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joined 2023 June 18 18:35:56 UTC


User ID: 2510



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2023 June 18 18:35:56 UTC


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User ID: 2510

I've been lurking this community since the /r/slatestarcodex days and I've finally registered for the first time just to say that this is absolutely the worst kind of post.

You've been presented with a massive ironclad statistically significant block of data on the relationship between those silly irrelevant IQ tests and real-world competence, and it utterly refutes your position on the subject.

And what's your response to this? A pithy joke, about how McNamara was a high IQ moron, and for what? Disregarding the value of standardized IQ testing? Kind of giving up the game, aren't you?

You would have been right behind McNamara talking about how his morons had hustle and moxy and what do those eggheads know with their tests anyway?

There's absolutely no reason anyone should take you seriously as a poster after posts like this. In any case I'm relurking, enjoy your ongoing career as Libertarian Darwin for as long as the moderators continue letting you rack up infinite temp bans.

This is hysterical. You made a bunch of specific claims about the author, got refuted, and stuck your fingers in your ears. Just awful.

Listen, you criticized an author for not making a bunch of personal life choices that, oops, it turns out he did make. Then you criticized him for having a view of history that begins with WW2, when apparently he's written extensively about several different eras of history. Then you just doubled down nonsensically.

What exactly is anyone supposed to take away from this? Maybe you should just rewrite the post without all the sneering and fanfiction and try again.

I don't particularly like having all my posts be in response to you, but I also can't be motivated to post unless someone not only makes a bad argument but also rides it into the ground with their middle finger up, and that just happens to be a niche you have a monopoly on these days.

Probably has something to do with the fact that you're the only poster who can post shit talk like...

I would like to argue that it's not my fault that these people are morons who can't read. but intellectual integrity require that I acknowledge that communication is a two way street

...and get away with it despite having been temp banned a billion times. If Joe Blow rolled in off the street and pulled that shit he'd be history. Even Darwin managed to be superficially polite and mostly just stopped responding when he was really being handed an L.

There are limits to how far I'm willing to bend over backward in order to find a boring explanation. I'm pretty sure they didn't pull up within half a mile of a software bug, check it with naked eyes, and watch it make them eat dust.

There could be a large-scale psyop perpetuated by the military to convince not only Grusch but also multiple members of Congress that there are aliens when, in fact, there are not

China is either observing physics-defying hypersonic craft with no control surfaces, etc. etc. etc., or they aren't. If they aren't then this dog and pony show isn't going to scare them very much.

another is to gin up fear to convince Congress to write another blank check for yet another government program

Having your fake whistleblower accuse you of misappropriating funds before Congress seems like a counterproductive move in this case.

We're past the point where innocent mistake is a plausible explanation. Either there are aliens, or there's a conspiracy to make us think there are, with fake video and servicemen lying under oath.

The latter is entirely possible and should be overwhelmingly certain, but damn some people are really reaching for motives. When I see theories like maybe the US wants to destroy its own credibility, or maybe it does things for literally no good reason at all, it just reinforces the idea for me that there's no good explanation.

Just make some fake videos, put them online, and get some celebrities to retweet them. Don't drag Congress into it by having a patsy go there and accuse you of misappropriating funds.

Who cares? All you're trying to do is fill the infosphere surrounding the subject with bullshit. If you could somehow create a program where taking pictures of random airborne objects and posting them online earned people free tacos, that would pretty much do the trick.

If you say so buddy, but from over here this just looks like a completely bespoke definition of "when things need explanations" cut out of whole cloth for no reason other than to let theists off the hook.

I'll be honest, it mostly comes off as word salad. Is there any particular reason to take seriously the idea that being "unchanging" somehow equates to a free pass when it comes to causality, other than the fact that it's convenient for theists?

It just sounds the same as telling me that god has the property of being "fnuh" and that fnuh things don't need to come from anywhere.

Like science has pushed the god of the gaps so far off into irrelevance that the only theistic rhetorical tactic left is to hope they can convince someone that they don't need any evidence outside of their own skulls at all.

How low does activity here need to drop before things aren't working as intended anymore? Will you be happy with one post per week as long as it's four times longer than it needed to be?

Every time I ask a prog in the wild what the word "woman" means they either define it as itself and pretend they don't know what circular logic is, or act like it's a ridiculous gotcha question nobody could possibly answer. It's an incoherent nonsense ideology.

If this guy bites it without breaking any actual rules, who's actually going to believe that it was for not posting about "other stuff" enough? Just ban him for posting badthought too cogently and spare us this kind of farce.

I run win11 and I don't understand why none of this is ringing a bell for me.

He's doing a killer job of things, too. This was an actually decent effortpost that had nothing to do with the J-word but was still Nazi-adjacent enough to make sure everyone knew what he was doing.

