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User ID: 2193



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User ID: 2193

No one predicted Putin making a major move

John Mearsheimer? https://youtube.com/watch?v=aedKFv_ABr4

Would government bail it out if it was Lumberjacks and Oilfields Bank and not Silicon Valley Bank? Are 100% sure? Otherwise, politicians are stealing from everyone and rewarding their friends as usual.

No one is actually allowed to run a ~0 risk bank which would just keep money at the FED. https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/safest-bank-fed-wont-sanction

Poland ended up handed over to Stalin wholesale. Great work there.

There is always this stupid idea that if only we were a bit kinder with those leaders (be it Hitler, Putin or others), if we had made just one or two small concessions, there would have been no war.

Even if we grant that, Hitler only rose to power due to Germany being horribly abused after WWI and Putin due to how terrible transition from communism was in Russia compared to other post soviet countries.

By the way, I remember quite precisely what happened, and the jews were not responsible of it. All of America wanted this war.

Americans were wildly misled about the situation, for example, lots of them thought that Saddam was connected with 9/11. Taking down Iraq was strategic goal of Israel. Look up "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm", lead authored by Richard Perle, "architect of Iraq war".

So abolish democracy? Based.

Indeed, the same figures that engineered WWI - the militarists of Germany - faced no punishments, and indeed became fellow travelers of the Nazis.

I am not opposed to punishment of people personally responsible, but what happened to civilian population, like continuing starvation blockade between armistice and signing the treaty, reparations causing hyper inflation, etc.

“Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so, basically, that’s wrong" - Chad, apparently.

Senior Breitbart editor wants to "temporarily" move palestinians from Gaza to US. https://twitter.com/joelpollak/status/1712981078066213017

Nice username!

Why have you singled out Joel Pollak

Because Breitbart is supposedly a bastion of America-first and anti-immigration right. Somehow America-first never applies to Israel.

In any case, you can find a lot of non-Jewish conservative authors and outlets who are supporting Israel.

I never said otherwise.

Weirdly, a bunch of American protestants were bamboozled into believing that they have to support Israel and enable them to rebuild the temple so Jesus can return, maybe start the rapture or something. Bizarre.

Ben Shapiro says that it's very important that America provide material aid to Israel, otherwise nukes may start flying. https://twitter.com/restoreorderusa/status/1712954326652424658

That was premised on escalation, on them having to fight Lebanon, Syria and Iran at the same time.

Israel's ambassador to UK just invoked firebombing of Dresden as a justification, that makes me think they would absolutely blow up a hospital.

Their enemies are your enemies primarily because you back them. It's circular reasonig, basically.

I wasn't suggesting that, just gesturing at the depraved thinking at work in that country (Hamas is worse, inb4 someone accuses me of excusing them).

Russia was your enemy for no good reason at all back when Siryan civil war mess started.

American support for Israel was one of key reasons for 9/11 as cited by the organisers.

People who find a moral equivalence between thugs entering a peaceful village and killing everyone in the streets and in their homes, women, the elderly and children, and the army bombing terrorist targets in dense urban environment and, despite considerable efforts to avoid it, killing civilians in the process, are scum

Israelis totally did do massacres of civilians and terrorism way back when, did they moraly improve or do they just no longer need such crude desperate measures? Who knows.

Ah, the "they hate us for our freedom" canard.

They have a lot of more substantial grievences.

"Would do it" doesn't equal "did do it". For example, Saddam's soldiers did all kinds of messed up stuff, but Nayrah's testimony about babies taken from incubators was still made up.

"took Hamas's word for it"

Come on, if a particular building is bombed in Gaza nowadays I wouldn't need anyone's word to think it 99% likely that Israel did it, because Israel is definitely bombing other buildings there in retalion for the Hamas attacks.

Genocide isn't necessary, israelis could leave (unlike the palestinians). The western position is that Ukraine shouldn't give up an inch of territory they do not currently control, so why should palestinians?

Hamas didn't even exist when Palestinian lands were taken by force in 1948 for example.