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User ID: 1331



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User ID: 1331

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What have people of this forum been doing with all this new AI technology - GPT etc?

Or was there already a thread for this?

I have seen several things that are impressive but frivolous - anything actually useful?

Is there a website to tell me what I should try doing with AI?

Have I got news for You (HIGNFY)

Here I will discuss a British TV comedy panel quiz show about current political events, running from 1990 to present day.

Today, I believe it has followed the example of other shows, and became bad.

Team captains

  • Ian Hislop - a short-ass, posh and sometimes self-righteous sort. When he makes a gag about someone, you can imagine being one of his toadies at their posh school, laughing away at the stupid poor person.

  • Paul Merton - a non-posh, sometimes miserable acting, very quick witted.


  • Angus Deayton until 2003, when he was caught shagging. He then appeared on the show shortly after - was very funny! Good for him having the balls to appear on the show.

Notable events

Peter Mandelson

  • A politician

  • outed as a gay on the Newsnight show - not sure about the timing of this as regards HIGNFY episodes

  • often accused of financial irregularity.

So the joke is - suspected gay politician - has dodgy deals involving properties.

Ian Hislop: "So this is about Peter Mandelson, who is suspected of being a home.... owner"

Mandelson was a frequent butt of gags from the show. One time during this, it was called out by (of all people), Jackie Mason. "I think this show is disgusting for saying that".

Guest contestant Piers Morgan

I had no idea who this was when he went on the show.

It was soon made clear, you are not supposed to like him.

An exchange with Piers Morgan and Ian Hislop

PM (answering one of the quiz questions): "Is it jam? As I remember Eddie Izzard said that last week and I found it funny"

IH: "Yes but people like him"

This is demonstrating the sad truth that people can be dicks about laughing at gags, depending on who says them.

Superintendent Chalmers from the Simpsons would certainly agree.

Who among us has not made a fine gag at the office to crickets, when if they were someone people liked, would have gone down a storm.

Often Paul Merton would just say some bizarre shit to great reception, that would not go well if uttered by Morgan or some other unpopular type.

Also there was a mean-ness about the show - especially while Angus Deayton was the chairman - the 2 Team Captains being a couple of pricks to him.

Guest chairman Bruce Forsyth

One of my favorite episodes. What a man Bruce Forsyth was.

Guest contestant and chairman Boris Johnson

Appeared in several episodes. Extremely funny guy.

Post ends

Despite some complaints I have, I will always have affection for this show, as watched with parents and family as a child. It is the man in the arena who counts etc.


12 Days of Christmas

Jerusalem by Willam Blake & Hubert Parry (not a Christmas carol but still highly recommended)

Two items of British humor.

Item 1 - TV episode - https://youtube.com/watch?v=pOlSHw_y0Lw

Harry and Paul's Story of the Twos.

A look back at the history of BBC two.

Item 2 - Video game - Not for Broadcast

I don't know how I never heard about this - made in 2018.

Be the producer on a live news show - choose the camera angle, bleep out the swearing, change cameras to avoid the nudist protestors at a sporting event.

1980s UK, with tyrannical far-left government just elected.

One of funniest games I ever played. Haven't finished it yet.

There are dreadful musical numbers that are extremely funny.