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joined 2022 September 05 19:00:22 UTC


User ID: 685



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User ID: 685


Have we talked about Georgia Meloni’s powerful speech? A few days ago half my twitter feed was talking about.

I believe she is fundamentally correct that we have robbed society of their identity and tried to replace it with whatever pronouns are.

The consumer stuff gets a little silly but whatever it sounds good. Need to have an enemy your fighting against.

My pro nouns are

Man, American, Catholic, Son.

I think makes a strong implication that gender identity and whole pronoun thing is for those without roots. Empty people.

“My safety at risks” is just an institutionalized version of what the early seduction artists called a shit tests. Girls and feminists now claim this to scare unworthy men from pursuing them. Since the worthy ones will just ignore their claimed victim hood and realize they like male attention.

I’ll make it simple every women wants sexual attention to boost their ego even from unworthy men. It’s just our legalistic culture has now enabled a second game to play that they can sue you for it and then have a course case stating that men can’t help but show interest in them while getting paid.

So I’ve now been banned on all of Reddit’s neutral subs. This might not belong here but perhaps we should go back to Reddit? It seems as though anyone whose center right or maybe I’m just Maga eventually gets banned. My concern with this sub leaving Reddit is we will become like them. As Reddit subs are isolating themselves from the right they become just talking points to the left. Off Reddit this subs only going to be recruiting people from the right and the conversations will become equally dull. I actually like discussing things with adversaries. And on net I think people need to hear how other people think.

It feels to me more and more communities are feeling like they need to pick a side. I remember years ago I could post on neoliberal as a Reagan Republican. Then I was banned. And a year or two later they have post about how can I talk to a Republican. Infantile stuff. And while I see the need to get off Reddit because well I get banned constantly - being off Reddit is a fear of becoming a dull GOP talking points sub. Because I’ve seen enough subs go from lively debate to we talk about Dem talking points now.

More of a thought piece than saying we should go back to Reddit. But without having some attachment to slatestar it seems like it will be tough to get more than red tribe let’s bash dumb blue tribe convos.

I haven’t seen a Kyrie Irving thread so I will start one.


Now I already canceled the NBA over the forced blm message but suspending Kyrie just makes me even less interested in watching a game. Personally I’ve played basketball 3-5 times a week for 30 years. I’ve also canceled Nike and refuse to where their shoes.

  • I don’t understand fight antisemitism movement. Jews seem to be doing fine in this country. It’s almost like everyone in blue tribe needs to make themselves a victim because otherwise they have no statue

  • Kyrie a weird guy but it’s not like on the court he’s promoting this stuff. People should be allowed to work and allowed to have their own private opinions. The stuff he promoted is bad but just let a guy do his job.

To me this Kyrie thing is scary because this regime Can target anyone - your no longer allowed to have weird opinions. Isaac Newton had some weird opinion. In the modern world he’s not discovering gravity. The weird people are necessary.

I strongly advise everyone here boycotts woke brands. It’s important that we end this culture and the only way we get back to normal is fighting fire with fire.

Also I guess Musks is having some advertising issues at Twitter because he doesn’t bow down. I strongly advise trying to support businesses that you see ads for on twitter.

I wouldn’t be shocked if blacks are the next group to join the GOP. Lots of weird opinions in that community and basically anyone middle class has some wrong think so it’s clear that culturally their not a fit with Dems.

Nike, NBA, and Disney are dead brands to me. Actually really like Star Wars and here there’s a good new series out but I can’t watch it.

This is an argument that left likes to make. Someone makes an argument based on science in this case psychology and the normal response by those groups is accuse the others opinion of being racists if they are unable to directly rebut the idea. In this case you are using rape culture. It’s fine if you don’t want to debate an idea but you are basically just making a witch accusation instead of contributing anything.

Im a little drunk on thanksgiving. Can someone tell me the pope having lunch with transgenders is false.


This was low effort. I think a 7-day ban is too much. But this is still something where as a Catholic you would be like what I’m seeing has to be wrong. I will eat it. This isn’t an unworthy culture war post if it fact checks which from Hannania I assumed he did.

Think you are forgetting the amount of education of a high school grad even one going to an elite school.

Africans just haven’t figured into the big world events that high school kids don’t know. They’ve had zero influence on major ideologies, political systems, communism versus capitalism etc. The course is either going to be about soul food, Tulsa race riots, and rap music or be a crt/Marxist indoctrination.

The former I think high school kids need training in bigger things or the latter is just woke training.

Roth may be the scariest person I have ever come across in my entire life. A straight out of comic book QANON casting Jewish Gay Grooming Pedohpile who actually controls all speech proclaiming that his type doesn’t exists.

I don’t know if he’s actually a groomer; I do feel very confident that he’s completely out of touch with most America. Lots of negative kid vibes. Maybe he just writes and tweets a lot so easy to dig up something but he still seems to be not representative of society.

Musk should probably tone it down some and not risks alienated users. It would be better to maintain a strong platform.