Combine this level of dedication with his ability to not just break down and call people horse fuckers, and they're going to have to REALLY bend over backwards to get rid of him.

Mods should probably specify what proportion of X to not-X posts are allowed.

So yes, fluff everything out to triple length with AI, but don't admit it, got it.

This always seemed transparently obvious to me. The AI race should be modeled as a bunch of scheming sorcerers hissing "Ultimate power must be MINE at all costs!" because everything else is kayfabe. The first time some EA types thought they could actually pump the brakes on something of consequence they were metaphorically murdered and thrown in a ditch instantly as the nearest megacorp swooped in to clean up.

I mentioned this deep in the guts of some other thread, but everyone is modeling this race wrong and buying into the kayfabe too much. Your mental model of this race should consist of a bunch of sinister scheming wizards gazing into their scrying orbs and hissing "Ultimate power must be MINE ALONE at any cost!" Everything else is varying degrees of prevarication and misdirection.

Some of these necromancers want to crush their enemies, get rich, normal shit like that. Others want to create god, or become god, or uplift kangaroos to sentience so they can marry one, or god knows what. Point is, the safetyists never stood a chance. At best they're pawns to be swept aside when they become inconvenient. If ultimate godlike power is on the table, there was never going to be anything but a mad scramble for it.

Europe doesn't have anything. The entire EU together couldn't come up with its promised million shells. Meanwhile North Korea just pulls that out of its back pocket when Russia calls. It's not a video game, they can't just magically turn GDP into ammunition and arms factories instantly.

Doesnt need to be instant. I havent seen this deficit of european arms and great north korean bonanza result in significant russian victories.

You've seen the Ukranian counteroffensive flop while NATO officials openly tell you to "expect bad news" in days to come.

To carry on war, three things are necessary: money, money, and yet more money.

No, you need weapons, which come from factories, which the west by and large doesn't have anymore. The US hopes to produce 100k shells per month by fiscal year 2026, while Russia is expected to ramp up to 2 million per year in the next couple years. Meanwhile the EU says a lot of happy horseshit but gets dunked on by North Korea singlehandedly.

Let's talk about pattern recognition. According to the progressive viewpoint, we're supposed to believe that the correlation between IQ scores and life outcomes is some sort of coincidence. We're supposed to believe that IQ tests are somehow biased against blacks and in favor of whites, and just sort of ignore how people from India and China score.

We're supposed to believe that tech companies are thick with a form of white racism that loves those Indians and Chinese but hates blacks and Hispanics. We're supposed to believe that the differences in development between Asia and Africa are total historical happenstance.

We're supposed to look at the great black uplift project that has spent fifty or sixty years accomplishing practically nothing concrete, and just nod along with those progressives when they assure us that this failure has absolutely nothing to do with those pesky IQ scores. We're supposed to avoid noticing that "structural racism" only really seems to keep those low-IQ races down.

There's an entire litany of convoluted unfalsifiable pseudo-religious argumentation that's required to explain why the world we live in just happens to look and function exactly like an HBD/IQ world but totally isn't really.

But we're the ones not recognizing patterns. Right.

So if mainstream Christians tolerated and supported Westboro in public and refrained from criticizing them, you'd totally give them a pass as long as someone told you that-- trust me bro-- they get an ambiguous amount of pushback somewhere in private that nobody knows about?

I doubt that very much.

If trans activists aren't pushing back at the crazies anywhere that anyone else can hear them, then there's absolutely no reason to exepct anyone else to care. Mumbling about how the media works is just empty excuse-making for the deafening silence.

I can avow that when I was a crabby internet atheist in my teens/20s, I was not exposed to whichever Christians were disavowing the WBC. 'Why won't Christians denounce the WBC' was a big Atheist talking point for years on end.

Gosh if only someone had come along back then and posted a vague "trust me bro" anecdote about Christians ambiguously denouncing the WBC behind closed doors. That totally would have been a cogent and meaningful response to that particular atheist talking point... right?

If you want to have a standard of 'the denouncements have to be big and publicized enough that their opponents hear them and are convinced', then no, Christians didn't meet that standard back then.

I like how you try to make this standard sound unreasonable. Like if everyone were reasonable they'd just ignore the entire public face of the trans activist movement and instead base their perception on your little post about how you totally saw them denounce their crazies in private once.

The only interesting thing about the accelerationist vs safetyist wars is that for some reason the safetyists actually thought they were still going to matter once big money and the military-industrial complex decided what should be. EA hangers-on writing papers for their pet think tanks are just lucky they're unserious enough people to be sidelined through board wrangling and don't need to be thrown off any bridges.

I'm just going to go straight to another 30-day timeout, and probably a permaban the next time you do this.

You should probably make note in the rules that only Hlynka gets infinite temp bans. People seem to be getting confused.