially when Formenton was exiled and Batherson wasn't.

Bugs look horrific under a microscope. Likely because their features are so different from mammals, and in less asthetically pleasing ways than most fish or birds. Scale that up to cow size and people would call for the abomimation to be excised.

Yeah, party selected poll monitors are part of the election process Canada too. Kind of dull work but important to ensure the count is acceptable to each party. Is it not a normal thing in the US?

According to the Catholic Church, Eaater and Good Friday are #1 and #2. We worship Christ because of his passion, execution, and resurrection. He died and came back so that those who believe shall live.

Any Christian that celebrates Christmas over Easter has missed the point.

I'm not a misogynistic incel, but whenever I talk about my dating woes a good portion of people feel the need to tell me "Don't be an incel!" when I haven't said or done anything remotely misogynistic. I figure the Motte is probably a good place to find people who understand my perspective.

Incel outside its original context essentially means shorthand for "whiny downer whining about no bitches." So, you were probably ruining the vibes and the other party wanted a fast way to shut it down with zero effort and no oppurtunity to argue it.

The 1948 UN partition plan was exactly that. The Arabs invaded anyway.

I honestly doubt Canadians would fight back. Consecutive Canadian governments have used the crowns' power to suspend a parliment when things were getting too spicy and a vote of confidence neared. Harper's Conservatives twice and Trudeau's Liberals once (in the middle of a pandemic) so far. A modern Canadian wouldn't bat an eye if something like the King-Byng affair happened again.

You can take the redditor out of reddit, but you can't the reddit out of the redditor.

A problem here is that the religious conservatives who are allowed to speak in mainstream outlets under their real name have to make concessions to feminism in order to not get cancelled. So they have to argue that the real problem with feminism is that men will take advantage of women.

To be fair, that's been the Catholic Church's stated position for opposing birth control since the 1960s. See below the relevant section of Pope Paul VI's Humane Vitae:

.17. Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.

I agree with them too. I used to work in university dorms. It was always the guys on the look out and pushing the issue. Stranger assaults were always guys too. Birth control further enables the worst behavior in men.

As cheeky as this is, doesn't reasonably constitute an act of war?

I'll have to search this up, but I though the US' high incarceration rate was a function of a higher clearance rate.

We had an Italian grad student in a lab my wife worked in. We started getting Hawaiian pizzas just to fuck with him. It was great.

On the gripping hand, we've had some pretty big fan revolts recently. Marvel fans hated She Hulk and no one can defend Dr. Strange. The Ring of Power seems to be badly written Tolkien fanfic hiding behind a woke facade. No one the Star Wars sequels anymore.

We're seeing some tentpole IPs recede, for sure.

Makes me wonder about giving money to Silver Seven, even if it's just Beata.

CHL hazing is notoriously wild. Former Philidelphia Flyer Dan Carcillo's class action lawsuit against the CHL alleges rookies in his CHL team, Sarnia, routinely being urinated on or beaten while naked.


What's wild about the Matt Cooke incident is that Cooke was never suspensed.


The Japanese unit has a ton of content about how Socialsm is better than capitalism. I was suprised to see people dunking on Duo in the comment section. More recently added sections seem to have less of that

What's wrong with Bing? I find I like it better than Google nowadays, even if Bing doean't tell me to kill myself anymore.

Quebec gets special recognition as a distinct nation within Canada. While it probably doean't mean all that much in a strict legal manner, they tend to go their own in a lot of ways that other provinces don't. Quebec mamages their own Old Age Security plan seperate from CPP, they have their own tax collectors instead of letting CRA do it, Quebec practices civil code instead of common law at the Provincial level.

Quebec also gets privilidges such as extra Senators and nice carve outs from equilization schemes (power generation revenue not counting being a big one). Quebec also doesn't get shamed when it uses the Notwithstanding Act to compromise what are seen as core freedoms. The Official Languages Act bans English on signs in Quebec, an unconstitutional law that Quebec that Quebec maintaimed with the Notwithstanding clause amd the Federal Government turned a blind eye to. Alberta tried the same trick with an abortion ban but drew the ire of the Federal Government and was forced to back down.

To be fair, Phillips certainly panders to the crowd. In Calgary, he apologized to us for Californians getting lost on the way to Texas and ending up in Calgary.

This article was doing the rounds on Twitter yesterday and has two problems.

Data Definitions: The UK disposible income definition was post tax pre transfer while the EU definitions was post transfer. The OECD database wasnt clear if they took the pre or post transfer definition from BEA for the US. The disposable income of the lowest decile Britions (which most of the hullabaloo is being made of despite the medians looking healthy) would improve dramatically. I woildn't be suprised if this is the case, since a lot of inequality work falls in this pitfall, including pretty much all of Piketty's work.

Second, Notice that the US is where you would expect it in the median. Given that income typically follows a Pareto distribution with a right tail the median is near the central mass of the distro. Thus for the median to be higher with a lower 10% decile, the slope of the left hamd side of the distro has to be much higher. the UK and US income deciles likely surpass the EU ones and near the Swiss ones at the 20%-30% mark.

Its amazing how much damage bad infographics can do.