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joined 2022 December 16 06:33:28 UTC


User ID: 1992



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User ID: 1992

There are much better ways to spend time on your child. But Rick Beato has some videos on the subject if you are interested.

This example was interesting as it involves Kurt Eichenwald, a notorious and well-documented pathological liar and fantasist.

Edited to add: as well as having a documented history as a pedophile, or as he would have it, a financial contributor to a major internet hub of pedophilic activity ("research").

Perhaps weird comment here as I've just had two bottles of wine for pain relief (not getting into that). But I just wanted to make a comment on EA's bizarre (to me) priorities, with the headline example of malaria nets.

I've had malaria in the DRC, and if I had died, as I came extremely close to doing many times, it would have been about as easy a death as one can get (maybe 1.5/10). By contrast, speaking as someone who gets punched in the face for a living, a bad hit to the liver is 9/10 pain for 30 seconds and if liver disease comes even remotely close in pain levels to that, donating money to cure liver cancer is infinitely more aligned to EA values than, well, basically anything I can think of. I suspect most malaria-net supporters are young enough that they have never experienced actual pain.

You may well be right I had thought it was related to the Ahmaud Arberry case (the black guy who claimed to be a jogger not a looter).

OP -- if you haven't read it, I think you'd enjoy Zweig's The World of Yesterday.

Standard of proof, not burden, I think.

Is there a reading acquisition window?

Can the decline in BEE be explained by us just being unfit skinnyfats?