I don’t see indisputable evidence he’s morally or intellectually wrong here. He went to far for sure but he’s fundamentally correct about the issues of your school shootings as a political opportunity to take away gun rights. In this area I believe he’s morally and intellectually in the right.

He’s should pay out a little bit on this because he went too far but morally he’s on my side and not the side I find troubling of politicizing school shootings.

Why does that matter? He killed the right people (communists). And put the country on a path to have the highest per capita income in the region.

It’s not like these other dictators didn’t kill and imprison people.

End of day unions steal from other workers. They only have market power if there is a bottleneck. Longer term you can just hirer other people. But in a constant cost business they just drive up prices for everyone else.

Or since this is the auto industry and exposed to free trade they end up bankrupting their firm and everyone just buys a cheaper Japanese car.

Nothing wrong happened to black Americans. Let’s think about the stats America imported something like 400k black slaves. Today we have 47.2 million black Americans. The richest black people in the world are American.

It’s literally one of the most successful ethnic communities in the entire world.

Anyone in Africa who had a choice between getting enslaved or not for the long turn evolutionary success of his gene pool would choose enslavement.

Trans isn’t my outgroup. They don’t exist as a people

This is a really good funny video in my opinion. I advise everyone to watch

this video.


Kind of curious if Dems can even attack this since he’s black. I believe his arguments stand even if your not Christian. I basically agree with him but I’ve been calling tran a mental illness instead of demons.

It’s simple. Trans is bad. It’s not a demo. It’s a mental illness. Like would you drink a beer that promotes Hitler?

The NATO fear (which is irrational) dates back centuries. I also never said it was genetic. It’s cultural and educationally transmitted.

There’s no evidence Donbas wanted to join Russia. There’s never been independent not occupied votes.

Let’s remember Germany was spending like 1.3% of gdp on defense. Those areas that could have been “invasion” threats had already decided to unilaterally disarm.

I read an article from Zerohedge recently that listed a bunch of conspiracy theories that will be proven true on 2023. After well every conspiracy theory last year seems to have been proven true. I can’t find the article right now. I read thru their list and thought all the conspiracies were dumb and basically every conspiracy theory that seemed to be likely true has already been proven true.

I have two questions?

  1. What conspiracy theories still exists that haven’t moved into the >50% now think is likely true.

  2. Presuppose theirs a potential snitch who has all the documents and proof to show the world that the conspiracy your running in fact does exists. Is there any reason to kill him or you should just let the culture war battle happen and not worry about going to jail etc.

Maybe my mind isn’t curious enough to see new conspiracies but it does feel like a lot of them were checkmarked true the last year.

Im 100% against him apologizing. You don’t apologize to the woke mob. You don’t apologize for your weirdness. Enforced compliance is worse than him having weird views.

No one things blue tribe Jews are at risks. Red tribe Jews perhaps.

The Christians took over many pagan Holidays. Here’s a quick google summary. https://parkervillas.com/pagan-holidays-adopted-by-christianity/

Every upstart religion tries to conquor the old religion and that means incorporating the old Holidays so the plebs get their celebrations. This isn’t some accident we picked Easter it was bound to happen at some point. More a declaration of war.

If we all become trans religion then Good Friday is going under the knife day and Easter Sunday is rising a women.

You sort of need to do an extreme version of “1% of land” to make your point. And then say that they killed 30k of them without saying why.

Yes your experiment sounds bad. But it’s not what is happening.

Alternatively what if White S Africans took power back. Due to HBD factors they grew the economy significantly. To the point that a laborer is S Africa could make 5X his wage in S Africa versus the country next door. For all intents and purposes he’s a lower class S African with low status but his standard of living is fairly high.

This is closer to the truth of what Israel is offering Palestinians.

Can you explain to me how a 2-state solution would solve Israel’s issues in the Middle East. This all started because Palestine attacked Israel. Israel then counter-attacked. Iran wanted to mess with the Saudis and armed Houthis to attack Americans.

To be honest this war doesn’t even have anything to do with the Jews. It’s a Saudi-Iran proxy war.

And if we do a 2-state solution and Israel isn’t allowed to fight back what is your proposal?

I feel like you are not speaking clearly here since you completely ignored where should the Jews go if they aren’t allowed to defend themselves.

I no longer believe that. Within reason free speech is fine. If it threatens everything else then I don’t.

I’ve said before and maybe got a ban for it but I had no problem with Chile killing all the communists. And that made them the richest country south of us. I’m fine with saying free speech is good within our culture. I’m fine with free speech for people who don’t threaten the state. I got no love of free speech that Can conquor me.

There is a difference between support for Gaza and support for Hamas? I thought they won an election.

There is a lot of assumption here that the free market wouldn’t have done a lot of the things as we got richer anyway. Unions always claim they did that but realistically free markets would have done the same thing.

Google isn’t unionized. I hear they have some great working conditions.

I disagree, some industries have short term bottlenecks but medium term they can hire and train.

And yes I will stick with its stealing. It violates market principles.